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NSP Marc Stevens Dec 22 2012 CLIF HIGH
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NSP – Dec 22, 2012 – Exploring the Path Towards a Voluntary Society with Clif High
Posted on December 22nd, 2012 by Calvin
Co-hosts: JT & Calvin and Guest: Clif High [] joins us to discuss how to achieve/pursue a peaceful/voluntary society. Clif is a radical linguist and software engineer best known for his ALTA/SOTTC reports driven by his WebBot project. The WebBots use algorithms that analyze emotional values-sets within language to predictably determine events and trends. Although the the WebBots have their share of “misses”, they have accurately uncovered some strikingly significant future-events beyond what chance should allow.
Show Topics:
* New #CoS where an IRS agent claims TAXES are voluntary.
* Looking at different ways to achieve the common objective of a peaceful society.
* “If you can get people to believe absurdities [such as STATISM], then you can get them to commit/[morally subsidize] atrocities [such as TAXATION/organized theft].”
* Challenging claims made by “authorities.”
* Shunning socio/psychopaths out of business, [by ending moral subsidization and by NOT accepting, and participating with their monster: the fiction of the STATE].
* The tipping-point percentage of the population needed to affect real, lasting, constructive social change.
* Unfiltered p2p communication and compounded knowledge thresholds preceding social (r)evolutions/paradigm-shifts.
* Recognizing Everyday Anarchy.
* Learning, knowing, and using the roots of chosen words (e.g. 1) anarchy 2) government: communication vs. a STATE of control, 3) authority: author vs. ruler 4) violence: internal vs. external or as a “shift”).
* Using “World Citizenship” vs. “Living Autonomously” as a means towards the common objective of a peaceful, voluntary, and truly free society.
* Keeping the means-of-pursuit consistent with the end-objective.
* Fulfilling the needs of the whole/collective at the expense of the individual; as observed throughout the universe.
* Three issues concerning humanity in the immediate future according to Clif’s work: 1) the break away civilization, 2) terrestrial disaster, and 3) the colonization, exploitation and exploration of space.
* Lysander Spooner’s proof that treason is impossible because the concepts of CITIZENS, STATES, and CONSTITUTIONS are invalid as any sort of “social contract.”
* Using the World Citizenship [mafia] to control, or limit, the abusive nation-STATE [mafia].
* Maritime nature of legal documents.
* Working within a “self-organizing collective” to get things done to reverse the negative development of humanity managed by the powers-that-be.
* Challenging legal attacks on the basis of no-merit for poor or vague legal-language.
* Defining your own sociopolitical status, whether it be as a “World Citizen” or “Autonomous Individual.”
* Gradually building a peaceful society via deescalating bureaucratic aggressors by putting the ball in their court by asking for the facts and evidence they rely on to prove their assertions and justify their actions.
* The recognition and use of the World Citizen passport.
* The STATE’s corrupt use of honor/credit/monetary systems and its imperialistic and decisive (malicious, if you like) social tendencies.
* Humanity’s cognitive dissonance to the idea of intergalactic imperialism and learning to develop open-minded contingencies for after the government is gone.
* The rise of conscientious-objection to the “just following orders” crowd in society.
* Analyzing emotion from language and understanding their origins and functions.
* The inherent violence present within humanity & universe and The Shock of the New.
* Peacefully achieving a voluntary-society and learning as a violent act?
* Examples of non-violent (r)evolutionary tools: BitCoin, Free State Project/Shire Soceity, Open-Source Ecology, Khan Academy, free-software movement, Fr33Aid, ect.
* Travelin fee-less and freely in the “ever-present-NOW”.