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NOVA - The Miracle of Life

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From inside the human body and the miracle of developing life to an insects world seen from the point of view of the insect, cinematographer Lennart Nilsson shows us the world in new ways. Part I, "The Ultimate Journey", moves from fertilization to birth of the human child, with excursions into comparative embryology. "The Unknown World" explores fur beetles and book worms and viruses among others - you will not be able to look at a fur coat the same way again. And in "The Photographer's Secrets" the technical people who developed the instruments he used explain how the cinemagic is done - a kiss from the inside, an opera singer's vocal cords, a tractor as seen 'over the shoulder' of an emerging worm. Mikael Agaton (additional writer)

Duration 57m08s
Resolution 706x480
Video format H264
Audio format AAC
Language english
Subtitles english
