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Mae Brussell DVD 1 (1971-1976)

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Mae Brussell DVD 1 (1971-1976)

This torrent may look like my previous Mae Brussell torrent but it's very different. This archive contains the COMPLETE collection of every single show between 1971 to 1976. This is RARE!

Mae Brussell - The Queen of Conspiracy Research

By the time President Kennedy was murdered in 1963, Mae was married with five kids. Hardly satisfied with the Warren Commission Report on the assassination, Mae bought herself as a Christmas present the 26 volume Warren Commission testimonies and began reading, filing and cross-indexing. Not only did she find connections to high level government officials, the CIA, Germany, the Hughes organization, and organized crime, to name a few, but began to see relationships to many other current and past events throughout the world. In June 1971, after 7 years of research and now living in Carmel, California, Mae appeared as a guest on KLRB, a local FM radio station, independently owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Gloria Barron. Mae discussed her views on political assassinations and the New York Times release of the Pentagon Papers. The response was so good, Mae became a regular weekly guest and before too long had her own show, "Dialogue: Conspiracy" - she later changed the name to "World Watchers International". There were times when death threats forced Mae off the air - one time by Charlie Manson family member Sandra Good in September 1975. At one point, Mae resorted to recording her shows at home on her small General Electric cassette tape recorder and privately mailed out copies to her subscribers. In 1983, Mae's show moved to KAZU in Pacific Grove and there it stayed until her last broadcast (#862) on June 13, 1988. On October 3rd of that year, at age 66, Mae died of cancer.

During 17 years of radio shows, tape distribution and newsletters, printed articles in soft porn magazines and radical publications, Mae Brussell has uniquely brought a substantial amount of depth to conspiracy theories involving the Power Control Group, the Nazi's, the means and motives behind the JFK murder, the RFK murder, the people who moved into power during the 1960's and established factions, anti-communist maniacs, the power struggle between military industrial groups in America which are equal in every way to organized crime syndicates operating with the Nazi influence on American post-war, Red Scare America, of the 1950's. Her work stands up with all the other experts and JFK researches, Mark Lane and Jim Garrison, Robert Grodin, Marina Oswald, Richard Nixon, George de Mohrenschildt's shotgun suicide, Robert Maheu's testimony on the Bay of Pigs, etc, Watergate, Howard Hughes, Bill Kaysing, the murders of John Lennon, RFK, MLK, etc, the setup of Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick, Charles Manson, Sirhan Sirhan, etc, Mae's tapes are required listening, and I believe they are on the same level as William Cooper. During here career as a conspiracy theorist broadcasting radio shows from Carmel, California, Mae was exposed to frequent death threats and sadly too the unfortunate and suspicious automobile accident of her daughter. Mae's last radio tape was Tape #862 made on June 13, 1988. On 3 October, 1988, Mae Brussell passed away.

source: internet torrent - this was an extremely slow torrent and nearly dead - it took me three weeks (!) to get this one

files: 137 shows mp3 - 137 tapes - sides A and B - 30 min each side - approx. 137 hours total