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Magical Egypt Part 1 The Invisible Science AVI

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The Invisible Science

A growing body of evidence is suggesting
a missing chapter in human history. Symbolist
author and Egyptologist John Anthony West
explores evidence of a sophisticated science
behind the unexplainable accomplishments
of Ancient Egypt. Was Ancient Egypt the
inheritor of a body of scientific and spiritual
knowledge from an even earlier civilization?

Author / Mathematician Michael S. Schneider
discusses organic geometry and the role of
the fibonacci number series in growing life.
West then demonstrates the presence of the
fibonacci series in the stages of construction
of the temple of Karnak - also known as
the "House of Life"
This is just part one, I've put torrents for all the episodes of the series in with this one please help try to get these and come back and post them.

Visually, our new series is like no documentary you've ever seen before. Chance Gardner's photography,

revolutionary graphics and inspired editing are a total departure from the standard National Geographic

or Discovery Channel rehashes, all pretty pics, academic talking heads and tame commentary by some

diligent but uninitiated freelance researcher.

Insofar as it is possible to capture the hypnotic grandeur of Egypt, to reproduce on a screen the wash and

wave of emotion you get walking through her sacred sites, this series does that. In terms of content, it's

equally original, profound, uncompromising, featuring extended dialogs with adventurous and

controversial scholars at the cutting edge of revising everything we thought we knew about our distant

past. .

We delve into old subjects (sacred geometry, alchemy, magic, Tarot, the afterlife, Immortality,

Reincarnation) traditionally associated with Egypt but always from fresh perspectives. We explore and tie

in to Egypt the latest developments in archeoastronomy, contemporary cosmology and astrophysics

demonstrating that today's most sophisticated advances were known in detail to the unknown Einsteins of

old. We propose that history is not the linear march from primitive cavemen to our advanced selves at the

top (as we've all been taught) but rather a vast cycle extending many thousands of years back, beyond even

dynastic Egypt. . Its zenith is unmistakably not ourselves, nor was it even Egypt. It resides in something

even earlier, a 'lost civilization' that the evidence points to unequivocally, but whose physical details

remain as mysterious as ever.

If you've already been to Egypt this series will refresh and greatly enhance what you already know; if

you've never been and can't go, this is as close as you can possibly get to the actual experience.

JOHN ANTHONY WEST, writer and rogue Egyptologist, has been studying and writing about ancient Egypt for over three decades. He is the foremost exponent of the 'Symbolist' school of Egyptology--which sees (and demonstrates) an ancient sacred science where modern academics see mainly superstition. West's work redating the Great Sphinx of Giza via geology, (proving that it must be at least 10,000 years old or older) was the subject of a 1993 NBC Special, The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston. Viewed by 30,000,000 people, this was one of the most successful documentaries ever shown, and it has escalated into a heated international scholarly controversy. West won an Emmy in 1993 for Best Research for his work on the video and the show itself was one of four nominated for Best Documentary Program. The BBC subsequently produced its own version of the show for its prestigious and popular science series, Timewatch. Retitled Age of the Sphinx, the show recorded the second highest ratings of any Timewatch episode and generated still further controversy in the English press.

West's non-fiction books include Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt (a detailed examination of the symbolist interpretation of Egypt), The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt, and The Case for Astrology. He has also written a book of short stories, a novel, plays, and film scripts. His essays and criticism have appeared in The New York Times, Conde Nast's Traveler, and many other general interest and specialized publications in America and abroad.