Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
43.8 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LYNDON LAROUCHE - Two mp3s & pdf.
1. 20090627 - The End of the US (audio rip)
Video version available here: (Thx to thedon for the upload)
2. 20090211 - Larouche on Solutions (audio rip) - 2hrs 38min
Very comprehensive. Compare his manifesto to Cousin Barry's headlong dash to disaster!
After ripping this afresh I found the job had already been done & it's still on the tracker with 2 or 3 seeds, so I took the file out of this torrent. See here if you'd like it. It's a good talk: (Thx to TarasBulba for the upload)
3. How the British East India Company Took Over the USA. Chapter Three from an (unknown) book.
In addition to the British East India Company, Larouche talks about the Trilateral Commission, Bertrand Russell, Tavistock and other traitors. Good stuff. This is also on the tracker elsewhere, but there are no seeds, so I left it in.
Political Action Committee -
Publications, Articles & Webcasts -
In an effort to be somewhat fair and balanced, here's a couple of rabid hate sites to spew the view (i.e. the lies and gross perversions) of the shills, dupes and whiners: &
Finally, here's a link to Dope Inc. - the book exposing the drugs racket that upset war criminal Henry Kissinger and the ADL attack dogs enough to get Larouche sent to jail on trumped up charges. (Thx to Labyrinthian for the upload)