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Michael Tsarion - Subversive Use of Occult Symbolism [pack]
During the next 10 years, the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery, we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of Earth’s human inhabitants. This is a question that should be on the mind of every living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now. We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil. -- Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
comment: You may or may not agree with Michael Tsarion, he's certainly not a Christian and even somewhat demonic but he's incredibly authentic and he's smart enough to realize that the impending implosion of society cannot be in anybody's interest. His anger at the world's injustice seems to be honest. This pack is loaded.
Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation
Michael Tsarion - 2012 _ The Future of Mankind.m4v
Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation
Michael Tsarion - Architects of Control
Michael Tsarion - Disciples of the Mysterium.m4v
Michael Tsarion - Rabbit Hole News.m4v
Michael Tsarion - Symbol Literacy and the Age of Manipulation
Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization
Michael Tsarion - The Posthuman World
Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media
Michael Tsarion Is Wrong - A Debunkumentary (2009).m4v
The Freeman Perspective with Michael Tsarion.m4v
Michael Tsarion - Atlantis and Sacred Symbolism _ Coast to Coast am (2006).mp3
Michael Tsarion - Inner Zodiac & Symbolism - From the Bunker 06-06-2006.mp3
Michael Tsarion - Movies and Their Symbolism - Red Ice Radio.mp3
Michael Tsarion - Symbolic Awareness & Ego - The Celtic Rebel (2010).mp3
Michael Tsarion - Symbolism & Control - Higherside Chats 11.mp3
Irish Origins of Civilization Vol 1 2008 - Michael Tsarion.pdf
Irish Origins of Civilization Vol 2 2007 - Michael Tsarion.pdf
Michael Tsarion - Atlantis Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation.pdf
Michael Tsarion - Shiva The Holy Spirit.pdf
Michael Tsarion - The Inner Zodiac.pdf
Michael Tsarion & Jordan Maxwell - Symbols.pdf