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Parity Talk February-22-2009 Killing the Crisis 24kbps

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Parity Talk is a discussion show about morals and activist ideas for changing our world. Moral ideas are the foundation of our freedom and well-being. The more we keep them in mind, the better lives we achieve as the end result.

THIS WEEK: Killing the Crisis

We're getting tired of the endless economic woes we keep hearing about and we have to concentrate on the
parity based ideas that will change the economic paradigm we live in. We're going to have to think about
things and keep repeating the message until people finally catch on. Let's kill the crisis before it kills us.


-The point is made to say that we want to keep the show on an academic level and apologize for some of the silliness of our last show.

- The economy is provoking an unnecessary meltdown.

- John quotes Carol Quiqley and his opus magnum Tragedy and Hope

- The elite initiate things and leave and largely blame their results on the rest of the populace.

- So called first world countries seem to be so advanced yet we make the reflection and come to the conclusion that they are much further ahead on spiritual ground

- There is a social responsibility dimension to everything we do not just a commercial one.

- Sadly linear thinking is prevalent in our society. There is no great mystery to buying and selling what we need is optimal collaboration.

- Advanced cooperation is the natural state.

-We celebrate Charles Darwin 200 year birthday anniversary a polarizing and controversial figure who was aware above else that the key is to preserve the system running smoothly.

- Money hoarding is not the solution neither is finding legal loopholes gold is maintaining cooperation.

- We analyze our economic woes and the take apart both the measures taken in Spain and Germany and the Obama lead USA.

- The sum of all evils and the new normal.

- Once and for all we got to get it through our head that nobody is winning even a pack of wolves needs to cooperate.

- Get active into politics.

- We mention the blade vampire cult and its analogies to real life. Cults hold no real advantage and need to be largely demystified.

- Cardinal Murphy, the movie people and how it feels great to be the messenger of a message that seems to be always swept under the carpet.

John & Tom thank you for listening
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