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No State Project - July 17, 2010 - Co-host: JT and Guest: Alex Knight III

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No State Project - July 17, 2010 - Co-host: JT and Guest: Alex Knight III

Time: Saturdays, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm CST on [color=#0080BF]Interact with the show LIVE with your questions or comments using [color=#0080BF]phone: (402) 237-2525, [color=#0080BF]skype: frankrizzo3, or [color=#0080BF]email:

Show Motto: Deprogramming the world one show at a time. The only show on the air dedicated to bringing about a voluntary society. Government are only men and women providing their services on a violent basis, and if they were so interested in protecting your life and liberty they would offer it to you on a voluntary basis.

Marc Stevens is a consultant and the author of the book Adventures In Legal Land. This unique book rips off the "state's" veil of legitimacy and exposes the most pervasive world hoax - the government hoax. Marc Stevens proves there is no "state". Marc is a voluntaryist (libertarian) who believes government is anti-freedom and his No State Project show is dedicated to bringing about a voluntary society.

Marc's website is and there you will find his articles, forum, store, and news. You can also find more on Strike-the-Root, YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace.

Co-host: JT and Guest: Alex Knight III [,]. Alex serves as Second News Analyst to the Center for a Stateless Society: building awareness of the market anarchist alternative. Alex has penned numerous horror, science-fiction, and fantasy tales, including Victoria's Place and Other Tales of Terror.

Show Topics: Axiom Conference 2010, [color=#FF8000]L[color=#40BF00]i[color=#0080FF]b[color=#00BF00]e[color=#FFFF00]r[color=#FF00FF]t[color=#0000FF]o[color=#BFFF00]p[color=#FF0000]i[color=#8000BF]a, workshop changes, and current affiliate list -|- broadcasting without permission -|- AFR affiliate NOT carrying NSP for possibly being too consistent with the NAP -|- why government should be abolished -|- backed-up courts from individuals simply challenging their alleged "charges" -|- there is absolutely no evidence that anybody wants government due to the absence of free choice; it is impossible to want something if it is forced upon you -|- the "rights" that government allege to "protect" are the same "rights" they themselves [color=#FF0000]violate EVERY SINGLE DAY towards EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL, there are countless cases were the unprovoked "state" has initiated and caused loss, injury, harm, or damage towards their victims -|- "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion" - Albert Camus -|- tharrin from the forum joins the show to discuss speedy trials, interrogatories for deposition, request for admissions, impeaching a witness, asking for a power of attorney for judges representing defendants, and kops soliciting residency surveys -|- "the STATE either exists, or it does not exist is to have being, a rock exists, it has physical explain STATE" -|- Sovereign Curtis joins the show to discuss his felonious saga and his procedural options -|- the Shire Society plagiarism controversy -|- Keith joins the show to debut his website:, and his situation with Canadian bureaucratic attacks -|- the absurdities of private vacant-property ownership and state ownership of property -|- listeners phone in with questions and comments regarding claims that the court was "unequipped to handle" a motion to dismiss that was hand-delivered to the court and officer, bureaucratic attacks for "building code violations", contraband turkey update from yeoman, admissible evidence that is 1)relevant, and 2)comes from a witness who is competent to testify, "case" goes to the supreme court for asking the question "factually, what is the state?", "requirements" for insurance, dealing with lapsed court deadlines, case dismissals for lack of witnesses, and seeking bonds and oaths of office for bureaucrats.