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Morgellons Disease, Nanotech and Implants
YouTube - Chemtrails, Orbs and Morgellons
YouTube - Is Morgellons Disease Caused by Chemtrail Spraying?
YouTube - Morgellons - Part 1 and 2 - Nightline - CDC - Chemtrails Nanotech
YouTube - Nano Tech (Desteni)
I understand that this may scare you, but perhaps that's exactly what 'they' want. These videos may as well be part of a clever disinformation strategy.
But remember this statement made by the Illuminati:
"6. He then admonished his listeners with these words
“The power of our resources must remain invisible until the
very moment when it has gained such strength that no
cunning or force can undermine it.” He warned them that
any deviation from the Line of the strategical plan he was
making known to them would risk bringing to naught
Quoted from: "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr
It is more likely that 'they' want to keep this secret until it is too late to do something about it. Most people are on stupid pills, and it is unlikely that they will do anything to stop this in time.
In this sense the Illuminati are right: Most people are just like stupid cattle. What the Illuminati won't tell you though is this: They have brought forth this situation, they wanted people to be that stupid.
Inject people with mercury, brainwash them by the media, dumb them down with the school system, add some chloride to their drinking water, add some fluoride to their toothpaste, use a few other technologies such as transmitters in cellphone-towers and HAARP and here they are: perfect zombies ready to accept anything. Gladly willing to accept their own destruction.
But remember: All it takes for bad people to control the world are good people who don't do anything against it.