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Nuclear Reactor Core Meltdown - Study Pack (2011)

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Nuclear Reactor Core Meltdown - Study Pack (2011)

You want the truth on Fukushima in Japan? You may get it one day, in twenty years from now maybe. But we may look into the future by looking into the past: In 1986 the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl happened, and the truth seems to have oozed out by now - at least some of it. But mind you, Fukushima is much more dangerous than Chernobyl ever was. However the fundamental technological principles are similar enough to understand what happened in Japan by looking at what happened in the Ukraine 25 years back. Actually, a nuclear meltdown releases much more radioactive fallout than a nuclear strike by an atomic weapon.

The handling of the situation by the authorities has been even more incompetent in Japan than in Russia - the Russians made many mistakes but they had evacuated the region after one week in stark contrast to Japan where the situation is lingering on and on - and where no clear decisions seem to have been made so far. The former USSR was a highly corruptible system - but in Japan the situation seems to be even worse.

Comment 1: It's about time for humanity to get rid of this satanic nuclear technology. If the many suppressed patents and inventions on alternative energies were finally released then nuclear power plants would become completely redundant. And then there is such a tremendous waste of energy. Making wars and producing weapons uses up enormous amounts of energy. Satanic people need satanic technology - and satanic people do believe in satanic technology. Why have these nuclear power plants not been constructed underground in old closed down mines or in decommissioned tunnels below mountains? After all, nuclear tests are being done in the underground too nowadays. Using this method nuclear waste could be stored where it already is and thus would avoid the risk of accidents during transportation. Actually one of the earliest nuclear power plants indeed had been built into a mountain in central Europe.

Is it so difficult for humans to understand that building these fire-spewing 'nuclear dragons' below the water table instead of building them above it would be an intelligent idea? At least this would avoid the risk of the so called China-syndrome. There seems to be a deep-rooted death wish in some power-hungry human beings which subconsciously makes them feel attracted to running unnecessary risks.

Comment 2: There is a theory that the Chernobyl rector was used to power a Soviet system of scalar weapons. This theory further states that the U.S. used their scalar weapons to attack and destroy the Soviet reactor in order to shut down the Soviet scalar system that was being used against the U.S.. The contamination of the area around the reactor then obviously also made the Soviet scalar weapons in that region inoperative. This may just be disinformation though.

Instead of dropping an atomic bomb on a country you may use its own nuclear reactors against itself. Then nuclear retaliation is much more unlikely - there is plausible denial. That's the reason why some suspect that the nuclear accident in Japan was triggered by HAARP. Who is Japan supposed to fight against now? How can you fight your enemy if you don't even know him or if you're not even sure that it wasn't a natural event? Shutting down the Japanese economy by a nuclear disaster is a very effective way of damaging the global economy. Chernobyl is said to have killed nine million lives - so far.


1) Disaster at Chernobyl _ Discovery

2) Inside Chernobyl's Sarcophagus _ BBC Horizon _ 1996

3) Meltdown at Three Mile Island _ PBS _ 1999

4) Meltdown In Chernobyl _ National Geographic _ 2004 [technical]

5) The Battle of Chernobyl _ Discovery

6) Windscale - Britains Biggest Nuclear Disaster _ BBC _ 2007 - excellent documentary

7) Chernobyl Heart _ HBO _ 2003 [health problems] - warning - not for sensitive people

8) Inviting Disaster - Three Mile Island _ History Channel

Text Folders:

1) Chernobyl Studies

2) Fallout Shelters

3) Nuclear Accidents (IAEA)

4) Nuclear Studies

5) Studies - Three Mile Island

6) Survival Manuals

7) Nuclear Weapons

Other files: See file list