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Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud (1939)
In this work Freud hypothesizes that Moses was not Hebrew, but actually born into Ancient Egyptian
nobility and was perhaps a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian monotheist, or perhaps
Akhenaten himself. The book consists of three parts and is an extension of Freud's work on
psychoanalytic theory as a means of generating hypotheses about historical events.
"To deny a people the man whom it praises as the greatest of its sons is not a deed to be undertaken
lightheartedly--especially by one belonging to that people," writes Sigmund Freud, as he prepares to
pull the carpet out from under The Great Lawgiver in Moses and Monotheism. In this, his last book,
Freud argues that Moses was an Egyptian nobleman and that the Jewish religion was in fact an
Egyptian import to Palestine. Freud also writes that Moses was murdered in the wilderness, in a
reenactment of the primal crime against the father. Lingering guilt for this crime, Freud says, is
the reason Christians understand Jesus' death as sacrificial. "The 'redeemer' could be none other
than the one chief culprit, the leader of the brother-band who had overpowered the father." Hence
the basic difference between Judaism and Christianity: "Judaism had been a religion of the father,
Christianity became a religion of the son." Freud's arguments are extremely imaginative, and his
distinction between reality and fantasy, as always, is very loose. If only as a study of
wrong-headedness, however, it's fascinating reading for those who want to explore the psychological
impulses governing the historical relationship between Christians and Jews. --Michael Joseph Gross
Freud's Last Act
Who founded Judaism and monotheism is indeed a tricky but nevertheless intriguing question? Tom
Cahill, in his wonderful and lyrical piece "The Gift of the Jews," lists monotheism as an important
Jewish contribution to civilization. On the other hand, Dr. Frances Cress Welsin, in the Isis
Papers, and others of her Africanist cohorts, suggest that Judaism -- as well as Christianity -- are
but off-shoots of well-established Egyptian myths, rituals and religions.
While it is one thing for free-lance interlopers on either side of this issue to speculate on these
matters, it is quite another when the father of modern psychology himself, Sigmund Freud, does so --
even if it is done as his last professional act.
Using his earlier work, Totem and Taboo as the psychological foundation and backdrop, Freud in his
final book, spins out a not altogether unconvincing tale that Moses was an Egyptian Prince who was
killed by his sons, and that monotheism was the necessary cultural invention and outcome that
ultimately prevented the cycle of fratricide from continuing.
It is a fascinating read even if not up to Freud's normal high standards of analytical rigor.
Despite its speculative nature, this thesis has global implications for contemporary religion, the
Western worldview, and for how our current structure of morality was established and continues to
work. Five stars. --Herbert L Calhoun
Freud Sigmund Moses and Monotheism Hogarth Press 1939.pdf
Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud.pdf
Sigmund Freud Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion.pdf - The German original
tags: Moses, Freud, Egyptian, nobility, Judaism, Christianity, psychoanalysis