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**Peace Revolution**\ **episode 080: JFK 50 Years Later / QUI BONO?**
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(`@TragedyandHope <>`__)**
**Reference Map to Episode 080**
`Click here to download this
episode. <`__
**(0m-1m) `Judge Jim Garrison on the Tonight Show with Johnny
Carson <>`__**
**(1m-4m) `President Lyndon B. Johnson casting doubt on the veracity of
the Warren Commission
Report <>`__, speaking with
World Federalist Walter Cronkite, who worked for Prescott Bush’s people
at CBS.**
**(4m-5m) Walter Cronkite describing the wound to the FRONT President
Kennedy’s neck, declared as an entrance wound which exited his back;
sampled from `Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination
Rarities <>`__**
**(5m-7m) `Robert F. Kennedy and RFK Jr. Disagree with Warren
Commission <>`__**
**(7m-10m) `The Latest News: RFK Jr. Skeptical of “Lone
Gunman” <>`__**
**(10m-14m) `Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy by James
Corbett, Episode
287 <`__**
**(14m-20m) sample clip from Judge `Jim Garrison vs. Johnny
Carson <>`__, January 31,
**(20m-22m) sample clip from `JFK Assassination Debate with Mark
Lane <>`__
vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964**
**(22m-29m) sample clip from `Forgotten Evidence: JFK
Conspiracy <>`__, linking
Nixon, Hoover, LBJ, and Mac Wallace to a meeting the night before the
Assassination in Dallas**
**(29m-33m) sample clip from `JFK Assassination Debate with Mark
Lane <>`__
vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964**
**(24m-28m) sample clip from `Forgotten Evidence: JFK
Conspiracy <>`__**
**(33m-37m) sample clip from `JFK Assassination Debate with Mark
Lane <>`__
vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964**
**(37m-42m) sample clip from `Forgotten Evidence: JFK
Conspiracy <>`__**
**(42m-43m) Judge Jim Garrison closing speech from `Forgotten
Evidence <>`__**
**(43m-1h45m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue**
**Self-Reliance playlist 1:**
**` <>`__**
**Self-Reliance playlist 2 (Advanced Autonomy):**
**` <>`__**
**The Origins of the word “Redneck”:
` <>`__**
**Graphical Grammar of a Leghold Trap:
` <`__**
**`J. Edgar Hoover in the 1956 Elks
Magazine <>`__,
primary source for quotation on the monstrous conspiracy.**
REPORT <>`__**
**`Documents relating to disposition of JFK
casket <`__**
**`JFK Casket Buried at Sea: Map of Disposition of the
Casket <`__**
**`Order to Destroy JFK’s Casket by Attorney General
Katzenbach <`__**
**`Why JFK's Assassination Still Haunts America by Tim
Kelly <`__**
**`JFK versus CIA by Tim
Kelly <>`__**
**(1h45m-4h35m) T&H Casual Café: JFK 50\ :sup:`th` Anniversary / A Cold
Case Investigation (`become a T&H Advanced Access
member <>`__ to see the video
version of this discussion)**
**(4h35m-6h35m) `Forgotten Evidence: JFK
Conspiracy <>`__**
**(6h35-7h) `Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination
Rarities <>`__ (not part of
“Evidence of Revision” series)**
**(7h-8h) `Project Censored: JFK 50 interview with Mark
Lane <`__**
**(8h-9h30m) `The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes
1992 <>`__**
**(9h30m-12h5m) `JFK Assassination Debate with Mark
Lane <>`__,
December 4, 1964**
**(12h5m-12h50m) `Jim Garrison vs. Johnny
Carson <>`__, January 31,
**(12h50m-14h20m) “\ `Rush to
Judgment <>`__\ ” by Mark
Lane, 1967**
**(14h20m-19h38m) `L. Fletcher Prouty: The Secret Team / JFK
Assassination <`__**
**Would You Like to Know More?**
See also: (Audio)
**`Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted
(Hidden) Keys of
Wisdom <>`__**
**`Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical
Applications of
Rationality <`__**
**`Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical
Applications of
Irrationality <>`__**
**`Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John
Speaking <>`__**