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Induction into Power
Metaphysics (Published February 11th, 2008)
DVD Main Contents:
_The Rhizome and The Root.mp3
_Waking Life - Dream Is Destiny.avi
2004 - What The Hell Do We Know.avi
Alan Watts - Our Image of the World.mp3
Alan Watts - Part Two - On Being God.mp3
Aldous Huxley - The Perennial Philosophy.mht
Ali Nomad - Cosmic Consciousness - 1917.pdf
Art Meets Science and Spirituality - 1971.avi
Atom in Science and Religion - Manly P Hall.mp3
Awakening The Divine Within - Entheogen 2007.avi
BBC Documentary - Carl G. Jung - Matter of Heart.avi
Buddhism - Thich Nhat Hanh - The Nature of Things.mp3
Carlos Castaneda - The Totality of Oneself - Don Juan.txt
Compassion Science, and Consciousness Survival - Tart.mp3
Consciousness and Survival - IONS - Charles T. Tart.mp3
Cross-State Memory - John Steele with T McKenna.mp3
Death Experiences - Life After Life - Ray Moody.avi
Dr Rick Strassman - DMT - The Spirit Molecule.mp3
Egypt - Magical Egypt - Navigating The Afterlife.avi
Esoterism and Symbol - R A. Schwaller De Lubicz.pdf
Implicate Order - David Bohm - Universal Metadata.mht
Joseph Matheny - The Bhodi Tree Bookstore Pt 1-2.mp3
Maybe Logic - Robert Anton Wilson - Documentary 2003.avi
Metaphysical Paradigm Wars - WorldViews For A New Age.mht
Natural Law (or Don't Put a Rubber On Your Willy) - R.A.W.pdf
Natural Questions - Richard Feynman - Horizon Interview.avi
Paul Dirac's Equation - The Sea of Negative Energy 2002.pdf
Physics 1 - Time Travel, Tunneling, Tennis, and Tea.avi
Physics 2 - May the Force Be With You - Dark Energy.avi
Physics and Spirituality - David Sereda C2C 2005.mp3
Physics of Consciousness - Evan Harris Walker.mht
R. Buckminster Fuller - Synergistics - Universe.pdf
RadiOrbit - Marko Rodin - Vortex Math - 072307.mp3
Rupert Sheldrake - Heretic - BBC Untold Mysteries.avi
Rupert Sheldrake - The Extended Mind - Part 1-3.mp3
Sacred Science - Works Relating To Integral Science.mht
Shroud of Turin - Fabric Of Time - Documentary 2007.avi
Superstrings as Information in the Holographic Universe.htm
Synchronicity in the Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot.mp3
Tao of Physics - Philosophy and Physics - Fritjof Capra 1975.pdf
The Elegant Universe - 'M' Theory - Magic, Mystery, Matrix.avi
The Fire From Within - Carlos Castaneda (Nagualism) 1985.doc
The Intention Series - Mind Shadows - Marianne Williamson.mp3
The Mindscape of Alan Moore - Writer Shaman Documentary.avi
The Mud Shadows - Agent Smith, Syntax, Shaman, Infinity.mht
They Live - Consume, This Is Your God, Do Not Question.avi
Transcending The Control System - Food For The Moon.mht
Video - The Soft Skeletons and Emily Haines - Our Hell.avi
What It Means To Be A Human Being - John Trudell.mp3
William Burroughs - The Mind Parasites - Review.mht
Youtube - The Matrix Ending - System Failure.avi
This DVD is part of the Induction series, a self-induced initiation
into self-knowledge and power. Because our dreams are destiny.
Enjoy and Copy Freely.
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DivX. There are also some WMV, RA and Mov files which either couldn't be re-
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or bmp format, and most webpages are included in single archive MHT files.
Converting these files ensures compatibility for playback on recommended
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All files should be considered sub-retail and for education only.
On Publishing •••
Due to the need for this information, some of these files are distributed
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Most are freely recorded or downloaded from public sources before being
further compiled. In this form they are highly compressed, degraded and
should be considered to be sub-retail, non-commercial files. They were
created for personal reference and educational use only.
On The Induction Series •••
The Induction series can be thought of as a tree. It's roots can be found
in the She Who Remembers Archives, and through Conspiracy Central.
Induction Into Power
Plant Life
The Way
To find out more about The Induction Series,
or email:
Special Thanks •••
Special thanks to all of the authors, speakers and researchers who contributed
to these archives. This discs is dedicated the peopl I've met online.
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"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."