In the book, Lethal Dose by Dr. Jennifer Daniels, you'll find out that the #1 cause of death in the U.S. is Allopathic Medical Care. The numbers are astoundingly high.
The hospitals get paid more when someone dies and as long as it's from "The Standard of Care," there is no recourse on the part of the patient's family. Also, the book reveals that competent doctors cause thousands of more deaths than incompetent doctors do. The standard of care is set by the hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and insurance, so there's the monetary conflict of interest in setting the standard of care. It's not under the control of the patient.
Interview with Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident
All I found of hers online was: Jennifer Daniels: The Candida Cleaner -
more tidbits for today's insanity:
It is UNLAWFUL for you to be FORCED into any MEDICAL INTERVENTION: You are protected by the PATIENT'S BILL OF RIGHTS. Here are the steps to make sure your rights are not violated in a hospital or medical setting: YOU HAVE MEDICAL RIGHTS “You are protected by a PATIENT’S BILL OF RIGHTS. You do not have to submit to any medical treatments, including testing or having your temperature taken.” ~ Peggy Hall
Notice of Discrimination: purpose of this document is:
(1) To educate businesses and employees that discrimination against you is prohibited by Federal law.
(2) To document any violations of your civil rights
(3) To notify the violator of your civil rights that criminal charges and an official complaint will be filed
(4) To leave behind a VISIBLE response to your distressing interaction with those who violate your rights.
On Positive Alternative side: TWO BOOKs on REAL cause of "dis-ease" and illness: