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My Awakening-David Duke-AudioBook

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CommentDavid Duke - My Awakening - Audio book. If you really are open-minded and tolerant of different ideas and personalities, I challenge you to read this book. I promise that you will find that I and my ideas are profoundly different than the characterization of the media. More importantly, you will experience ideas and research that will interest and challenge you. I have been deluged with many wonderful letters received from both academics and average working people who have been fascinated and moved by My Awakening. I invite you take a look inside the thoughts and the person that the media "loves to hate." A refreshing look at the people of this earth and the horrors that await the next generation unless we act now.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.06.02 08:37
Info Hash2e7c3b4624be4ad2aa4185f9078c95b8fa6dd4d8
Node ID3822
Number of Files31
Number of Pieces714
Piece Length256 KiB
Size178.28 MiB