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Part two of the Red Consideresolutions continues to gather further logistics pertaining to
the Human Condition, as it presently relates towards the present planetary octave change
and evolutionary shift in consciousness. This work is based upon previous material
such as "THE DIRECTION SERIES" and Man In Amnesia.
What does frequency mean?
It relates to a specific state of consciousness.
The meaning you attribute to things and people.
This means the degree to which you may identify yourself with what you perceive,
the degree to which you comprehend what you perceive as a creation of your own mind.
The term frequency therefore relates to quality of perception.
Separation is imagined, unity is imagined too.
But imagining unity results in a better quality of life for humankind,
provided that you're not the only one living in a mental world of unity.
True unity is useless, as long as you’re not aware of it.
True unity does not relate to a transhumanist Luciferian singularity under the NWO,
but it relates to expressing true individuality and the capability of caring for others.
This isn't communism, but just the opposite.
Good karma cannot be enforced onto you by totalitarian state authority.
There are worlds of difference between a Borg collective and a group-mind based on mutual love and respect.
Healthy cooperation is structured like a grassroots-network, not like an illuminati pyramid.
The true pyramid is inside of you.
The external pyramidal hierarchy will mentally rape you out of your true internal hierarchy.
Being a slave, and being authentic and expressing your self doesn’t go together well.
Frequency is not a thing, it is a property of oscillations.