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Life to AfterLife: Tragedy by Design (2020)

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Life to AfterLife - Tragedy by Design (2020) 720p WEB x264 Dr3adLoX.mkv 1h33m 1280x720 AVC AAC


Join Craig McMahon in this episode where he discusses the controversial idea of a pre-birth plan with spiritual experts. Is it possible that we intentionally choose to have hardship and pain for the sole purpose of learning the divine...


Yes it is. Our higher selves choose the incarnation birth, experience and death. We are here to collect experiences only.

But how does a soul know what's going to happen to it in an upcoming life to be had? I'm not sure if that makes sense! LOL

In Matrix V by Val Valerian he explains how the dimensions are setup and work. The higher self existing out of time has access to the whole timeline and can choose its incarnations time of births and deaths. As such there are no such things as returning as a plant or animal. The higher self incarnations exist simultaneously across the time line but only on earth and maybe a couple other planets. Other higher selves on other planets like the Orion system only have one incarnation at a time and so collect experiences very very slowly. In Matrix V he calls the higher selves either simultaneous higher selves or sequential higher selves. Earth is a very special place in this dimension since it gives the higher selves which choose to incarnate here to collect experiences and move on millions times faster than sequential higher selves. Earth is claimed by the Orion reptilian queen and that is why feminism and one world control is being pushed by all global agencies which are alien run and owned for the return of that queen. Sirius are dog people which are conquered and sub-servant and strong arm for the orion empire. Ever wonder why there are 3 obelisks in New York placed like the Orion star system one of which was imported all the way from Egypt! Or the pyramids aligned to the 3 orion stars. That shit is everywhere to remind us Earthers (not earthlings!) that earth is conquered by reptilians. Earth is a farm, a gene experimenting planet for them.

The "evil" "reptilians" - actually genetically closest to sea turtles - taught me how to mentally detach from the mental phenomenon that is this illusory universe born out of space-time flux completely imagined unreal and irrelevant and be ever blissful and free from material association and the inherent limitation and unrelated to... all your drama... and all of existence as a whole. haha.
I suggest you stop taking Valerian sober up. ;D

The mind addicted to the things of life follows the subtle body as it attaches from one material body to the next - the process driven by the desire of the heart and limited by karma. The soul being a naturally joyful external passive observer to the mind and the subtle body is locked in this cycle of reincarnation to be enslaved by the mind, its desires, and its ignorance of the True Self.
The way out is described as "neti, neti" - "(I am) not this, not this". Thus the illusion of the mind agitated by material pleasure is brought to a halt and one firmly stands in his own glory independent of the material aspect of existence.

"When you make the two (consciousnesses) into one you will say: Mountain move! and it will move." - Jesus Christ
"He who knows this becomes lord and master over his senses" - The Upanishads

Jackie Chan strikes again!
FYI this was uploaded years ago...

So given I firmly believe 90% the newer generations born after 2000AD have arrived here minus an actual soul... - how do we work that into this idea ?!? ;-)

Since there are way to many mankind bodies born the animal spirits are stepping in to animate them. They are called minions in Matrix V. Then we also have lower level incarnations where the higher self just wants to experience the dumbest shit ever. So there is a distinctions between these two. That is another reason the agenda is to kill off as many as possible. They are literally animals in mankind bodies. Ever wonder why they behave like animals? Be it religiously or the whole social media shitshow and nightlife and consumerism. The animal spirits do not like this though.

"They are called minions in Matrix V. "

--> Do you really think those editions from Val Valerian [most of the self- claimed "alt" or esoteric knowledge community these days appear to have no clue about such an author and many others along similar lines from an core, earlier era!?] have offered glimpses into the events that came after - and may still be be on their way now??

I like the animal theory - altho all we see lately is mass shootings, stabbings and shoplifting sprees of groups of monkeys - posted by a fellow low IQ Simian but with an Iphone 23S - which they 'obtained' with a stolen credit card number when they managed to finally work out how to locate the Dark Web space...

the afterlife and reincarnation is a trap, is a farm for energy, stay away from the light which is a matrix construct that didn't exist in accounts of near death experiences of a few thousand years ago

sara1980it wrote:

the afterlife and reincarnation is a trap, is a farm for energy, stay away from the light which is a matrix construct that didn't exist in accounts of near death experiences of a few thousand years ago

So photons are a MATRIX invesntion or deception ?!?

And all modern NDE'rs who have a testimony to share are duped or fakers too?

:-D :-o ?


This was a great docu-discussion - great find....

If you like CGI, silly fake acting out narratives by cheap TV extras or fast mving edits and sound effects - you'll switch this off in 23 seconds... ;-)

Well... at least we can all agree that there is a soul. It's certainly a lot better than the nihilism of recent past human history that proclaimed God was dead...

God or some sort of "assisting intelligence WITH humour" is definately present.... It just seems not to us at times.... life is fucking hard....

I once asked one of my close authentic contactee friends about advanced beings/systems and **whether humour was evident...?**

He said back with a smile: "David - you have NO idea..." ;-)

Tha's all I needed to hear.
