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Miscellanea Judaica #07

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Mainly a historical focus this time, including DNA in tracing inheritance; the contemporary accounts of appalled observers; romanticised surveys such as Young's, extoling the Druids and the ancient British Christian Church (excellent in other respects however), or Capt on the symbolic significance of Solomon's Temple; the tracing of Jewish family history and name-changes; and some post-WW2 realities.

Try to refrain from Rating Abuse, pro or contra.

Shortlist of titles:

i) Christian Nationalist Crusade - "Hidden Empire" (1945)
ii) R.M. Lee - "Keegstra's Children" (1985) REFORMAT
iii) D.W. McCullough (ed.) - "Chronicles Of The Barbarians" (M. Paris - Chronicles - extract) (1998)
iv) G. Hamilton-Edwards - "In Search Of Ancestry - Ch. 17 'Jews, Huguenots And Other Immigrants.' " (1983)
v) Colin Jordan - "Gothic Ripples #18" (1988)
vi) Anon. - "Kol Nidre: A Jewish Prayer to Absolve All Vows"
vii) Francis Parker Yockey - "The Proclamation Of London Of The European Liberation Front" (1949)
viii) David Goldstein - "Jacob's Legacy" (2008)
ix) E. Raymond Capt. - "King Solomon's Temple: A Study Of Its Symbolism" (1979)
x) M. Ross - "Christianity -vs- Judeo-Christianity" (1984) REFORMAT
xi) Leonard Young - "Deadlier Than the H-Bomb" (1956) REFORMAT

(1) Christian Nationalist Crusade - "Hidden Empire" (1945)

449kb, 77 pages. Rare. Published October 1945 pre-election but contains earlier section dating back to 1934 regarding the "New Deal" and the crash. Mentioned in Louis Marschalko's "The World Conquerors" (1958) included in Miscellanea_Judaica_#06 - it's a pity a few more of you haven't downloaded it, that book is probably the most important on this subject I have read to date:

Can our constitutional government survive under New Deal Jewish communism?—What the Jewish politicians are planning for you.—
From the editor's desk: the way it works.—Have they done it?—The Plan in action.—Was Jesus a Jew?—The Talmud condemned.—
"Persecution".—"We have tarnished and broken their power".—The world menace for centuries.—The Illuminati.—Napoleon.—
Was Lincoln a victim of the Plot?—The powerful Cahilla.—Germany.—Russia.—Get Congressional Record.—The Protocols.—
Religion.—Pacifism.—Money.—Education.—League of Nations.—Industry.—Agriculture.—Governments.—Propaganda.—

" is time that exposure is forthcoming.
If not exposed, our government is blamed, the Catholic church is blamed, the Federal Reserve System is blamed, Capitalism is blamed, the Republican Party is blamed, the Democratic Party is blamed, and so on through a long list, without a finger ever being pointed to the real cause of our difficulties.
The best explanation of what is coming, if not stopped, is given by Clyde J. Wright, editor in Houston, Texas.
"After 'Accumulating the wealth of the world,' the next thing which the money-mongers had to decide was WHAT TO DO WITH THE 'ACCUMULATED WEALTH OF THE WORLD.' How can it be made secure? How can it be made to earn interest forever?
"The answer is, Socialism, Bolshevism, Sovietism. The formula is, 'Government Ownership, Management and Control of All Public Utilities,' by a Paternalistic Autocracy. Russia is the first outstanding sample.
"In perfect accord with the Protocols, the Jews are borrowing and bonding the unsuspecting Russian people into an inhuman robot peonage, which is to be a comparative hell alongside the former peasantry of the Czar. Russia is not only borrowing at home, but abroad. The Paternalistic Soviet State is guaranteeing the INTEREST to be paid to the private owners of money. Shylock is by nature a usurer. Of course the principal will never be paid."

(2) R.M. Lee - "Keegstra's Children" (1985)

507kb, 9 pages, generally good account of the unorthodox high school teaching syllabus of Jim Keegstra, printed in Saturday Night (1985) and penned by Robert Mason Lee (sc.: Levy?); a Canadian cause celebre. "James Keegstra taught his high-school classes in Eckville, Alberta, that the Jews are behind a worldwide conspiracy. Some still believe him."

"In December, 1982, he was fired. Keegstra appealed the dismissal to a tribunal hearing before a Court of Queen's Bench justice.
At the hearing, the covers of the students' scribblers were opened, and news of what Keegstra had been teaching for the past 11 years became widely publicized. One student wrote in an essay that Jewish-controlled thugs would ride around in packs and bash in children's heads and rape the women and drown them. They would also cut open the stomachs of men and let them bleed to death. The essay reads: "In my opinion, this must come to a dead halt." Then, in conclusion: "We must get rid of every Jew in existence so we may live in peace and freedom."


(3) D.W. McCullough (ed.) - "Chronicles Of The Barbarians" (M. Paris - Chronicles - extract) (1998)

544kb, 3 pages, extract from this 1998 compilation from Matthew Paris's Chronicles: 1241: "The Enormous Wickedness Of The Jews." 'This compilation of primary sources presents dozens of striking accounts of the exotic customs and fierce deeds of those considered barbarians by eyewitness writers from throughout history. These authors, mostly near-contemporaries of the events they describe, range from classical historians like Herodotus and Tacitus, to generals, ambassadors, and ordinary soldiers.' Also includes snippet from succeeding article #1243 about the cruelty of the Tartars and illustration: "Figure 17. Genghis Khan and His Sons by Rashid al-Din, from a fourteenth-century Persian manuscript. Courtesy Art Resource." -- from which you will note one of the several marks of the hither-Asiatic or Armenoid and his antecedents, the unduly short leg length compared with the trunk. Likewise adherent ears, planar occiput, occular misalignment, etc etc.

(4) G. Hamilton-Edwards - "In Search Of Ancestry - Ch. 17 'Jews, Huguenots And Other Immigrants.' " (1983)
44.2kb, 8 pages. UK family history research: Jews, Huguenots and other immigrants; revealing observations on Jewish name-changes, Sephardic and Ashkenazi name-origins; provides UK documentary sources for tracing the ancestry of these groups.

(5) Colin Jordan - "Gothic Ripples #18" (1988)
928kb, 10 pages. From the UK's nationalist right wing of the 1970s/1980s, interesting in as much as it cites cases of WW2 war crimes by British troops and similar by the Allies generally in the context of Jewish pressure on the then UK Government Home Secretary Douglas Hurd to assist in extraditing elderly UK residents for trial in connection with allegations of their involvement in atrocities in the Nazi camps and elsewhere. Also remarks on Churchill's war-mongering, his influencers etc., and sundry then-current news items plus a small piece on professedly fascist French right wing leader Le Pen's Judaic sympathies (accusations corroborated by the material on page 167 of Texe Marrs Codex Magica (2005) referring also to the UK BNP's Nick Griffin in similar vein).

(6) Anon. - "Kol Nidre: A Jewish Prayer to Absolve All Vows"
51.6kb, 8 pages. More from the gospel of hate. Opposed by some Jews.
"In the volume of revised Festival Prayers published in 1919 by the Hebrew Publishing Company, New York the prayer appears in its fullness:—

"All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for in happiness) we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths." "

(7) Francis Parker Yockey - "The Proclamation Of London Of The European Liberation Front" (1949)
185kb, 35 pages. Distillation of his 'Imperium' (1948) 619pp written under the pseudonym of "Ulick Varange". Scathing and oft-times emotional attack on "Culture-distortion" and its subversive war on the life of Western Civilisation. Advocated revival of race and cultural awareness of those of European descent. Also envisaged union of European nations and co-operation with the US in opposition to the Jewish dialectic presented by the ZoG of USA and USSR.
But was he really an early harbinger of the European Union concept, sugaring the abandonment of national sovereignty? His later imprisonment and demise might suggest otherwise, but who knows.

"Why is the Proclamation of London important? Simply this: every idea pertinent to the development of Western Man that is elaborated upon throughout 619 pages of Imperium is contained in 32 pages of Proclamation. The Liberation Front's purpose of having Yockey write this manifesto and sending the completed work to press was to provide a condensation, a capsule of Yockey's masterwork-one that could be widely disseminated and quickly grasped by potential Western Culture Thinkers."
--Publisher's Foreword.

See also for "Imperium":,%20franci...

Colin Jordan (died 2009, #5 above) wrote "A Fraudulent Conversion" in 1955 contending with Yockey's view that Stalin had turned on the Jews in the U.S.S.R.

(8) David Goldstein - "Jacob's Legacy" (2008)
1.17MB, 171 pages.
An American Jewish academic examines the arguments being advanced for the traceable DNA inheritance of the present day "Jews" in Israel back to the ancient Middle East. Not quite so effusive, or convinced, that the Khazar origin of Ashkenazi Jews has been disproved by the genetic research, as are some Christian Zionists, such as Chris White, who regards the current research as categoric proof of an unbroken Jewish lineage and who seems to attribute the concept of the Khazar connection to Arthur Koestler's book "The Thirteenth Tribe" (1976) whereas in fact it was merely a popularisation of much earlier research and reports dating back hundreds of years. See the bibliography in The Thirteenth Tribe itself.

" Who were the ancient Hebrews? Where did they come from? What ultimately became of them? Most of our information comes from the oral traditions and written accounts of the Jews themselves, and surprisingly little is known with any certainty. . . .
I begin with the biblical and oral traditions surrounding the Jewish priesthood and priestly tribe. Here I explore whether these ancient traditions have a clear genetic legacy among contemporary Jewish priests, the Cohanim. To address this question, I use patterns of genetic variation on the human Y chromosome, which records the history of the males of a population. From the Jewish priests, we move on, in chapter 2, to the exiles. Our first stop is southernmost Africa, where a small group of Bantu-speaking people, the Lemba, claim a three-thousand-year-old origin in ancient Israel. Here again we use the Y chromosome to search for signatures of a Jewish genetic heritage of the Lemba. From this surprising outpost of Jewish identification, we shift our focus, in chapter 3, to the whole of the Jewish Diaspora, beginning with the question of whether the genetic legacy of the priestly tribe of Levi points in directions distinct from that of the more elite priestly class, the Cohanim. Up to this point our focus is the part of our genome that is influenced only by males—their movements and their particular demographic histories. These analyses are blind to female history [which is then later addressed].

(9) E. Raymond Capt. - "King Solomon's Temple: A Study Of Its Symbolism" (1979)
8.50MB, 99 pages. Painstakingly examines the structure, measurements and symbolism of King Solomon's Temple, its artefacts and the religious/cultic practices that were associated with it e.g. the scape-goat, the shewbread. Sourced mainly from the books of the Old Testament of the Bible. Many nice photographs and lineart but as a historical thesis it is trashed by Shlomo Sand's "The Invention of the Jewish People" (English edition 2009) and in any event the state of archaeological knowledge that existed at the time of Capt's writing in 1979 did not support the existence of *Solomon's* Temple as a historic phenomenon. Has a noticeable British-Israel flavour to it.

(10) M. Ross - "Christianity -vs- Judeo-Christianity" (1984) v.2 REFORMATTED
502kb, 33 pages.
Last year's offering updated to produce a lightweight emailable etc edition, it also corrects a few minor textual errors in the printed copy. Ineradicable but immaterial typesetting format issue remains in a footnote. It refers to Keegstra (above). Much on the unsavoury paedophile, coprophile, racial-supremacist, etc. etc. elements of the Talmud and on rabbinical pilpul or cognitive dissonance-inducing argumentation (casuistry) that seeks to reconcile equal and opposite postulates / conclusions through verbal legerdemain.

"Here are the words of advice from the Talmud: "When you go to war do not go as the first, but as the last, so that you may return as the first. Five things has Canaan recommended to his sons: 'Love each other, love the robbery, hate your masters and never tell the truth.' " Where are the knights of old who swore their oaths of fealty and loyalty and defended their honour with their lives?"

This quotation also appears in Eustace Mullins' "The Curse of Canaan".

(11) Leonard Young - "Deadlier Than the H-Bomb" (1956) REFORMAT
770kb, 92 pages. Completely new scan of the venerable booklet published by Britons Publishing Society and echoing the sentiments of other ex-military men who, having returned from wars and fighting for King and Country, committed to paper their feelings of having been "had". (See also: Domvile: "From Admiral To Cabin Boy" (also about Reg. 18B) (1947); Lane: "The Hidden Hand" (1938); Ramsay: "The Nameless War" (1952); Scott: "Hidden Government" (1954) - all on ConCen as standalones or in earlier Miscellanea_Judaica).
Scan corrects errors / omissions in the other versions. Currently there are 3, the one on ConCen and these:


Publishers' Note 5
Author's Preface 5
Introduction 6
1. Early British History 7
2. The Jews 12
3. The Khazars 15
4. The Jews in Britain 17
5. Money Lending 22
6. Some Effects of the Usury System 30
7. Two Jewish Plans 33
8. The Poison in Britain 36
9. The Poison in America 44
10. The League of Nations 49
11. Hitler 51
12. The War 56
13. Winston Churchill 60
14. The Plot in America 62
15. The United Nations 66
16. Post War Britain 68
17. A Hint from the Bible 71
18. Famous Men on the Jews 75
19. Other Means of Assault by the Jews 78
20. The Remedy 80
Bibliography 85

"A remarkably good book on the subject is 'Human Ecology', by Dr. Thomas Robertson, of Glasgow. . . .
Robertson explains that a study of history shows that the world is an organism suffering from a disease
with a wide variety of symptoms which always appear in a definite order. They appear in every part of the
globe, except its "uncivilised" parts, and, irrespective of race, nationality, climate or position. The symptoms
are the whole range of social disorders, the main ones being poverty amidst plenty, civil and political
disorder, frustration, loss of liberty and strife of every kind, finally ending in war. They appear under every
condition except one, being found in countries on the gold standard or off it, in ones with blocked currencies,
managed currencies or on barter; in countries with free trade or on tariffs, in countries full of gold or those
with none, in those with access to all raw materials and those with very little, in industrial and in agricultural
societies and in countries which chiefly export and those which do not. Also they appear with equal
indifference under all political systems, in monarchies (constitutional or not), in plutocracies and
democracies, under dictatorships of race or proletariat, under Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism or
Communism, or any other kind of politics so far tried; and also under every religion or none. They also
appear under Federal Union.
An examination of the factors present in these various cases shows that there is only one which is
common to all and that is financial credit—the international money system, which has almost escaped
notice. The money system must therefore be the basic cause of all the troubles.
This is proved to be
true by the fact that where the money system is the most powerful the disease is worst and by the fact
that the only communities free from the symptoms are the "uncivilised" ones which have not been fully
corrupted by the money system."

--Chapter 5: Moneylending

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