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Legendary Sin Cities - Paris, Berlin, Shanghai (DVDRip)

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CommentIn the period between the first and second world wars, Paris, Berlin and Shanghai were notorious hot spots of sin and vice. Debauchery, brutality and corruption commingled with art, culture and political liberties. Tolerance and freedom were pushed to their limits. This revealing new documentary series of 3 films is filled with rare, evocative archival film and photos which bring to life an extraordinary cast of musicians, artists, journalists, rogues and sinners, resulting in a richly drawn portrait of time and place.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.12.17 17:53
Info Hash872f6b1cb8be7ae4109279531f44fd686ef8548d
NameLegendary Sin Cities - Paris, Berlin, Shanghai (DVDRip)
Node ID685
Number of Files4
Number of Pieces971
Piece Length2 MiB
Size1.89 GiB