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Neil Sanders - Mind Control (2010-11)

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Neil Sanders - Mind Control (2010-11)

1) Neil Sanders originally contacted The Richplanet Starship to submit some of his music for the show. His music is predominantly about mind control and how it is used by secret groups to control the population. Having exchanged a few emails with Neil it quickly became clear he is extremely well read on this subject, so I thought his knowledge could help shed light on this sometimes taboo subject.

We discuss the secret MKULTRA mind control programme which was a continuation by the CIA of Nazi experiments into mind manipulation using a range of techniques. There are a number of methods being used to control our minds. Neil will be returning soon for a second interview about "media mind control".

2) Neil Sanders returns for another discussion about mind control. Just how much are our thoughts steered by the media? TV, advertisements, films, newspapers all have more influence over us than we realize. Neil contends that even the rebellious movements of the 1960's with the introduction of LSD were all carefully orchestrated by the CIA at the recommendation of The Tavistock Institute. What is a manchurian candidate? and how many murderers have been programmed to kill rather than the official accounts which generally suggest simple insanity as the explanation.

If you don't think you are being mind controlled then it probably means that you are.

3) Neil Sanders has spent years reading about and researching the subject of secret government mind control projects. The CIA and others have used mind control and brainwashing techniques for espionage purposes and even for the prostitution of children. What many do not realize is that mind control techniques may have also been used to "create" certain celebrities before they were famous. The celebrity can then be directly controlled by a handler using mind control techniques and thus used as a tool of the elite. After all, certain celebrities unfortunately influence millions of young peoples minds, so it makes sense they would seek to control them. Neil compares alleged mind control victims of the past with certain modern day celebrities and concludes that some of today's household name celebrities are under direct mind control of their handlers.


files: 3 episodes - 48 min. each
