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Part 2 - Don And Carol Croft Interview about Orgonite Zappers Curing/Healing & Orgonite Generators - The Free Zone w/ FraterX & Jack Marshak Visibles effect of orgone generator on ice-
-don & carol croft
-Adventures of Don and Carol [e-book on EW forum] - challenge and evolve your consciousness
-The Life Etheric with Carol Croft [Paperback]
Don Croft (Author)
-use of terminator (orgonite) zapper
-harmonic protector
-tesla, reich, nature elementals, CERN, aliens, healing frequencies, cloudbusters, orgone, orgonite, fighting global tyranny of world parasitic/predatory regimes
-frontline of fighting global tyranny?
-orgonite gifting: 10-15 cell phone towers gifted in a single day by orgonite towerbusters to get confirmation in the weather - guaranteed
-something(stuff spoken on show) like orgonite gifting you can experiment with and confirm for yourself
-something(stuff spoken on show) you cant confirm for yourself and something that we discuss may seem to some of you so far out that you`d think that we are all crazy, in that case, just pretend its fictitious stories, and go with it
-challenge you & your paradigm
-psychic readings & energy healings
-orgone accumulator
-energy sensitive from 3 years old, ghosts in forest
-grandma gypsy from austria
-monarch programed kid, montauk, memory, divorce, life systematically taken apart, messed up till 50
-psychic - new science
-zapper, brain parasites, kill off
-most psychics works for feds, cant see/find orgonite in field
-to progress in this new science - good psychic - to see accurately must be stable mature/can be young psychic, good character, accountibility
-living in car, lost business, initiation
-internal parasites, external parasites
-whole world is run kinda like inside human body
-body knows how to heals itself
-same with ppl - know how to get well, protect itself, fix itself, how to generate health
-new world order nwo is parasitic-not powerfull, needs to be exposed, identified, discuss and its gone
-got rid of parasite to get healthy/get rid of nwo
-human body, body politic
-nwo infrastructure
-rainbow family gathering
-people are inherently good and their pressure control the rest, very few ppl are predators
-kabbalah - brainwashing people to believe everything in the world is horrible
-zapper - very small electrical device with simple circuit pulses weak weak electric current on to the skin through 2 electrodes from 9 volt battery capacitance - 5 millionth of amps passes through skin, destroys worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi in the body, curing of diseases caused by this organisms pretty fast
-lightning storm similarity
-reverse of polarity to healthy static state
-basic zapper 35 usd
-with introduction of antibiotics, more parasites in brain, heart, intestine - couple of pounce in body
-antibiotics destroys health
-MDs are serial killers
-more and more ppl are waking up
-zapper cures cancer within 3 weeks, there are exceptions(dont know why), +if one is not on chemotheraphy or radiation, or has its vital organs still working
-orgonite zapper neutralizes chemotheraphy/radiation, probably keeps one from killing by chemo?
-orgonite zapper vs basic zapper(curative device) - orgonite zapper got additional healing subtle energy components
-hulda clark - hand held pipes, royal raymond rife
-cliff harrelson maker of simple zapper circuit (according robert beck protocol), frequencies(rife type zappers w/ various frequencies, frequencies over time for different organisms change(d), dowsing(MY NOTE: DOWSING ACCORDING SOME CAN BE INFLUENCED BY ETHERIC BEINGS LIKE DEMONS)(PERSONALLY I WOULD USE KINESIOLOGY AKA MUSCLE TESTING) can be one way how to get proper frequency?
-basic zapper kills all parasites/disease causing organisms with its 15 hertz (hz)/cycle per second
-lots of commercial zapper makers ended up in prison
-on road to avoid to be imprisoned
-staying out of nwo parasites clutches
-poisoning, sabotage
-nwo parasites on its way down?
-succor punch crystal - mobius coil wrapped around quartz crystal powered by zapper circuit to disable surveillance?, SP produces blue beam, healthy energy, no defense from this energy when directed at aim - boosting, instantly, interdimensional, etherial - no dimension in etheric, no dimensions, quantum level, same energy as thought
-astral sights
-drugs, marijuana even booze, pot habit, booze habit - shatters aura/etheric protection, crown chakra - opens one to astral parasites?
-biofeedback aura camera - pic of aura disfigured after drinking alcohol - drunked, stoned, psychodelics(psilocybin, et al), fractured light, negative thought forms(nwo black magic ritual stuff, astral parasites) can attach to one
-NSA et al - milions of agents
-everybody born in US today is monarch programmed?, taken when tiny toddlers, not successful in it, everybody can break programming
-nwo failed in its aim to reduce population TILL 2000 to half billion utterly failed
-nwo failing?
-mk ultra, new phoenix program
-u cant resist stuff info are disinfo sites, disempowering people
-real site are uplifting, offering solutions, empowering people, + exposure is more then half way to win
-organic food vs corporate food
-dont trust corporations
-simple proactive way to battle dark side
-for personal use heart stone, rose quartz, lapis lazuli for truth
-for flipping cell phone towers/ death towers any crystal in orgonite
-orgonite with aquamaine, rose quartz, hematite for water gifting
-gemstones in orgonite (if not in orgonite need to touching eachother): stignite?, celestite. danburite, selenite against haunted houses, remote viewing NSA psychics
-orgonite cleans crystals energetically/etherically?
-big lemurian crystals is good to clean
-nwo parasites got its power through concealment and are not powerful, in etheric realms are fair game and cant protect from anybody
-CERN neutralized by orgonite devices?
-nwo cant enforce martial law in US?
-nwo has no chance to enforce martial law?
-police are terrified of martial law?
-range for towerbuster is 1/4 mile?
-tea party - secession
-callers brought themes:
-slug? on druked ppl aura, basic zapper vs robert beck
-nikola tesla, tesla coil - blue vital orgone, etheric energy, radio - etheric device
-wilhelm reich introduced orgone to albert einstein, later he blackballed reich
-al bielek told: nikola tesla initiated project rainbow (philadelphia experiment) in the 30s, when he found out for what gov wanted to use it(evil) he back out of the project, einstein was brought in and was lost in this project
-out of body experiences - halucinogenics/canabinoids/marijuana/psilocybin/peyote - carol croft bad experiences w/ the stuff/ not safe ...know some ppl who got good experience w/ the stuff regarding out of body experiences
vibration, energy, binaural beats, we are not our bodies
-lepricons, elementals, fairies
-sylphs, frequency high enough to show again on earth?, brighter energy, busting cell phones towers w/ orgonite towerbusters causes sylphs to appear in given area(got my own experience 5 km radius from house(7 towers covered/ one towerbuster per tower + around 30 TBs in house and garden fish pool(1 TB yet)) and lots of sylphs around often), (you can use SP crystal w/ zapper on TBs for radionically boost chemtrails etc too, or use PowerWand for this, even better)
(update on towers, added 7 more this week, 7th just today/27may2011, am near 5 miles radius now, after 7th, kind of feel significant shift towards positive energy in my area, kind of mentioned upbeat mood)
-love energy, frequency of planet rising, more & more people upbeat?(at least in areas which cell phone towers were gifted)?
-stay positive
The Free Zone
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Towerbuster sized orgonite with special ingredients to neutralize nuclear radiation.?
Generally any orgonite will counteract the effects of nuclear fallout.?