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Planet X Breaks Open the Fountains of the Deep(SPACE).2009_YouRmomSnutZ

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Planet X Breaks Open the Fountains of the Deep(SPACE).2009

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Can you remember what the color the Sun was when you were Young???
When a Child draws a picture of the Sun, they usually use the yellow crayon!!!

Have you taken a really good look at the Sun lately??? ITS Bright White!!!
Have you ever seen a Light bulb just as it burns out??? A Huge White Flash!!!

Some say We are in A Binary Star System; All Great things come in twos!!!
Everything has both Yin and Yang aspects.
So if our Sister Sun is heading at us………..
Wouldn’t this Also mean we are heading towards IT at the same TIME???

Could A Moon or Hollow Planet really be Ancient Fallout Shelter???
Built thousands of Years ago to survive the NEXT time Earth is Destroyed???
Let’s take a good Look at what this Comet will do to the Surface of Earth!!!
Will all the water Slosh over the Surface of the globe at high Velocity???
Just how much Water/Ice will this Dark Star bring with it???

Have you watched any Lightning lately???
Somethings about to happen you can smell it!!!

Have you ever wondered where the moon came from?
Have you ever contemplated how the asteroid belt Came to be?
These are basic things to WONDER about!! We need everyone’s help!! Do your part!!

When the student is ready, the teacher will present one’s self.
Come help us figure this mystery OUT!!!!
No matter what your color or belief or age, YOU can be a scientist!!
Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science!!

TRUE POSITIVE things happen all around YOU!!!

Your Children, (ARE) Tomorrow's LEADERS!!!-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>


These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!

NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!

We are here for Research ONLY!!

If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!


---->>> includes:


1.Nibiru Revealed.2009.30m
New scientific discoveries are pointing us in the direction of TRUTH.
Nibiru will produce a paradigm shift of philosophical thought that will either plunge us back into the dark ages or birth the Day Star upon a new horizon.


2.Fountains of the Great Deep.Kevin Lea.2006.2h

(There is no preaching in this!! Only evidence,examples different hypothesis and ideas!
We just had a blast...watching this one!!!

Biblical and Scientific study of the world flood.

Scientific evidence and biblical accounts of how the world was flooded, Broken apart and deposited in layers. Also where did the water come from and where did it go? Does the bible say this will happen again? Will the earth roll over?
Let’s look at the Scientific evidence!
"And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered."
(Genesis 7:19-20 KJV)


3.Fountains of the Great Deep.Boat Animation.2008
this goes with fountains of the great next


The Day The Earth Nearly Died .2008 BBC

250 million years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the land and oceans teemed with life. This was the Permian, a golden era of biodiversity that was about to come to a crashing end. Within just a few thousand years, 95% of the lifeforms on the planet would be wiped out, in the biggest mass extinction Earth has ever known. What natural disaster could kill on such a massive scale? It is only in recent years that evidence has begun to emerge from rocks in Antarctica, Siberia and Greenland.
"At the end of the Permian you'd see virtually nothing alive"
Professor Peter Ward, University of Washington

The demise of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago (at the so-called K/T boundary), was as nothing compared to the Permian mass extinction. The K/T event killed off 60% of life on Earth; the Permian event 95%. Geological data to explain the destruction have been hard to find, simply because the rocks are so old and therefore subject to all kinds of erosion processes. It seems plausible that some kind of catastrophic environmental change must have made life untenable across vast swathes of the planet.
"A volcanic eruption ten thousand times larger than man has ever seen"
Professor Vincent Courtillon, University of Paris

The world's biggest volcanoes

In the early 1990s, the hunt for evidence headed for a region of Siberia known as the Traps. Today it's a sub-Arctic wilderness but 250 million years ago, over 200,000km² of it was a blazing torrent of lava. The Siberian Traps were experiencing a 'flood basalt eruption', the biggest volcanic effect on Earth. Instead of isolated volcanoes spewing out lava, the crust split and curtains of lava were released. And the Siberian flood eruption lasted for millions of years. Could volcanic activity over such a long time alter the climate enough to kill off 95% of life on Earth?

Vincent Courtillon used a much smaller flood basalt eruption, in Iceland in 1783, as the basis for some calculations. Writing in the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin (then American Ambassador in Paris) described 1784 as a year without a summer. Ash from the eruption blacked out the sky and crops failed across Europe. Courtillon extrapolated the climatic impact of the Siberian Trap eruption from the records of the Icelandic event. He deduced that a 'nuclear winter' lasting decades would be followed by rapid global warming due to the increased level of greenhouse gases in the post-eruption atmosphere.
"It's the equivalent of a billion atomic bombs going off at the same place"
Dr Michael Rampino, New York University

Vincent believes the disruption of cooling followed by warming could cause the Permian extinction but other geologists disagree. Peter Ward returned to the Siberian Trap data to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide - and global warming - that could result. His worst case scenario is a temperature rise of 5°C, enough to kill off many species but not the 95% wipeout that ended the Permian.

If the Siberian eruptions were not deadly enough, what other effects might be at work? To try to answer that, Michael Rampino set out to establish an even more fundamental piece of data: how long did the extinction take? He studied rock sedimentation rates in the Alps and concluded that the Permian killer had stalked the planet for just 8,000-10,000 years, far less than had been thought. His mind turned to ways of causing such catastrophic destruction in - on geological timescales - the blink of an eye. He wanted to explore the possibility of a meteorite strike.

The hunt for meteor evidence

Meteor strikes that wipe out life may sound like sci-fi but it's generally accepted that an impact sparked the K/T extinction and the end of the dinosaurs. That meteorite was 10km wide and left a crater in what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The dust raised by such an impact could make global temperatures plummet overnight. How big would any Permian meteorite have to be? Rampino suggests one just 50% bigger could cause sufficient environmental change. There is one huge flaw in this argument: where is the crater?
"The original crater is completely drowned by lava"
Adrian Jones, University College London

Adrian Jones models the effects of impact on the Earth's geological crust. He has a hunch that meteorite crater hunters are looking for the wrong thing. After an impact, the crust rebounds to form a large shallow crater. If the meteorite if truly massive though, an extra process occurs. The combined heat of the impact and rebound is enough to melt the crust. Lava floods through and the crater disappears beneath new crust. If he's right, the Permian meteorite crater can't be found because it doesn't exist.
"When a meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs it left ample evidence in its wake"
Greg Rettaleck, University of Oregon

All of which serves to help proponents of the meteorite impact theory. Its detractors, though, point out that meteors leave several trails in their wake - fragments of minerals that have come from space. Greg Rettaleck mounted an expedition in the mid-1990s looking at Permian rock beds in the Antarctic. Some of the quartz grains looked like they had been fractured by a very energetic process - a meteorite?

Although this was evidence for a strike of some sort, there were unanswered questions as well. The K/T meteorite left a trail of iridium - characteristic of space materials - around the world. Yet there is no evidence the Permian strike did the same.
"No need to guess any more... the whole extinction from beginning to end"
Paul Wignall, University of Leeds

Paul Wignall is a British geologist who doubts a meteorite caused the mass extinction 250 million years ago. In the late 1990s he had a hunch of a way to prove his beliefs, a good idea of where to look for new evidence: Greenland. Permian rocks are hard to find because they are usually just thin layers, yet his trip yielded rock beds metres thick. This was more than just new evidence; it was the best he could have hoped to find.

Carbon copious

The Greenland rock told a very different story to that Michael Rampino had found in the Alps. Instead of a rapid event of under 10,000 years, the extinction beds Wignall examined lasted 80,000 years and showed three distinctive phases in the plant and animal fossils they contained. The extinction appeared to kill land and marine life selectively at different times. Such a long process contradicted the catastrophic meteorite theory but Wignall couldn't explain what had come close to killing all life on Earth. His best clue was the carbon isotope balance in the rock, which showed an increase in carbon-12 over time. The standard explanation - rotting vegetation - could not have caused such a marked effect. Wignall was curious what this could mean.

An answer came from geologist Gerry Dickens, who knew just how to get large amounts of carbon-12 rapidly, thanks to his work with offshore drilling companies in the USA. He had spent time helping them try to tap reserves of frozen methane hydrate from the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. He knew methane hydrate is found around many of the world's coasts. Dickens wondered how large a rise in sea temperature was necessary to cause the solid chemical to gasify and ascend to the atmosphere. Experiments suggested a rise of 5°C would be sufficient. And he was amazed to see how much gas came from pieces of solid methane hydrate that were placed in water.
"The south of England would turn into the Sahara Desert"
Michael Benton, University of Bristol

When Paul Wignall learned of Dickens' findings, he used his carbon-12 data to estimate how much methane hydrate would have to be released to affect the isotope balance. Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases and he deduced that unlocking frozen methane hydrate would have caused a temperature rise of 4-5°C over time. Not enough to kill off 95% of life on Earth but he realised this was a compounded effect. A rise of about 5°C must already have occurred to prompt the frozen methane to melt. The combined temperature rise of 10°C is generally accepted as a figure able to cause truly mass extinction.

So it seems likely there were two Permian killers. The Siberian Traps did erupt, contributing first to a nuclear winter cooling effect (caused by dust) and and then to global warming (due to greenhouse gases). Over 40,000 years, some land animals gradually died out while life in the seas lived relatively calmly on, as the water temperature gently rose. Then the seas gave up their frozen methane. In just 5,000 years, there was massive loss of species from the world's oceans. In a third and final phase of the extinction, the Permian killer returned to stalk the land for another 35,000 years. By the end of that process, 95% of the Earth's species were extinct.


O Dia em que a Terra Quase Morreu.BBC.2008 (SPANISH LANGUAGE ONLY) 1 HOUR
250 Millones de años, mucho antes dinosaurios merodeaban la tierra, la tierra y los océanos cámaras con vida. Esta fue la Pérmico, una era dorada de la biodiversidad que estaba por llegar a un fin estrellarse en sólo unos pocos miles de años, 95?de la vida en el planeta sería eliminado, en la mayor extinción masiva Tierra ha conocido jamás. ¿Qué desastre natural podría matar en tal escala masiva? Es sólo en los últimos años que las pruebas ha comenzado a emerger de rocas en la Antártida, Siberia y Groenlandia.


ISSUES THAT MATTER MOST.4th Edition.PLANET X (& 2012) parts 12&3.2009.192 pages
WORM MOON: Tonight's full Moon has a special name--the Worm Moon. It signals the coming of
northern spring, a thawing of the soil, and the first stirrings of earthworms in long-dormant gardens.
Step outside tonight and behold the wakening landscape. "Worm moonlight" is prettier than it sounds.
COSMOS IS FALLING: The first fragments of shattered satellite Cosmos 2251 are about to reenter
Earth's atmosphere. According to US Strategic Command, fragment 1993-036PX will reenter on
March 12th, followed by 1993-036KW on March 28th and 1993-036MC on March 30th. These are
probably centimeter-sized pieces that will disintegrate in the atmosphere, posing no threat to people on
the ground.
Cosmos 2251 was shattered on Feb. 10th when it collided with another satellite, Iridium 33. Cosmos
2251 possessed nearly twice the mass of Iridium 33.

I believe the coming earth changes are the main reason for trying to speed up the process of getting people microchipped and their main motivation for tightening border controls. A mass panic would see people fleeing to high altitude areas and would quickly cripple and collapse the current power structure that these elitist snobs rely upon to execute their control over the populace.So what will happen? How will it get worse? What will we be experiencing in just a few years time? Some believe winds of upto 400 miles per hour will be one extreme weather we will have to cope with...No building could stand upto that unless dome shaped. The magnetic field of the incoming planet x could very possibly cause a pole-shift, and others believe the magnetic shield of earth will be brought down allowing lethal amounts of solar radiation to reach the surface of earth.They don't want you to know any of this, you won't hear this on the radio, you won't watch it on your TV, you wont read it in your newspaper. Go and listen to the archived shows on it
is probably one of the best sources of information out there on Planet X.
Regardless of where people say Planet X is currently located, and it varies, the evidence speaks for itself. Let's not also forget that scientist now know that over 90% of the solar systems in our galaxy are binary star systems. Looks like ours is too. The other common question is why can't we see it. Well we can't see the planets on the edge of our solar system because of poor visibility and sheer distance. Not to mention the fact that Planet X is believed to be a Dark Star. As it gets closer this will change.
Planet X is on an eliptical orbit, and passes the earth every several thousand of years according to a historical account given in the Kolbrin Bible. It would explain why we are able to find artifacts, man made artifacts that pre-date known civilisations. Because Planet X probably wiped them out too. Planet X is even mentioned in some of the worlds oldest ancient texts. Don't expect them to tell you the truth,there is too much at stake.


MESOPOTAMIA return to Eden.2008.1h.Seymour Hedke
Never before could you get this close to seven thousand years of history. Time Life’s Lost Civilizations combines cutting-edge digital effects technology with powerful dramatization. Dazzling spectacles re-create rituals and events-from the bloodletting of Maya kings and a pharaoh’s last journey to the secret pleasures of a Roman empress. Original location cinematography in 25
countries takes you fro Cuzco in Peru to Petra in Jordan. Computer graphics restore Egypt’s pyramids and the Great Wall of China with breathtaking accuracy. From ancient Mesopotamia to modern Tibet, lost worlds live again in these must-have DVDs! Mesopotamia, Return To Eden Explore the land of the Bible and see evidence of the world’s oldest civilizations. Ancient Egypt : Quest for Immortality. Discover the enduring legacy of the Pharaohs in the magnificent riches of their tombs and among the fragile relics of their mummies. Aegean, Legacy Of Atlantis : Follow the trail of clues that lead from the ancient myths of the Aegean world to their real-life counterparts. Greece, A Moment Of Excellence : Enter the extraordinary lives of the classical Greeks at the height of their civilization. China, Dynasties of Power : Witness the glory of ancient China’s greatest rulers and the secrets of their giant tombs. Rome, The Ultimate Empire : Enter the Colosseum alongside the gladiators and their foes as they prepare for battle. The Maya, The Blood Of Kings : Witness the dark rituals of human mutilation as the Maya rulers draw their own blood to offer to the gods. The Inca, Secrets Of the Ancestors : Witness the conquest of an Inca ruler at the pinnacle of his power. Africa, A History Denied : Uncover the hidden history of Africa’s great coastal kingdoms and its mysterious counterparts in the heartland of Zimbabwe and southern Africa. Tibet, The End Of Time : Follow the tale of glory and tragedy as a young boy-the reincarnation of the Tibetan God-King-witnesses the collapse of a timeless culture.

Actor Sam Waterston hosts this ten-part series that revisits ancient cultures on four continents. Dramatic re-enactments recall key historic events, and attractive location footage provides viewers with interesting information about the featured cultures. This episode examines the culture of the ancient Sumerians, who once lived in an area that's now part of Iraq. Some historians believe that these people built the world's earliest civilization.


Learning from History.Ancient Civilisation & the Golden Age.Edmund Marriage.2008.6 hours
Edmund Marriage, Independent Researcher, shows how the re-interpretation of ancient texts and modern science reveals extraordinary skills in the development of sophisticated agriculture and social organisation in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East 11,300 years ago. He shows that the domestication of plants and animals can be traced back to the Sumerian Kharsag (head enclosure) also known as the Garden of Eden, and gives an update on the research confirming the location of the site north of Mt Hermon in Southern Lebanon. The full lecture can be seen at

1.Ancient Civilisation and the Golden Age, Serpent Knowledge of the Shining Ones, the Watchers and the Druids

Edmund Marriage, Independent Researcher, shows how the re-interpretation of ancient texts and modern science reveals extraordinary skills in the development of sophisticated agriculture and social organization in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East 11,300 years ago. He shows that the domestication of plants and animals can be traced back to the Sumerian Kharsag (head enclosure) also known as the Garden of Eden, and gives an update on the research confirming the location of the site north of Mt Hermon in Southern Lebanon. (1hr 43mins)

2.Druidic Links from Eden/Kharsag to British Christianity

In studying the history of Jesus’ mission in Palestine and the British Church, we find that the ancient Druidic high culture, which could be described as the Abrahamic faith, had survived almost intact with the descendents of the Indo-European farming peoples, who entered the British Isles from around 4,000 BC, led
by the teachers and craftsmen of the God An.

The origins of our British Christian story is further confirmed by the Kharsag (head enclosure) Sumerian cuneiform texts, translated and published by Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien in the Genius of the Few. Our early British religious history cantering on Joseph of Arimathea and Glastonbury, is well supported by the most prominent Vatican historians. (1hr 37mins)

3.Diffusion of Farming, Farm Technology and Megalithic Construction, from the Garden of Eden around the World. 1hr 46m


Nibiru Visible 2011.2008.RUSSIAN LANG ONLY.30m


On Beyond.Archeology, Seismic Testing, Birth of an Ocean.UCTV.2009.30m
Explore how high tech applications helped to rewrite ancient history, the largest seismic test facility in North America and the birth of an ocean.
Series: On Beyond


An overview of Shenandoah National Park's geologic story.64 pages with pics.pdf


Climate Change.Past Present & Future.2009.1h30m
Peter Cedrowen Taylor holds an honours degree in Natural Sciences and a Diploma in Social Anthropology from Oxford University. He has over 25 years experience as a consultant scientist to environmental NGOs, government departments, agencies, inter-governmental bodies, the European Commission and Parliament and the UN. His range of expertise stretches from pollution and accident risk from nuclear operations, chemical pollution of the oceans and atmosphere, wildland and wildlife ecology and conservation, to renewable energy strategies and climate change. He has sat on several government commissions and research advisory bodies. (1hr 26 mins)


Clash.Of.The.Titans.(1981).DVD.AC3.480P FILM

Boy, for a movie about Greek Mythology They Sure do like Sumarian Art!!!HINT HINT
Lets take a close look at all the hidden items in this wonderful film!!!

With his grandson Perseus prophesied to bring about his destruction, King Acrisius of Argos casts his daughter Danae and her infant son out to sea in a wooden coffin. In retribution Perseus' father, the god Zeus, orders the god of the sea Poseidon to release an ancient monster known as the Kraken to destroy Argos. Meanwhile Danae and Perseus are safely brought to the island of Seriphos.

Calibos (the spoiled, prideful, and cruel son of Thetis the goddess of the sea) is a handsome young man destined to marry Princess Andromeda, the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and heir to the rich city of Joppa and eventually all of Phoenicia. As punishment for killing Zeus' entire sacred herd of flying horses (except for Pegasus) and his many other transgressions, Zeus transforms Calibos into a goat like monster who is subsequently shunned and forced to live as an outcast in the swamps and marshes. Thetis, furious at her son's fate, vows that if Calibos cannot marry Andromeda, no other man will either.

Equally infuriated by Zeus' total devotion for his own son, Thetis transports Perseus from Seriphos to Joppa. Befriended by the scholar and playwright Ammon, Perseus learns of Andromeda and her plight: she cannot marry unless her suitor successfully answers a riddle, and any suitor who fails to answer the riddle correctly is burned at the stake. Using a sword, shield, and a helmet that renders its wearer invisible, given to him by the gods, Perseus captures Pegasus and follows Andromeda's shade on her nightly journey to learn a new riddle from Calibos. Armed with the answer, Perseus is nearly killed by Calibos, but escapes.

Perseus appears at the next ceremony for a new suitor and answers the riddle correctly, presenting Calibos's severed hand and winning Andromeda's in marriage. At the temple to Thetis, Calibos prays to his mother Thetis to take vengeance on Perseus. Thetis tells Calibos that she cannot because Perseus is protected by Zeus, but she can take vengeance on Joppa.

At the wedding, Queen Cassiopeia compares Andromeda's beauty to that of Thetis herself, which angers the goddess. The statue of Thetis collapses and its head comes to life, demanding Andromeda as a virgin sacrifice to the Kraken in 30 days, else Joppa be destroyed.
The gorgon Medusa from the film.

Perseus seeks a way to defeat the Kraken. When Zeus commands Athena to give Perseus her owl, she instead orders Hephaestus to build the mechanical owl Bubo as an aid for Perseus. Bubo leads Perseus to the Stygian Witches, three blind women who disclose that the only hope of survival in combat against the Kraken is by using the head of another monster, Medusa the Gorgon. Once a beautiful woman, Medusa had been punished by the gods by being transformed by the goddess into a horrible monster. Meeting Medusa's gaze will turn any living creature to stone, including the Kraken. She makes her home on the Isle of the Dead, which lies across the River Styx, at the very edge of the Underworld. Perseus travels there and manages to kill her with help of his shield and collects her head. On his way back, he must first contend with giant scorpions and then with Calibos, whom he finally kills with Aphrodite's sword.

Just as Andromeda is about to be sacrificed to the Kraken, Perseus appears astride Pegasus, turns the Kraken to stone with Medusa's head, and frees Andromeda. The hero and heroine become constellations at the decree of Zeus, who does the same for Pegasus and Cassiopeia.


2012 - Book of Enoch Fallen Angeles.flv
Global Earth Changes.mp4
NASA Something controlling our satellites.flv
Planet X Human Origins and Anunnaki.flv
Secret Plan To Kill Internet By 2012 Leaked.flv
Tom Clancy's EndWar Game Trailer From Ubisoft.flv


Some Sick Drum & Bass for yo ears!!!

Madcap Ichi Ryu.Oldschool.August 2009.mp3
Soulintent podcast 4.2009.mp3

Come listen:



Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Mindscape-Planet X

Drum&Bass (SONG) Come listen:


These are for Planet X, Precession & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!

NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!

We are here for Research ONLY!!

If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!


Much thanks to the original people who UP'd these!!! You who help Us on Our journeys!!

We WANT to:
Gather and cross-check vast amounts of knowledge in many dozen specialized fields from scientists and researchers around the globe in addition to studying hundreds of historical documents spanning back to the dawn of history. These fields include archeology, geology, astro, geo & quantum physics, ancient languages & civilizations, paleontology, ancient history, genetics and others.

Events shape our lives, even distant and dark ones. From the time I was a wee little one, I have stopped my fear of dark places. I pick up my torch and journey alone through darkened corridors leading down into bottomless caverns of events past. I stumble upon the remnants of an intricate puzzle, which I bring back with me, and in the quiet of my dreams, are assembled before me.

The turning of the stars bring a time when my secrets can give you immortality.
but when that time has passed, those fleeting minutes gone, the secret is worthless.
until once again the stars unlock its power.

:wave: :wave: :wave: