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Our Surreal World - 1st episode

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Jan 15th, 2010 by oursurrealworld

Ladies and gentlemen…welcome, welcome, welcome! This is the premier broadcast of Our Surreal World, with your host Lindsey from I am very proud of the work that we do at that site, and I look forward to us making REAL CHANGES in this ZOG-system in the future. I have long-wanted to do my own show to ask the questions that others have not asked of guests, and with those questions, I am looking only for STRAIGHT ANSWERS. We need more voices in the anti-Zionist movement across this planet, and I am doing my part to contribute positively in this effort to make the world a planet for ALL OF HUMANITY, and not an empire where psycho/sociopaths believe themselves to be gods and the rest of humanity are slaves to those “gods.”

My first guest is a man for whom I hold immense admiration, and whose brilliant arguments strike fear in those enemies to common humanity–Mark Glenn. This man gave me the honor of being the first guest of the new year 2010, and allowed me to discuss techniques for activism to get those who know the truth to begin USING WHAT THEY KNOW TO MAKE NEWS AND MAKE OTHERS AWARE instead of simply “preaching to the choir.” Mark has now devoted his life to fighting for humanity against a group of people who believe that they can create a Utopian “Heaven-on-Earth” after the destruction and subjugation of those human beings who are NOT “Chosen above all others” to literally be as “God” itself.

Mark is the producer of where I encourage everyone to read his articles and listen to his interviews/broadcasts via He is also one-half of The Liberty Hour with Phil Tourney, a survivor of the Israeli OFFENSIVE FALSE-FLAG ATTACK AGAINST THE AMERICAN SPYSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS, the USS Liberty. They do a terrific show that can be found at, and I encourage people to share the interviews with others to educate them about what Israel does to America and the rest of the world because THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT.

This is Part 1 of a two-part interview that had to be cut-short because of circumstances out of our control, but Part 2 will be up very shortly! ENJOY!