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[Open Your Eyes DVD 9]

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[DVD 9] A - Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
[DVD 9] B - The corporation
[DVD 9] C - Future Of Food - How They Attack Your DNA With Their GMO
[DVD 9] D - Monopoly Men
[DVD 9] E - Secret Ruler Of The World - Bilderberger
[DVD 9] G - Fluoride Deception
[DVD 9] F - The Crash - The Coming Financial Collapse of America
[DVD 9] H - Indoctrinating Our Youth In Earth Worship (lecture)
[DVD 9] I - Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence
[DVD 9] J - United States vs United Nations
[DVD 9] K - The History Channel - Dead Mens Secrets - Hitlers Wonder Weapons
[DVD 9] L - Discovery Channel - Top Secret - NSA(1997)
[DVD 9] M - Nova - Magnetic Storm
[DVD 9] N - What we are not being told about the climate
[DVD 9] O - Russia's Secret Weapon To Defeat America - Prophecy Club 2005
[DVD 9] P - Bearden Lecture - Soviet weather engineering over north America
[DVD 9] Q - Nukes in Space - The Rainbow Bombs
[DVD 9] R - Brotherhood Of Darkness - The True Story Behind The Murder On The Orient Express
[DVD 9] S - Documentary - Satanism
[DVD 9] T - New World Order - Clip
[DVD 9] U - Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols)

[DVD 9] V - Noam Chomsky - Propoganda and Control of the Public Mind(audio)
[DVD 9] W - Articles - Contrails, Weather Modifications
[DVD 9] W - Webpages and pictures - Contrails, Weather Manipulation

Coast to Coast - Radio Clips
(HAARP, Chemtails, Weather Manipulation)

[DVD 9] X -Radio 1 - c2c 011005 Charles Ostman.mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 2 - c2c 131203 HAARP Update [Nick Begich, Whitley Strieber] (Art Bell).mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 3 - c2c 190404 Investigating Chemtrails [William Thomas, Stephen Bassett] (George Noory).mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 4 - c2c Scott Stevens.mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 5 - Dr. Nicholas Begich, HAARP.mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 6 - c2c 300805 Hurricane Katrina Scott Stevens.mp3
[DVD 9] X -Radio 7 - c2c 260203 [Tracking Chemtrails [William Thomas].mp3