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The Binary Sun with Walter Cruttenden.2009.39m.flv
Sirius the binary star with Walter Cruttenden.2009.24m.flv
Can you Remember what the color the Sun was when you were Young???
When a Child draws a picture of the Sun, they usually use the yellow crayon!!!
Have you taken a really good look at the Sun lately??? ITS Bright White!!!
Have you ever seen a Light bulb just as it burns out??? One Huge White Flash!!!
Most now Believe We are in A Binary Star System; All Great things come in twos!!!
Everything has both Yin and Yang aspects. There is another Half to our Star System!!!
So if our Sister Sun is heading at us………..
Wouldn’t this Also mean we are heading towards IT at the same TIME???
What kind of (ACTION At a Distance) will we SEE??? Or has it Already Started???
Could A Moon or Hollow Planet really be Ancient Fallout Shelter???
Built thousands of Years ago to survive the NEXT time Earth is Destroyed???
Let’s take a good Look at what this Comet will do to the Surface of Earth!!!
Will all the water Slosh over the Surface of the globe at high Velocity???
Just how much Water/Ice will this Dark Star bring with it???
Have you ever wondered where the moon came from?
Have you ever contemplated how the asteroid belt Came to be?
These are basic things to WONDER about!! We need everyone’s help!! Do your part!!
When the student is ready, the teacher will present one’s self.
Come help us figure this mystery OUT!!!!
No matter what your color or belief or age, YOU can be a scientist!!
Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science!!
TRUE POSITIVE things happen all around YOU!!!
Your Children, (ARE) Tomorrow's LEADERS!!!-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>
These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!
NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!
We are here for Research ONLY!!
If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!
---->>> includes:
PLANET X IN DENDERA'S ZODIAC & IN SENMUT'S TOMB.2009 in two languages!!!
(Slovenská verzia nasleduje za anglickou)
author: RNDr. Pavel Smutný
Secret of Dendera's Zodiac
Secret of this zodiac is in his astronomical meaning. It could be an important astronomical discovery. Original Dendera's Zodiac is placed in museum in Louvre, Paris. Copy of this zodiac is in Dendera.
Persons, animals, signs which are inside of zodiac are celestial bodies as planets, Sun, tenth planet (X), constellations...
They can also simply show directions and shapes of orbits of planet X, when these one is crossing or is to near to orbit of particular planet of our solar system.
Circumpolar constellations of southern sky are completely visible only from southern hemisphere (from Southern America, from Australia...). After detailed analysis of signs and of constellations was clear, that in central part of Dendera's Zodiac are depicted constellations, which are surrounding southern pole of sky, that there are southern circumpolar constellations. Egypt and Dendera too but are situated on northern hemisphere, so it was not possible, that there were painted such constellations as circumpolar constellations. It was perhaps only in case, that Earth was overturned and northern pole became southern and vice versa. Constellations (on picture denderasouth) Tucana with Pavo and with Triangulum Australe form statue of hippopotamus. Octans is umbrella, which is hold by hipo. Leg of horse is formed by Dorado and Chamaeleon. Big Magellans Cloud is node, which is placed on middle part of leg of horse. Hydrus and Horologium are on Dendera's Zodiac painted as fox connected on falcon and on another fox leaning on baboon. Directions and positions of mentioned stars formations are in coincidence with real star maps (used was mirror image) . These facts are convincing proof, that Earth was overturned during Egyptian history.
Part 2.
When I had for the first time partly understood Dendera's Zodiac it was clear for me, that this is message from ancient civilization or from the rest of it. They wanted let us know, what had destroyed their world and what we can await in the future. Maybe, this is part from Thovts lost book. On zodiac painted path of man holding stick, paths of star, of falcon, of fox and of another ones show us, what celestial bodies (planets, planet X,...) had caused during one or more periods of precession cycle, or what were their collisions. Here are maybe the most important events in our solar system history during last n times 25800 years
If we want to know every possibility for path of X in our solar system, we must know what way and what sources of gravitational forces are influencing X, planets and Sun on their orbital paths. Normally in case of two celestial bodies the paths are ellipses with various eccentricity. Examples are thereinbefore. If we have more bodies, so the paths are not exact elliptical, but look like paths on enclosed pictures. Sun has got also path, but with smaller diameter than X. This orbiting of Sun is probably purpose for precession with period 13000 years, or 26000 years. It looks so, because per 100 years is shift in zodiac 1 deg and 23 minutes.
According to now valid theories is precession caused by not homogeneous distribution of mass of Earth and by gravitational forces from Moon, Sun and planets. According me is precession caused by reposing of circular motion of Earth around Sun with elliptical motion of Sun, which is as second part of binary star with X. When nutations on precession motion of Earth are caused by gravitational forces of Moon and of planets, why should be so long time of precession (26000 or 13000 years (compare with one period of rotation of Earths axis-24 hours and with one year long rotation of Earth around Sun) be caused by other forces than by gravitational forces in composite orbital motion of Earth and Sun (in binary with X)?
Way of gazelle (looks like fox).
If X is 10x heavier than Jupiter and if X is 10x nearer to Earth than Jupiter, so gravitational force from X is 1000 x bigger and gravitational tidal force is 10000 x bigger than force of Jupiter.
In our solar system planets have mentioned wavy-zigzag motion too. This sort of motion is but nearly invisible in normal situation in solar system, because forces from planets influencing one another are very soft.
Influences of gravitational (maybe also of electromagnetic...) forces from planets (also from Sun and Moon) on human bodies and minds depends from positions of these celestial bodies on their orbits around Sun. There are standing waves, maxima and minima, impulses from compound fields. Theoretical physics can not till now exactly describe, what is happening in such situations (when there are more sources of gravitational forces), but it does not mean, that efects of such compositions not exist. Astrology on opposite side handle with such efects, because people are sensitive on mentioned forces. It is particularly valid during gravidities.
If we see pictures with orbital paths of X and of Sun it is clear, that also Sun is moving quite quickly and is changing direction of motion quickly when X is close to it..
Results of such motions of X, Sun, planets is even more stronger zigzag motions of every planet, of Sun and also of planet X .
/Correction of Sitchins and of others researches /
author : RNDr. Pavel Smutny in cooperation with Z. Egry
After reading of books like 12th planet, Return to Genesis,... written by Z. Sitchin and from another sources (Wiesner, Wojnar, Zelezny, Grygar, biblical sources like Book of Josue, Book of Job, Babylonian Enuma Elish, Mayan, Hopi, Egyptian, Sumerian myths and legends) and after phys. astronomical calculations I decided to make some changes in Nibirus theories and to make myself ones. I made consultations with Z. Egry, who is expert on Egypt. mythology and astronomical and astrological theories, myths...Theories concern to path of Nibiru in solar system, concern to mass, volume of Nibiru and concern to mutual reactions among Nibiru and planets and moons in our solar system.
Nibiru is planet /or rest of sun from another solar system/, which rotates around our Sun on elliptic path with big eccentricity. The angle between this path and our ecliptic is about 17 deg. This angle should be the same as the angle of path of Pluto. It is written in Enuma Elish, where Pluto was renamed on US.MI-Who shows the way. This angle-17 deg has got also big part of comets in our solar system. In Enuma Elish is also written, that Nibiru returns on place of Battle-place, where was destroyed Tiamat. It had been planet, which was orbiting sun between Jupiter and Mars. After crossing the plane of ecliptic so goes Nibiru in direction on path of Venus, where Nibiru is in perihelia-about 114000000km from Sun and about 30 mil km above Venus.
If you make model of such situation you can find, that Nibiru goes from battle place /2-2.66AU from Sun-according diagram of Bode or Enuma Elish/ nearly 15-mil. km above path of Mars, 15mil. till 25 mil. km above path of Earth and 30 mil. km above path of Venus to perihelia and then goes back. The distance between path of Nibiru and path of Jupiter is nearly, from Saturn, Uranus or more. If we count in also motions of planets toward X caused by gravitational force of X, so distances of planets from X could been shorter. But although the distances among outer planets and Nibiru are longer, than it is at inner planets , speeds (of X and of planets) are smaller and so the time of stay in their neighbourhood is longer. Result from these facts is very big influence of Nibiru on each planet in our solar system, but it is not in each return of Nibiru to perihelia / especially for outer planets.
For Earth is dangerous-causing cataclysm (big floods...), probably one of 2 or 3 or even only1 from 9 (or alike ) meetings with Nibiru.
Fact, that Nibiru is influencing each planet in our solar system is mentioned in many legends and myths of various nations. Simultaneously with cataclysm on Earth were there even worse on Mars (destroyed atmosphere and hydrosphere), from Earth visible change of color of Mars, what is mentioned in some legends. Change of color of Venus,even then Venus was visible with cometic tail.
Nibiru effect on planets but not only with own gravitational force, here is also gravitational force of Nibirus satellites, which are orbiting Nibiru and can approach to Earth on some millions km. Nibiru also has got ring similar to rings of Saturn, Jupiter or Neptune...-according Enuma Elish. Satellites of Nibiru are probably in distances till 30 mil. km from mother planet. It could not be more because if it was more in perihelia thus these satellites and ring could be totally evaporated or overtaken by gravitational force of Sun.
What is happening with ring and with satellites of Nibiru in perihelia?
Similar to comets-water and some other frozen liquids are evaporating and with small particles forced (by pressure of sun wind, quick particles and photons) to make big tail and leave gravitational sphere of Nibiru.
When is average comet in perihelia water, fumes, particles and small pieces are released -it is some tens thousands tons per second. Nibiru has got ring and from this ring ,satellites, atmosphere it could be millions times more (of evaporated water,...).
When Earth is crossing such tail there is rain and meteoritic rain from heaven (meteorites are mainly from iced water). This rain could be source of changes of level of water in oceans. Level of water in oceans had risen 50-100m after each flood. There are scientific proofs that such changes were in Earths history (terraces in steps -50/100m under see level are evident).
What can cause Nibiru and his companion when they are close to Earth?
It is change of orbital speed and direction of this speed of Earth.
As a result is other lent of year, changes in position of poles and magnetic poles. In humans history are mentioned years with 365, 360, 260... days. Earth is swinging when Nibiru is to close-even can redraw Earth. North pole was after those changes there, where was south pole. Sun was rising not from east but from west...Such changes are mentioned in Egyptian history more times.
But not only length of years had changed, also length of day was then other. Gravitational force of Nibiru or of his months can it cause.
How is influencing Nibiru on water cover of Earth-especially oceans. When is Nibiru close to earth-20+-15 millions km his gravitational force on Earth is nearly 35 days nearly from the same direction. Tidal forces from our Month are functioning on the same place on Earth surface from the same direction only 6 hours-for 90degr. angle/. When we read Genesis-during big flood there was rain for 40 days, 150 days water was above highest mountains >5000m high Ararat, then it begun to drop.
So if normal tidal from our Month is till 20m and gravitational force from
Nibiru is affecting from 50 times longer distance /Fgravit.-tidal=k.M.d/L3 / -for 50 times longer time and influence is 250 times bigger-5000m tide-it makes this result-mass of Nibiru is // F/tidal/~1/L3.//
equals to mass -minimum 20 times mass of Jupiter, or little more. (See also picture in below). In case, when path (positions) of Nibiru and path (orbit) of Earth are too close, so Earth can be moved toward Nibiru about 5 millions km closer till 10 millions or on little less distance. But also for mass of Nibiru is than result, that it is more than 5 times of mass of Jupiter.
Why is not possible that Nibiru is causing big flood on Earth, if its motion is like path predicted by Sitchin and by others?
In such case is minimal distance between Nibiru and Earth more than 100 mil. km (perihelia of Nibiru somewhere in band of asteroids). When mass of Nibiru is 1/40 of mass of Sun, so influence on Earth is smaller than influence of Moon on Earth. Even angle between ecliptic and the path of Nibiru is in this case less then 17 deg. Time of gravitational effect on the some part of Earth surface in such case is short-only hours, not many days.
The part of decorations of Hathor temple in Dendera is also zodiac which is on sides of staircase in mentioned temple. There are two long reliefs which are painted with constellations of zodiac and these signs are in regular distances. Motion goes from faces of depicted big persons, who symbolize firmament with stars. There are statues of bearded man and of woman (or young man). These persons show through stretched hands and by faces direction of motions for constellations.
Hand of woman shows direction of motion from sign of Capricorn through Sagittarius, Scorpio till Leo. Bearded man gives direction of motion from Aquarius through Fishes till Cancer. It is opposite to previous direction. Why is it so?
Planet X had over turned Earth at its approach and it was written to zodiac.
North pole became South pole and vice versa. Result of it was also fact, that Sun begun to sun rise on West, not on East. Southern constellations became Northern and Northern became Southern. Precession motion of constellations changed direction about 180 degrees. Constellations began to move in opposite direction in that time. This change happened in sign of Cancer and Cancer is also only one constellation of zodiac which is ejected from direction on which are others signs. There is sign of celestial body with cometic tail next to Cancer. This body is enough symbolic for planet X at its perihelia in Cancer.
If we consider precession motion for relatively fluent motion, so (according this zodiac) over turn of Earth had happened before little less than 11000 years. Fluency of precession but was at perihelia of X to Sun violated, so this prediction could be inaccurate. Another important sign is doubled spiral. It looks also like overturned two numbers 8, which are connected on ends. This sign is in constellation of Virgo and symbolized shape of path of X ( look in direction of main half axis), how was described in my previous texts.
Here is used ambiguity. Either over turn in constellation of Cancer can mean every over turn of Earth, when X was in those times in periastron (from Earth was X visible in that time in constellation of Cancer), or another possibility is, that it was record of event, which had happened when Earth was in Cancer (now we have Pisces).
Sirius the binary star with Walter Cruttenden.2009.24m.flv*******
The Binary Sun with Walter Cruttenden.2009.39m.flv*******
A leap of cosmic proportions, Walter Cruttenden gave up his life in the financial world to research the possibility that our Sun might be part of a binary star system. As well as his ground breaking work at the Binary Research Institute, Walter has produced a documentary called The Great Year, the period of time it takes the equinox to traverse through all twelve constellations of the zodiac (precession of the equinox), or one binary orbit. Narrated by James Earl Jones, the film includes interviews with archaeologists, professors of history and astronomy, and other experts all describing facets of the Great Year or the possibility of a binary motion. Our goal was to make the subject interesting (includes 18 minutes of animation and original music scores) and raise awareness of the profound implications of the binary motion.
In his book, The Lost Star has moved one reader to state that "this book fills me with hope, hope that one day very soon we will have Heaven on Earth."
Could Astrophysics be wrong?
Walter Cruttenden continues his information from Part 1 where he boldly goes where no astrophysicist has gone before - naming the Sun companion as the brightest star in the sky, Sirius.
Sometimes called the Dog Star, the Hound, the Fox and even the Wolf, Sirius has been the subject of folklore for thousands of years across many different cultures. The most interesting link being to the Egyptian times, where the speculation is that the shaft from the Queen's chamber always points to Sirius.
His extremely well produced DVD, The Great Year, available below, has amazing graphics which makes this vast subject easy to understand and boasts a voice-over from none other than James Earl Jones. His companion book, The Lost Star has moved one reader to state that "this book fills me with hope, hope that one day very soon we will have Heaven on Earth."
To register for CPAK and contact Wlater directly, go to
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Mindscape-Planet X
Drum&Bass (SONG) Come listen:
These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!
NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!
We are here for Research ONLY!!
If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!
Much thanks to the original people who UP'd these!!! You who help Us on Our journeys!!
We WANT to:
Gather and cross-check vast amounts of knowledge in many dozen specialized fields from scientists and researchers around the globe in addition to studying hundreds of historical documents spanning back to the dawn of history. These fields include archeology, geology, astro, geo & quantum physics, ancient languages & civilizations, paleontology, ancient history, genetics and others.
Events shape our lives, even distant and dark ones. From the time I was a wee little one, I have stopped my fear of dark places. I pick up my torch and journey alone through darkened corridors leading down into bottomless caverns of events past. I stumble upon the remnants of an intricate puzzle, which I bring back with me, and in the quiet of my dreams, are assembled before me.
The turning of the stars bring a time when my secrets can give you immortality.
but when that time has passed, those fleeting minutes gone, the secret is worthless.
until once again the stars unlock its power.
Spomeniete si, aké farby slnka bolo, ked si bola mladá??
Ked dieta kreslí obraz Slnka, ktoré zvycajne používajú žltá pastelka!
Zúcastnil ste sa naozaj dobre pohlad na Slnko v poslednej dobe?? ITS Bright White!
Už ste niekedy videli žiarovka svetla rovnako ako zhasne?? Jeden obrovský biely Flash!
Väcšina teraz veríme, že sme v binárnej hviezdny systém; Všetky velké veci prichádzajú vo dvojiciach!
Všetko, co má ako Yin a Yang aspekty. Tam je další Polovica našich hviezdny systém!
Takže ak naša sestra Slnko je okruh u nás ... ... ... ..
Nebolo by to tiež znamenat, ideme k nemu v rovnakom case??
Aký druh (pôsobenie na dialku), uvidíme?? Alebo sa už zacala??
Mohol by Moon alebo Hollow Planet naozaj staré protiatomový kryt??
Postavený pred tisíc rokmi prežit Nabudúce Krajina je znicená??
Podme sa dobre Pozrite sa, co to urobí s kométou povrchu Zeme!
Všetci cakat voda nad povrchom planéty vo vysokej rýchlosti??
Kolko vody / Ice bude Dark Star priniest so sebou???
Premýšlali ste niekedy, kde mesiac prišli?
Už ste niekedy uvažovat, ako pásu asteroidov prišla byt?
To sú základné veci uvažovat o! Potrebujeme každého pomoc! Do vašej strane!
Ked je študent pripravený, bude ucitel súcasnej seba sama.
Podte nám pomôct postava tohto tajomstva OUT!!
Bez ohladu na to, co si farbu alebo viery alebo veku, môžeš byt vedec!
Challenge seba, svojich kolegov, svoje ucitela. Podielat sa na revolúciu vo vede!
Rozumiem, je to vaša svete! & Spolocne môžeme na to príst!
Ked sa všetci chápeme, ako moc sú rovnaké,
TRUE pozitívne, co sa stalo okolo Vás!
Vaše deti, (ARE) Zajtrajšia LÍDROV !!!-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>