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Lambert-Roman Catholicism Un-American(1956)

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CommentThis is O.C.Lambert's shocking booklet Roman Catholicism Un-American - Shocking Expose from Official Catholic Documents (1956) which is a systematic review of anti-democratic, anti-republican, anti-individual rights, anti-free enterprise and other totalitarian principles of the Roman Catholic Church. In the time of writing, Americans were conditioned that the greatest threat to their freedoms came from communism and alike. But the frightening fact was that the Catholic Church has silently infiltrated virtually every department of government, executive, legislative, and judicial. There is in every department a person at the right place at the right time to do the right thing for the Catholic Church. Read from the horse's mouth what they are up to. 30 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.07.18 04:01
Info Hash6967430c62dae4f9cf6a8775707c8cd7b28dbd48
NameLambert - Roman Catholicism Un-American - Shocking Expose from Official Catholic Documents (1956).pdf
Node ID3042
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces2
Piece Length64 KiB
Size107.64 KiB