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The Panama Deception (1992)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
ThePanamaDeception.1992.mkv 1h31m 646x476 AVC AAC

The Panama Deception is a 1992 American documentary film that won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film is critical of the actions of the U.S. military during the 1989 invasion of Panama, covering the conflicting reasons for the invasion. It also highlighted media bias within the United States, showing events that were unreported or systematically misreported, including downplaying the number of civilian casualties. It was directed by Barbara Trent, written and edited by David Kasper, and narrated by actress Elizabeth Montgomery. It was a production of the Empowerment Project.

The film asserts that the U.S. government invaded Panama primarily to destroy the PDF, the Panamanian Defense Forces, who were perceived as a threat to U.S. control over Panama, and to install a government friendly to U.S. interests. The film includes footage of mass graves uncovered after the American troops had withdrawn, burned down neighborhoods, as well as depictions of some of the 20,000 refugees who fled the fighting.


Panama Invasion (also illegal, just like Vietnam, another undeclared war and also the US' longest) was the first time US military admitted to the use of "exotic weaponry" which involved microwave directed energy beams. The damage is highly characteristic and can be subsequently spotted in-use all over the world, including up to this moment 2018 California "wildfires" which are DEW-assisted onslaught designed to allow socialist governmental land-grab and also consolidate populations in highly controllable NWO mega-regions.

At about 22:00 in, where the "bubble-gummy" bodies ("melted" by microwave weaponry) are on the blue tarp, notice the damage is similar to that caused by the Directed Energy Weapons used at OKC (1995) and also WTC on 9/11/2001, and in many other attacks.

Directed Energy Professionals Society ( website, online since 1999, with huge military contractors not hiding but proudly selling books, classes, memberships.

For photo comparison of damage at many attack sites, see

baustiche3 wrote:

Vietnam, another undeclared war and also the US' longest

The current war in Afghanistan is the longest.