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Nuclear War Weapons Training Guerrilla Army Survival book pack

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Nuclear War Weapons Training Guerrilla Army Survival book pack

Please bear in mind that in a true emergency, in all likelihood, your PC will stop working either because of an EMP, because of a power failure, because you're on the run, because you've run out of batteries and so on. You DO NEED a hardcopy on paper - either by printing it out or by buying it - as old fashioned as this may sound. This collection is meant to give you an overview over what you might need - see it as a buyer's guide to a real book. And no, your sexy iPad is NOT what you need in a survival situation at all. And forget about your public GPS - that's the first thing the army will shut down - they have their own coded military GPS frequencies. The more you have to rely on high-tech gadgets, the more vulnerable you are and the weaker you get. The good old cave man style is still the best strategy, especially when civilization breaks down. You will have to learn how to become independent of civilization before it actually breaks down. Why not live with a native tribe for some time - or maybe learn something from the Amish people.

CAUTION: Please bear in mind that everything you do on the net may be watched by the NSA. When you buy a book online such as from then you will be known by the NSA. Therefore never buy books on self-defense and prepping online, always buy them in a good old bookstore as long as they may exist. And never give your real name when ordering a book from a regular bookstore. They do have lists about every book each US or EU citizen has ever bought online or borrowed from a public library, and those nasty red and blue lists for their FEMA internment camps do exist. And they will compare those lists and when they come for you with their anti-Constitutional Gestapo-SWAT teams and their ultra-rugged FEMA-tanks then your homemade grenade launcher just won't do, therefore always keep a low profile, if you're wise. And always use a VPN or anonymizer when downloading torrents with books on prepping. Please bear in mind that the internet is a net and nets are made to catch fish - and you are the fish. Do you really believe that the nwo let the internet go public because they like you so much and they wanted to do a favour to you? Go on dreaming you fool. The internet is as trustworthy as the telephone system in Nazi-Germany. And now good luck and good success and above all good survival!


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