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Josi-Hillary Clinton-What Everyone Should Know(2000)

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CommentThis is Christian Josi's shocking book Hillary Rodham Clinton - What Every American Should Know (2000) which is Hillary Clinton's political biography full of facts often covered up or fudged by the elite media. The well known controversies are all there: Whitewater, Travelgate and the death of her law partner Vince Foster. There is also a chapter devoted to the criticizing Hillary's proposed healthcare program (known as "Hillarycare"). But there are some less discussed scandals such as "Cattlegate", which involved Hillary's investment in cattle futures while her husband was a rising star in Arkansas politics. Published at a time when Hillary made her first senate run it collects all the scandals of her husband's presidency and her early legal career and focuses on whatever role she was supposed to have had in them. Josi has written not only an important book for the future of America, but also a fascinating account you will find hard to put down. 90 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.02.24 04:11
Info Hashedf3eae33e8563927b2ec3ccd36d5719419ff29c
NameJosi - Hillary Rodham Clinton - What Every American Should Know (2000).pdf
Node ID5892
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces12
Piece Length64 KiB
Size704.67 KiB