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Manly P Hall Complete Study Collection

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Another rumbelleeee, enjoy.





May someone explain me why is Hall so important?

Watch this video and you might see the reason.

What he promote in this Youtube lecture: religion, magic, obedience to authority, reliance to other stronger people, predeterminism, putting faith before the science, justify the infantilism, idealism, anti-materialism, promotion of demonology
When he started the talk about messenger - I realized he is top-notch manipulator.

Guarding angel is the wisdom of our ancestors?
You need to rely on spirit in your head?

The guy is making references to Lucifer and kabbalah the whole speech.

I sincerely can't believe why this man and Aleister Crowley have cult status on Concen.

Because "ConCen" is a conspiracy website. It is what we do. We expose the works of darkness -- I don't know how to expose the darkness except by quoting what they say, in context

What he promotes in this Youtube lecture: religion, magic, obedience to authority, reliance to other stronger people, predeterminism, putting faith before the science, justify the infantilism, idealism, anti-materialism, promotion of demonology. When he started the talk about messenger - I realized he is top-notch manipulator.

You realize this description also fits the entire Democrat party (I call them DemonicRats), most of the Republicans (I call them Repubs), most of the MSM, entertainment industry, academia/teachers -- from K thru PhD, government bureaucracies, etc, etc. The way that you tell them apart from good people is that they tell one lie after another.

laneigile -- I see that you have a well-developed gift from the Holy Spirit called: "Discernment of Spirits"

Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak the things being done in secret by them, but all things being exposed by the light becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. -- Ephesians 5:11-14

No matter what I dislike about him, it's a fact that Hall is important to western philosophy. Even more, he is a messenger of people in power:

NONE remain undefiled with corruption & manipulation.

The Roman Empire appropriated Middle-Eastern religious philosophy & teachings, repaganized & twisted them to perpetuate their attempts to take over the world, and still survive today under the guise of the Roman Catholic (i.e. "Universal") Church. They codified what IS and ISN'T "approved" doctrine & teaching for most of the last two millennia, and did everything in their power to destroy, kill, &/or confiscate & hide anything/anyone contradictory to their rule, & progressed virtually unchallenged for nearly six centuries, until the birth of Islam, and another nine centuries until the birth of Protestantism, to oppose their heresies against the teachings of a 'christened'/enlightened Jew, whom they still quote:

Matthew 5:18:
“For truly I tell you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not even one yod or dagesh shall pass away from the law until all of it is fulfilled.”

Judaism hasn't survived the manipulations & contortions of academia & scholars (Rabbanim), without the Priesthood (Kohanim) to keep them in check. It's all—Christianity included—virtually Sadducees & Pharisees, playing out in the streets of our contemporary world.

And Islam, might be thought of as a virtual 'Anti-Roman Catholicism', with principally the same goals as the Roman Empire, but stripping the ritualistic idolatry, paganism, and polytheistic 'Trinity' back out, returning to a more Judaic view of a divine 'Unity'.

Without full, fluent conversational understanding of ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek, comprehension of the psychology, sociology, linguistics, history, colloquialisms, etc., of the time—even with the few reliable remaining fragments—too much has been lost, stolen, corrupted, & destroyed, to consider anything approaching any kind of fundamentalist devotion as anything less than foolish naiveté or insanity.

And even that is without considering that the original teachings were explicitly delivered to predominantly illiterate, backward, extremely foreign peoples/cultures in a relatively tiny portion of the planet, millennia ago.

Either you believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent divinity, G*d, Source, Creator... or you don't.
Regardless, fear of a 'devil' is not faith in G*d. Is there ONE 'power', or are there many?


I don't need fluent conversational understanding of ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek to understand when someone is malicious.
I apologize for mentioning Lucifer, people think differently about it. I wanted to say evil.
Through the history there are two powers in our world engaging in culture wars. You can translate their wars as fight between traders and landowners.
What Hall doesn't explain is that there are teachings that humans may achieve godlike status on Earth, during their lives. But it's more profitable for intellectuals to spread lies.

Basior wrote:

NONE remain undefiled with corruption & manipulation.



laneigile wrote:

What Hall doesn't explain is that there are teachings that humans may achieve godlike status on Earth, during their lives. But it's more profitable for intellectuals to spread lies.

Very nice to see you post, Basior, and thanks for sharing your thoughtful comments.

Also, thanks Laneigile, for always asking good questions. I am not really into Hall, so have no comment on him, but certainly this wider train of thought you've unthreaded here is of interest for me. One could ask the same thing of Blavatsky (or Crowley, as you point out), but really, the truth is that none of them have "The Answer", in my opinion.

I think the spreading of lies is more auto-ignorant than intentional; less done out of spite, more done out of roboticized forward motion. To be sure, there are individuals with cruel intentions, but I'm assuming that most others just want to share what they know/think they know. It is hardly a crime to want to connect with others. You would have to obliterate at minimum 80% of everything that has ever ever ever been written, if that were a crime.

Instead of asking why intellectuals spread lies, why not ask, why do readers not see through them?

In any case, developing one's ear to the point where you can decipher the silence...that is the start of something, is it not?