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A Manual For Humanity (vol. 1 Preface)

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My book 'A Manual For Humanity' is an 800 page socio-politcal book, a book of revelation and of spiritual insight, (similar to some of the things in my profile), though the book goes much deeper into the individual, the soul and into the outside world that we all live in. It shows connections people know very little about and most cannot see, (and do not want to); it is a question of true spiritual maturity, of development of the 'soul', (if you understand that meaning of that word). AMFH is a small representation of decades of both research and in-depth thought. It is not for mass consumption. Yet, all would benefit from its reading though for most however, it would simply be too much; information overload. Not being intended for the mass man, it is meant for those who have already progressed well-down the path of internal and external exploration, (not in a religious or New Age sense, but in hard nosed reality). Most people know precious little about the world in which they live, living almost like an uneducated child by their own choice and direction... or lack thereof, preferring to be (mis)lead by the dark state. To be frank, most people miss the boat of life entirely and spend all of their time on the shore lost in superficial, immature and material things, idling away until they die, force-feeding their Ego and 'living their life to the fullest' in a oxymoronic parady of the true meaning of those words, having learned nothing more about things of 'true value' than that with which they were born. Sad, yet true for far too many, for all in fact... save a scattered few. Who are you? Can you self identify? I doubt it, for it is a path for those with the eyes to see and not for those who spend their total lives in the dark state of matter hiding in the shadows and afraid to come out, afraid to 'emerge'. What a pity, for you could be so much more.

This is the preface, (audio and PDF), of Ben Dragon's book "A Manual For Humanity". It is the continuing re-uploads that I have been doing from 7-8 years back.
The rest of them are on just search for "Ben Dragon" or "AMFH" and they are on his web site.

His website is at:

Ben Dragon's E-mail address is:

I'll post more on his work when he does or if I can find more of the old ones.

Thomas C.