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NLP Mind Control in the Media (2013) [pack]

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NLP Mind Control in the Media (2013) [pack]

US media uses psychological programing to influence public opinion on Syria

It is nauseating to watch CNN shill Jake Tapper trying to use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) on (D) Rep. Alan Grayson. Every time Tapper asks Grayson a question, Tapper nods his head in the direction of the answer he wants the viewer to believe as the 'truth' thus trying to persuade public opinion. This is how the mainstream media operates and why you should always remember to ask yourself if you can trust them. (VIDEO)

Right from Tapper's initial comment, you can see him shaking his head "no" when he's saying, "One lawmaker who outright opposes(shakes head no) intervention…"

"Is there anything the administration could say (nods head "yes" ) at this point to convince you to support an air strike."

"You bring up the issue of national interests here, VITAL national interests. The President (nods head "yes" throughout this sentence), on PBS, was talking about the U.S. interests…"

"In your opinion, is the President wrong (shakes head "no" ), that a chemical attack on the people in Syria does not threaten(nods head "yes" ) U.S. national interests…"

"100,000 people in the Syrian conflict… by some reports, at least 350 people killed in what the administration (nods head "yes" ) says was a chemical weapons attack, is standing by and doing nothing (shakes head "no" ) really an option?"

"To be clear, it's the administration that's saying the evidence is undeniable (nods head "yes" ) of a chemical attack.

If the UN inspectors come back and say it was a chemical attack (nods head "yes" ) in this town…"

Even Tappper's body posture is leaning to the "left" suggesting Grayson is a left-winger.

This is similar to the "head nod" that car salesmen will use on you in order to control the conversation as well as your response. The car salesman will ask you questions that are most likely to be answered "Yes" by the potential customer. When it comes down to asking you if you would like to purchase the car, your mind has already been conditioned to say "Yes".

Neuro-linguistic programming (or NLP) is a controversial interpersonal communication model applied in psychotherapy and other contexts of communication and change. The basic assumptions of NLP draw from aspects of neurology ("neuro-" ), transformational grammar ("linguistics" ) and cybernetics ("programming" ). It has often been promoted as an art and science of effective communication and defined as ‘the study of the structure of subjective experience'.

source: Voice of Russia, Waking Times

video: Rep. Grayson Argues Against Syria Strike.mp4

text: US media uses psychological programing to influence public opinion on Syria.pdf

Richard Bandler - The User's Manual for the Brain.pdf
Richard-Bandler-Unbaendige-Motivation [german].pdf

comment: You have to read the Russian media now to know what is going on in this crazy world we live in. Many leaders have been trained in NLP, especially Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro. Never underestimate your opponents. That's exactly why I have been seeding NLP torrents here quite some time ago. To be aware of NLP, you have to know as much about it as those using it. And don't tell me NLP doesn't work. If it didn't work then the bad guys wouldn't waste their time using it. Just have a look at how many people still have faith in Obama - that's how powerful NLP and other methods are. By the way, I really like this Alan Grayson. Tapper looks like one of those programmed Montauk-boys to me - very professional and very cold.