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Nazi UFOs - Truth or Myth [MP4.Study-Pack]
The existence of World War Two German field propulsion flying saucers is a topic which is
denied by virtually every reputable authority in aviation history. It is also denied by
many researchers studying German saucers. The problem is that in the years immediately
following the Second World War the earth's skies suddenly began to be populated by
flying craft which did some remarkable things. They flew at unheard of speeds. They
made very sharp turns, seemingly non-aerodynamic turns, even at this extreme
speed. They lacked the glowing tail of jets or rockets but they glowed or gave off light
at night from their periphery or from the whole craft. They were silent or almost
silent. Sometimes they gave off sounds that an electric generator or motor might make.
Sometimes vehicles with electrically based ignition systems ceased to operate in the
presence of these saucers. No government claimed these flying craft, yet they were
seen all over the world.
The press and popular culture attributed these unusual craft to an
extraterrestrial source. Yet, after over fifty years, no real proof for
this assertion has ever come forth. Let's come back down to earth. By
all accounts these saucer were solid and material in nature. Perhaps it
is time to attribute their origin to a solid, material source.
The HAUNEBU DISC is the most common craft associated with the Third Reich Discs. The resemblance to the Adamski Discs is undeniable.
The SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4), a development unit of the SS occult “Order of the Black Sun” was tasked with researching
alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative
energies and fuels.
This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into
an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create
powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka.
Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.
Since 1935 the Thule Gesellschaft (Society) had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped testing ground for such a
craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of
this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply referred to the new Thule disc as a war product- the “H-Gerat” (Hauneburg
Files: See File List
Comment: Everything you know is wrong. :alien: