The more eagle eyed within The ConCen Horde may have noticed that the tracker stat refreshment times were off by 5 hours. A stat refreshed 17 seconds ago would report that it was refreshed 5 hours ago. Although this was caused by the server experiencing time displacement from jet lag, the staff voted to assign the blame to you.
Your only option for redemption is to make a generous donation to the ConCen Rejuvenation/Liposuction Fund (CR/LF). Our patrons' financial support ensures the server can continue to live a pampered jetsetting lifestyle while still enabling the sharing of the usual lighthearted content we're so famous for. Bravo donors!
How many authors know their stuff is on here and either dont give a shed or consider it good in terms of advertisement value or similar things in terms of people putting there stuff 2 good use like their original intent is anyway, maybe they ought to pay you for making the world a better place plus this stuff is so risky the conspiracy (and piracy) side of things that maybe they should pay you like ten to a hundred times the welfare allocation for rendering a public service with the danger factors involved....i heard in gta san andreas radio that americans strive to be number one even in homelessness and degeneracy, is this true?
My name is Nibs the Unnibbleable and I heartily endorse this proposal.
Doing some research, using "Search Entire Site" provided ZERO results...