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The Obama Nation - Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality by Jerome R Corsi

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The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality
By Jerome R Corsi

* Publisher: Threshold Pr
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2008-08-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1416598065
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781416598060
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:

In this thoroughly researched and documented book, the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry explains why the extreme leftism of an Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided, why Obama must be defeated—and how he can be.

THE OBAMA NATION Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality

Barack Obama stepped onto the national political stage when the then-Illinois State senator addressed the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Soon after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate, author Jerome Corsi began researching Obama’s personal and political background.

Scrupulously sourced with more than 600 footnotes, THE OBAMA NATION is the result of that research. By tracing Obama’s career and influences from his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia, the beginnings of his political career in Chicago, his voting record in the Illinois legislature, his religious training and his adoption of Christianity through to his recent involvement in Kenyan politics, his political advisors and fundraising associates and his meteoric campaign for president, Jerome Corsi shows that an Obama presidency would, in his words, be “a repeat of the failed extremist politics that have characterized and plagued Democratic Party politics since the late 1960s.”

In this stunning and comprehensive new book, the reader will learn about: -Obama’s extensive connections with Islam and radical politics, from his father and step-father’s Islamic backgrounds, to his Communist and socialist mentors in Hawaii and Chicago, to his long-term and close associations with former Weather Underground heroes William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn—associations much closer than heretofore revealed by the press
-Barack and Michelle’s 20-year-long religious affiliation with the black-liberation theology of former Trinity United Church of Christ Reverend Jeremiah Wright, whose sermons have always been steeped in a rage first expressed by Franz Fanon , Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X, a rage that Corsi shows has deep meaning for Obama
-Obama’s continuing connections with Kenya, the homeland of his father, through his support for the candidacy of Raila Odinga, the radical socialist presidential contender who came to power amid Islamist violence and church burnings
-Obama’s involvement in the slum-landlord empire of the Chicago political fixer Tony Rezko, who helped to bankroll Obama’s initial campaigns and to purchase of Barack and Michelle’s dream-home property.
-the background and techniques of the Obama campaign’s cult of personality, including the derivation of the words “hope” and change”
-Obama’s far-left domestic policy, his controversial votes on abortion, his history of opposition to the Second Amendment, his determination to raise capital-gains taxes, his impractical plan to achieve universal health care, and his radical plan to tax Americans to fund a global-poverty-reduction program
-Obama’s naive, anti-war, anti-nuclear foreign-policy, predicated on the reduction of the military, the eradication of nuclear weapons and an overconfidence in the power of his personality, as if belief in change alone could somehow transform international politics, achieve nuclear-weapons disarmament and withdrawal from Iraq without adverse consequences, for us, for the Iraqis or for Israel.

Meticulously researched and documented, THE OBAMA NATION is the definitive source for information on why and how Barack Obama must be defeated—not by invective and general attacks, but by detailed arguments that are well-researched and fact-based.

Summary: Supported facts
Rating: 5

Great book. You must read this book!

Being an independant I bought the book with an open mind. I was amazed how much proof is given to support the authors writings.

I read Obamas' book before this one(awful book, poorly written, and a lot of 'who cares' information it.) and I can totally connect with Dr. Corsi on his 'review' of it.

Summary: Healthy skepticism needed here, fellow citizens
Rating: 1

From: An Independent Voter

Let me admit right here in the first sentence of this "review" that I have not read this book. But I think there is something suspicious about the reviewing process that should be pointed out.

The publication date of Dr. Corsi's book was August 1, 2008. Just one week later, there were 153 "reviews" of the book, some 80 of them five-star notices that praised the tome unabashedly, and roughly another dozen that gave the work four glowing stars.

(By contrast, consider this: Amazon's No. 2 bestseller, "The Last Lecture", garnered 472 reviews in four months since its publication and broad, well-acclaimed reception. Another political text two notches behind Dr. Corsi's work on this same bestsellers' chart, Ron Suskind's "The Way of the World" has drawn only 9 reviews in the five days its been out.)

Are we to believe that all these readers bought the book, read through the next few nights and felt compelled to post their "reviews" for the good of the nation? Maybe I'm just too cynical, but this seems much more like a concerted mobbing action than an honest outpouring of enthusiasm for a well-researched, well-argued book.

Is it not possible that Dr. Corsi and his deep-pocketed supporters had put together a sizeable contingent of like-minded individuals all too ready to post highly favorable reviews of the book shortly after its appearance? Other than stroking Dr. Corsi's ego, these "reviews" would have boosted the profile of the book, sent it scurrying up Amazon's bestsellers' chart and drawn more perhaps unsuspecting buyers to the book.

This presidential election is indeed one of the most important our nation has faced in many years. All conscientious voters should try to learn more about both Senator Obama and Senator McCain before they make a final decision as to who should lead the country through the next four years of uncertainties and new challenges.

But I feel no desire whatsoever to read Dr. Corsi's book now. Indeed, I have been turned off by the sudden gush of high-pitched "reviews" here on Amazon. I apologize to any independent-minded readers who bought the book, made their way through it and then honestly submitted a laudatory notice. From what I have seen (and what I see may be filtered through the lens of my painfully acquired cynicism), this smells more like a literary lynching party than a sudden gush of enthusiasm for a book that demands to be read.

Summary: A Nation Obamafied
Rating: 4

From the moment I first heard this man talk, something told me he was hiding who he really was and what he really stood for. As a writer, I recognized immediately the tools of the craft that allowed him to sway his audiences with powerful rhetoric. This book has brought together all the things I have gleaned from the Internet on my own, but the author's footnotes and documented references brought order to it in an easiy understood manner that allowed me to confirm the facts for myself. This man must not be elected our President. He has nothing but evil on his soul, and I'm not a religious, per se, person. I just feel it emanating from everything he's done or continues to do and say. This book should be read by any thinking voter.

Summary: Finally got the answers
Rating: 5

This book is a fast read and the nearly 700 footnotes are extremely helpful. They direct you to websites and references so you can check the facts yourself. I always wanted to know what a "community organizer" did that would qualify a person for the Senate, let alone the Presidency of the USA. With so much at risk for this particular election, I think this book should be manditory reading for evryone...especially the Mainstream Press.

Summary: A Dangerous Man
Rating: 4

Barack Obama is a dangerous man though not for many of the reasons given by Jerome Corsi in OBAMA NATION. Corsi focuses too heavily on areas of less than convincing import such as Obama's ties to radical Islam and crooks in real estate. Corsi is far more compelling when he highlights that which is`irrefutable: Obama's self-professed economic policies of tax increases and his clear lightweight status as a politician. Corsi includes a voluminous list of footnotes for those who wish to check the veracity of his statements. One thing emerges clear: for those who hail Obama as the catalyst for Change We Can Believe In, they will have to refute Corsi's contention that Barack Obama is simply ill prepared to lead this country as it teeters on economic collapse.