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196.4 KiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |'s article criticizing Hovind for his arguments. I copied it from their website and converted it into pdf format. The only thing I took out were the advertisements for their magazine. The formating uses a large font and the article in pdf format ended up being 75 pages.
This is 75 pages of answering Hovind answering his critics on his website. Of course Hovind or his son removed the nonsense from Hovind's website. But state they felt it was necessary to leave their answer to Hovind on their website.
Before decides to remove their record of Hovind's duplicity, I copied the article and make it available here.
The following quotes should give you an idea of what is in the article:
"We would therefore suggest that one of the greatest strengths of any creationist organization or individual would be a willingness to keep up with new information, and to discard or modify one’s favorite arguments in the interests of the highest standards of integrity and accuracy."
" ... we think that Christians should be very much concerned about whether Biblical creation is being defended using arguments that are, for instance, factually incorrect, logically invalid, based on an incorrect understanding of the scientific evidence, etc."
"These sorts of things, often propagated by individuals who have very little scientific training, actually end up harming the cause of Biblical creation (and hence, by extension, the Bible itself). They can provide a potent justification/excuse for people to ‘write off’ creation." specifically states their original articles which Hovind took exception to were not aimed at him, but at fallacies being argued by creationists.
If the "arguments" in this article sounds like the postings by some of the fundamentalist creationists on concen, it should be no surprise.