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The Oak Island Money Pit (Nova Scotia, Canada)
The Story of Oak Island -
Chronology of the Oak Island Treasure Hunt -
Penn Leary - The Oak Island Enigma: A History and Inquiry Into The Origin of The Money Pit (1953)
This is a story of treasure on a deserted island.
The historical account of Oak Island, Nova Scotia, given here is true; that is, as true as any history of events
covering more than 150 years. It is a disappointing story, since it has no ending or real beginning.
Most tales of this sort are founded on an ancient map or legend which point to some part of the world as
the hiding place of great riches. Usually the man who buried the treasure, and the date of its internment, are
well known, but the exact location of the cache is obscure.
Yet the reverse is true of Oak Island. The particular spot where its treasure was buried has been fixed,
within a few yards, since the late Eighteenth Century. No scrap of concrete evidence exists to connect it with
any person or any age, and the character of the treasure is equally uncertain. We can only depend on a
knowledge of human nature to be sure that it is something of enormous value.
No satisfactory explanation of the origin of the earthworks has ever been given. The Mahone Bay area, in
which Oak is located, was well settled by the Acadians before 1700. We must necessarily select some date prior
to that as the date of its burial, since the labor connected with the excavation could have been kept secret only
when the Bay was uninhabited.
The explanation given here is, admittedly, a theory founded on another theory which is not commonly
accepted. The skeptical and those who believe only what they were taught in grammar school will reject it
immediately. The more imaginative may take it much as they take the story of Atlantis, impossible to prove or
disprove, but worth knowing about anyway. To the few who have troubled themselves to study the Baconian
question the subject may be of particular interest.
At all events, a fortune lies buried on Oak Island, whether it is gold, diamonds or moldy parchment. This
book is written simply in the hope that someone with the wherewithal to accomplish the job will go there, dig it
up, and satisfy the author's curiosity.
--Penn Leary, June, 1953.
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Oak Island - 3D Model of Past Findings and Challenges
Brief history of past findings and challenges in seeking the Oak Island Treasure in Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Presented on June 20th, 2009 at Explore Oak Island Days in Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
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Treasures With Bill Burrud - Oak Island: The Money Pit (1958) 2 Parts
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Part 2 -
The Oak Island Mystery
Broadcast Date: Nov. 20, 1955
Oak Island has a secret that it won't give up. The island in Nova Scotia's Mahone Bay is renowned for its "money pit," an excavation that has been the subject of fevered dreams for generations. What, if anything, lies at the bottom of the hole is a mystery, but speculation has ranged from pirate treasure to Peruvian gold to ancient manuscripts. CBC Radio tags along as Texas engineer George Greene takes a crack at the loot.
Since 1795, many people have tried to solve the mystery of Oak Island, and all have failed. The story began when a trio of young men noticed a depression in the ground. Recalling local lore that said pirates had stashed their booty on many of the islands in Mahone Bay, they began to dig. A layer of flagstones gave way to two wood platforms further down, but nothing turned up. Disheartened, the three abandoned the dig.
Nine years later, in 1804, they returned, part of a syndicate formed to retrieve the island's buried secret. Thirty metres down they found a slab carved with unfamiliar symbols and were certain they were close to the treasure. But when they returned the next morning, the shaft was two-thirds full of water — the result of what seems to be an elaborate booby trap designed to keep greedy hands off the prize.
Despite this setback, the lure of instant riches has proven too great to resist. Over the next 150 years numerous searchers, backed by hopeful investors, have sunk many parallel shafts and dug tunnels hoping to solve the mystery. In this 1955 clip, a local man suggests the few tantalizing finds — an old key, some bits of gold chain — were planted by hired men intent on keeping their jobs when their bosses seemed poised to give up.
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The Oak Island Money Pit: How It Works
Broadcast Date: Dec. 23, 1980
Ingenious flood tunnels keep diggers from getting at the island's prize.
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Dan Blankenship, Treasure Seeker
Broadcast Date: Aug. 5, 1991
A transplanted American is determined to discover the secret buried on Oak Island.
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The Oak Island Money Pit (3 Parts)
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Part 3 -
In Search Of... The Money Pit Mystery (2 Parts)
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Part 2 -
Encounters With the Unexplained - Mysterious Treasure on Oak Island?
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Revelation 13 Podcast E07 - The Oak Island Mystery (3 Parts)
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Part 3 -
Decoding the Past: The Templar Code (Oak Island Clip) - History Channel
A clip from the show about Oak Island.
Ancient Aliens - Closer Encounters (Oak Island Clip) - History Channel
A clip from the show about Oak Island.
Engineer Proposes Freezing Method To Extract Oak Island Treasure
Broadcast Date: June 10, 2004
Will the mystery of Oak Island be solved once and for all?
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The Oak Island Money Pit - Design of Secant Piles Proposal
Proposal by McGill Civil Engineering Students, Christopher Ong Tone, Nathan Ramsey, and, Robert Wolofsky to solve the Oak Island mystery and find any buried treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Presented on June 20th, 2009 at Explore Oak Island Days in Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Related Videos (Not Included In Pack)
Der Fluch Von Oak Island (The Curse of Oak Island) German (5 Parts)
In 1795 the 16-year-old woodcutter Daniel McGinnis found on the island at the branch of an oak tree an old pulley and including a recess with a diameter of two meters. He called two friends to help, to begin digging the young people. Had they found a pirate hideout?
The soil showed traces of processing a pickaxe. In three meters deep, put the boys released a layer of oak planks, but underneath was just hard ground. Then - again three feet deep - an additional layer of oak planks. Soon the three friends walked out of money, and they had to search at the Money Pit, as the shaft has now been called up.
Other expeditions tried their luck. The sequence of clay and oak planks repeated regularly - up to a depth of thirty meters. Finally, we hid a stone. The inscription could only werden.Dann years later deciphered water penetrated into the hole. Researchers found as heads a system of tunnels and reservoirs sea water into the shaft, once the "Sealing" is destroyed by the oak planks.
To date, always trying new and established organizations financially trusts, to wrest the mysterious Money Pit the supposed treasure. Million U.S. dollars have been invested, used the most modern technical equipment. Six people were killed so far. But the mystery remains unsolved. The hiding place must have been designed by brilliant engineers and constructed with a force perfect craftsman in months of work, over it, the researchers agree.
But who the shaft had it built? What you should hide so sure on this small island, that even two hundred years remained a constant search unsuccessful?
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Part 5 -
Oak Island: L'isola Del Tesoro (Treaure Island) Italian
The story of the discovery shaft of the treasure of Oak Island. The video is from clips from a documentary aired on La7 transmission in Stargate. Read the article on my blog. - Beyond the Lines: Knowlodge of Alternative Multimedia (Italian)
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Question for fellow Canadians
Question for fellow Canadians: have you been watching the Curse of Oak Island TV show on the History Channel over the years? As a Nova Scotian it is pretty incredible to see what they have been finding -- not treasure, of course, but real archaeological evidence that pushes the standard narratives of first settlers much farther back in time. I have all the seasons and am considering sharing them here. What do you think? Might also be good for non-Canadians abroad. Open to suggestions...
I should add that, while not a real conspiracy story, there is certainly sense and rumors that a whole other "story" happened there.
Please do share!
Your contributions of Canadian content will be tolerated here, unless it includes anything with Justin Beebler.
ConCen wrote:
I'll get the hot poker and tabasco ready for anyone who does!