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The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969)

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The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969) THE NATURE OF HERBS Herbs, Shrubs and Trees—Kinds of Plants HERBS AS FOODS The Seven Cereals — Their Mysterious Origin — Myth and Magic—Bean King and Queen—Carling Sunday—Apple Cult—Other Fruit Ceremonies — Japanese Tea Ceremony — Other Tisanes HERBS IN HEALING Ancient Medicine — Ayur-veda, the Hindu System — Moxa — Doctrine of Signatures — Herbalism — Homoeopathy. DRUGS AND POISONS The Cult of Bacchus—Fermented Liquors — Tobacco — Opium — Mescal — Indian Hemp — Some other Vegetable Drugs — Aphrodisiacs — Poisonous Plants HERBS IN ALCHEMY The Herb of Immortality — Elixir of Life — Palin-genesy — Spontaneous Generation HERBS IN ASTROLOGY Epochs—Seasons—Plants and the Moon — The Floral Clock—Herbs of the Planets — Plants of the Zodiac HERBS IN MAGIC Lotus of the Ancients—Druids and the Mistletoe — Rosicrucians and the Rose—Love Philtres—Herbs in Divination—Plants used in Witchcraft— Antidotes to Enchantments — Trees as Oracles HERBS IN RELIGION Ambrosia — Nectar — The Christian Incense — Sacred Oils — Linen. SYMBOLISM OF HERBS Emblems of Places—Symbols of Gods—Symbols of Saints—Symbols of Virtues—Heraldic Herbs and Trees. MYTHICAL PLANTS 53 WorldTree—Bodhi-tree — The Tree of Life—Tree Spirits — Metamorphoses—Druidical Tree Alphabet BARKS AND WOODS 57 Types of Bark— Woods of the Cross — Various Woods 12. RESINS AND BALSAMS 60 Gums — Kinos— Gum-resins — Resins — Oleo-resins —O il Series: Paths to inner power Paperback: 64 pages Publisher: Samuel Weiser; Later Printing Used edition (1969) Language: English ISBN-10: 0877280975 ISBN-13: 978-0877280972 ebooks: Crow William Bernard The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969) 44p text.pdf Crow William Bernard The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969) 62p text.pdf Crow William Bernard The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969) 62p.pdf tags: herbs, plants, occult, food, healing, poisons, alchemy, astrology, magic, religion
Info File: 



Thanks for all your uploads. I think you set the standard nowadays, at least for the sort of stuff I like, and the way you present it here. As well as saying thank you, which I should do more often, I wanted to say that I think more people download than the figures say. I have thought for many months that downloads are not fully recorded. I downloaded stuff and hours later, it did not show as completed. I thought perhaps the system only recorded it say the next day. But I downloaded The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants (1969) - thank you - and it did not show. That was a week ago. Later, I saw that other people were downloading it. Today, it still says that the number completed is zero, which I take to mean that no-one has downloaded this, which is patently untrue.

Some of your uploads get more than 1,000 completions. But if what I think is true, it's possible that for some or all of your uploads, even more people have downloaded them. Anyway, keep up the good work, and again, many thanks.

I commented several hours ago that this, uploaded one week ago, still had zero completions. Now suddenly, it says 1178 completions. So, miracles can happen.

Rocky wrote:

miracles can happen.

Or you can just refresh the tracker stats. Select the torrent, click the "Trackers" tab, then click "Fresh Scrape".

nibs wrote:

Or you can just refresh the tracker stats. Select the torrent, click the "Trackers" tab, then click "Fresh Scrape".

OK Thanks, I did not know that. But in this case, more than 1,000 people downloaded this over the course of a week, and I refreshed the page a few times. Are you suggesting that the reason it said zero completions all that week is that no-one had gone thro' the procedure you suggest?

Rocky wrote:

Are you suggesting that the reason it said zero completions all that week is that no-one had gone thro' the procedure you suggest?


Nibs, OK. If that's what you say. But I've been coming to ConCen and Conspiracy Central since 2006, and I'd never heard of "Fresh Scrape" or the need to use that procedure. I imagine there are many other people who don't know about it either. Is there any reason the stats can't be updated in real time? Or say once a day? If someone takes the trouble to upload something and then thinks that a week later, not a single person has downloaded, he will assume there's no point in putting other stuff on. I assume you're not trying to run the site down. Please don't take this as a negative criticism.My only interest is in having a conspiracy website as healthy as possible. I think it was generally better 2 or 3 years ago. Friendlier and easier to use and with many more uploads. As it is now, it's certainly better than nothing. I just feel it could be improved.

Rocky wrote:

Nibs, OK. If that's what you say. But I've been coming to ConCen and Conspiracy Central since 2006, and I'd never heard of "Fresh Scrape" or the need to use that procedure.

It was added when we went to Drupal. The old site's button was called "Refresh" and worked the same way.

Rocky wrote:

Is there any reason the stats can't be updated in real time? Or say once a day?

The torrents using the tracker are updated every half hour. Automating the external trackers requires extra code, which I currently don't have time for.

Rocky wrote:

If someone takes the trouble to upload something and then thinks that a week later, not a single person has downloaded, he will assume there's no point in putting other stuff on.

The old site had the same problem with external torrents. Also, the downloaded stat is always unreliable anyway because trackers frequently reset their counters.

Rocky wrote:

I assume you're not trying to run the site down. Please don't take this as a negative criticism.My only interest is in having a conspiracy website as healthy as possible. I think it was generally better 2 or 3 years ago. Friendlier and easier to use and with many more uploads. As it is now, it's certainly better than nothing. I just feel it could be improved.

The old site's code was buggy, resulting in the theft of the database. I'm hoping this system is more resistant to hacking. There are features on this new site which totally blow away the old site. Unfortunately I haven't had time lately to write up a proper FAQ or help system so that people are aware of them.

Well thanks then, Nibs, for the explanations. I wish you well in any attempt to improve the site.

I always remove trackers that are not the concen tracker ;\


The book has defective scans of certain print pages each missing a few words from one or two lines: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18.
(Rather odd error, presumably the words had been highlighted with marker pen and could not be captured by scanner, either that or the original printing was defective). Otherwise the scans needed layering to get rid of excessive grey background.
Cleaned up version now on libgen in processing, but better to see a good scan of the revised and enlarged 96pp 2nd edition of 1980.