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First broadcast: Tue 10 Aug 2010 @ 22:35, BBC One
In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. When it was shown on BBC One, nearly 7 million viewers were glued to their screens, and millions more watched it later on YouTube.
The footage was shocking. One previewer wrote "On no account miss this documentary. It opens with what is perhaps the most extraordinary footage I've seen on TV".
But this amazing footage was only part of an even more incredible story, one which could not be told at the time for legal reasons.
Now, two years later, this documentary reveals the full story of the hours just before the cameras captured that motorway footage, and the even more chilling story of what happened over next 72 hours, which left one of the sisters fleeing the scene of a crime, after she had stabbed a man through the chest.
Those who were at the centre of this fascinating legal case, including the police and Crown prosecution service, reveal the complex issues involved in both bringing charges and taking this disturbing case to trial.
A leading criminal psychiatrist, Dr. Nigel Eastman, explains the difficulties the judicial system has in achieving justice and deciding punishment when dealing with mental illness. He explains the possible causes of the womens' behaviour, and why, in his view, it could happen again.
Uploaders notes:
MK-ULTRA - The Mysterious Swedish Twins
This is an excellent example for the behavior of human beings under total mind control. Some policemen thought these twins were under drugs, some youtubers thought they were psychotic - they are NOT. You see, this is what happens when people want to explain something: They simply cannot make a reasonable interpretation of this kind of behavior because they know nothing about mind control. What happens is this: They perceive these twins' behavior based on their belief system, and in their belief system the only reason why people might behave like this are either drugs or psychosis.
It is a well known fact that US and Nazi-scientists preferred using twins for their experimentation so they could make a double-blind study and also for genetic reasons. Fortunately you concenners out there are much more knowledgeable than youtubers or even the police and you should be able to distinguish between mind control and drugs or even psychosis. Watch this, it's quite amazing.
Of course this entire story may also be a fake but it looks quite real to me. It is quite rare to catch a glimpse of what mind controlled people's behavior patterns look like. But remember, this may be the outcome of "Swedish mind control" and apparently something went wrong here. Swedish scientists don't quite seem to be up to modern standards in the science of mind control. Sorry, you Swedish fellows out there. I like Sweden though.
It looks as if the police questioning these twins may have triggered an omega alter, meaning a program for self-destruction. The many cellphones these twins had in their backpack is a clear indication that they're working for an intelligence agency. Watch the Jason Bourne movies. What is also very intriguing is that the twins' behavior seems completely identical which excludes the possibility of psychosis. And even under drugs people's behavior cannot be completely identical. The Swedish may be more suicidal than other peoples, statistics say, but not to this degree.
The woman on the ground, after being hit by a truck, says this to the police: "I know that you're not real" (sic!). This is the key element in this entire story. This is our lesson here: Beware of Swedish twins!
The foolish psychiatrists working for the court have no clue as was to be expected. But maybe they're working for the ominous Tavistock Institute and have the function to cover up the whole story by giving a ludicrous diagnosis to sidetrack the court and thus prevent it from seeing what is really going on here. But I guess most psychiatrists really have no clue at all. They simply invent a new label for a hitherto unknown mental disease. Let me guess: It's the "Tavistock-syndrome".
Of course we may also be looking at a case of demonic possession, but this is rather unlikely. I've never heard of a twin-possession. But rest assured the masonic judge will do everything in his power to bring light into this ominous affair of the mysterious Swedish twins - the light of Lucifer of course.
data: four parts 12 min each