01 Harris_Weinstein_Peterson Discussion - Vancouver-d-Z9EZE8kpo.mp4 | 398.1 MiB |
02 Harris_Weinstein_Peterson Discussion - Vancouver-BtkwF5qA6uE.mp4 | 479.25 MiB |
2 Minute Message about this channel-AHnHMtk2FLc.mp4 | 14.48 MiB |
03 Harris_Murray_Peterson Discussion - Dublin-ZZI-FwSQRn8.mp4 | 575.73 MiB |
04 Harris_Murray_Peterson Discussion - London-YfdaAGZvYsA.mp4 | 564.23 MiB |
5 Minute Teaser - Jordan Peterson Responds to Channel 4 Interview Controversy-P2cAmxV5OoY.mp4 | 21.37 MiB |
12 Public Lectures - Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories-R2iAECU7QV8.mp4 | 8.83 MiB |
12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson - Official Book Trailer-t-kfIb1dp1w.mp4 | 10.3 MiB |
12 Rules for Life - London - How To Academy-PWasTAtR6Ns.mp4 | 465.82 MiB |
12 Rules for Life Tour - 20+ New Cities-VoLEe7YEwWw.mp4 | 7.81 MiB |
12 Rules Tour Sept-Dec 2018 - US_Europe-S4pduDOdkVk.mp4 | 3.26 MiB |
12 Rules_12 Cities - Tickets Now Available-64wOsTIhQuk.mp4 | 6.79 MiB |
20 Minutes on UnderstandMyself.com-4IdzC6mJzLA.mp4 | 93.73 MiB |
23 Minutes from Maps of Meaning - The Architecture of Belief-FLaqU9Lf39U.mp4 | 128.16 MiB |
45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil-MCOw0eJ84d8.mp4 | 127.82 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 01 - Introduction and Overview-_0xBOMWJkgM.mp4 | 676.94 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 02 - Mythological Representations-Owgc63KhcL8.mp4 | 998.14 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 03 - Heroic & Shamanic Initiations (Part 01)-iEZVWWk6qHg.mp4 | 853.2 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 04 - Heroic & Shamanic Initiations (Part 02)-F9393El2Z1I.mp4 | 1.09 GiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 05 - Jean Piaget (Constructivism)-91jWsB7ZYHw.mp4 | 977.11 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 06 - Carl Jung (Part 1)-8r8ISkQ4exM.mp4 | 678.3 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 09 - Sigmund Freud II (Depth Psychology)-16WF1jLLyik.mp4 | 728.78 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 10 - Carl Rogers (Phenomenological Humanism)-NUfvht7aJPQ.mp4 | 605.61 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 11 - Existentialism - Viktor Frankl-zooE5GE81TU.mp4 | 594.88 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 12 - Binswanger & Boss (Phenomenology)-UzdpzuEkL74.mp4 | 638.66 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 13 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Existentialism)-8u3aTURVEC8.mp4 | 820.74 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 14 - Psychometrics (Biology and Traits)-Om0YPe8c66Y.mp4 | 546.93 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 15 - Limbic System & Goals (Biology and Traits)-_Jh8w6IVFs8.mp4 | 658.78 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 16 - Extraversion & Neuroticism (Biology & Traits)-dYTAv7eQ-vg.mp4 | 620.84 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 17 - Agreeableness and gender differences-yOJR-nEhNMk.mp4 | 618.91 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 20 - Conscientiousness (Biology & Traits)-qH9-xsuPiUk.mp4 | 905.72 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 21 - Performance Prediction (Biology & Traits)-hzMWpfHNYf0.mp4 | 498.79 MiB |
2014 Personality Lecture 22 - Psychology & Belief (Conclusion)-qalR6Vx3Bpw.mp4 | 648.84 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 4 - Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology II _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-rlGqUfIgJfc.webm | 227.51 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 4 - Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology II _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-YCc-Rk1GPpQ.webm | 276.42 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 5 - Mythology - Enuma Elish _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-VJVMtUb-LEY.webm | 81.51 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 5 - Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology III _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-Ov5pYNPi358.webm | 428.21 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 6 - Mythology - Egyptian Myths _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-aI-pET9YD6A.webm | 250.66 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 6 - Mythology - Introduction _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-r_ShAseOvNE.webm | 290.7 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 7 - Mythology - Chaos _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-44dcUoh0oT4.webm | 410.49 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 7 - Mythology - Chaos _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-rnw4SXX7cGY.webm | 110.33 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 8 - Mythology - The Great Mother _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-NOzjfqO6-K8.mp4 | 1.18 GiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 8 - Mythology - The Great Mother _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-w1scgquS2mo.mp4 | 191.18 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 9 - Mythology - The Great Father _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-134BCxbMUlU.webm | 425.85 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 9 - Mythology - The Great Father _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-tIZb0YEcyNo.webm | 268.67 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 10 - Culture & Anomaly _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-Bj6HgQBNiZE.webm | 328.88 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 10 - Genesis I _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-sJVtAIIHxu0.webm | 225.8 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 11 - Conclusion - The Hero _ Part 2 (Jordan Peterson)-G7U9el_yVhI.webm | 164.18 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning 11 - Genesis II _ Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)-Q_2UYIuvDXI.webm | 492.22 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 1 - Introduction (Part 1)-4tQOlQRp3gQ.webm | 467.93 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 1 - Introduction (Part 2)-rM8JsibkrI8.webm | 129.68 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 2 - Object and Meaning (Part 1)-mO9LUWs5M60.webm | 434.63 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 2 - Object and Meaning (Part 2)-6Rd10PQVsGs.webm | 155.34 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 3 - Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology I (Part 1)-6NVY5KdSfQI.webm | 331.56 MiB |
2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 3 - Narrative, Neuropsychology & Mythology I (Part 2)-3nAIAPYuD7c.webm | 462.1 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 01 - Introduction & Overview-ZKpqpBRVr8Y.webm | 371.46 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 02 - Historical Perspectives - Mythological Representations-9fKZPRAPT1w.webm | 441.05 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 03 - Historical Perspectives - Heroic & Shamanic Initiations I Mircea Eliade-t966lVrHEzo.webm | 500.36 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 04 - Heroic & Shamanic Initiations II - Mircea Eliade-UFAyBEKKIBE.webm | 516.31 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 05 - Constructivism - Jean Piaget-ED_TfmwjsEw.webm | 462.29 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 06 - Depth Psychology - Carl Jung (Part 01)-DC0faZiBcG0.webm | 494.82 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 07 - Depth Psychology - Carl Jung (Part 02)-CFHZyse4VGw.webm | 460.55 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 08 - Depth Psychology - Sigmund Freud (Part 1)-9Zji6xMkOgo.webm | 424.78 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 09 - Depth Psychology - Sigmund Freud (Part 02)-A07DV3FXyPo.webm | 286.43 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 10 - Humanism - Carl Rogers-V9Ql5V7-OQo.mp4 | 672.17 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 12 - Existentialism - Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard-SsoVhKo4UvQ.webm | 411.01 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 13 - Existentialism - Nazi Germany and the USSR-XY7a1RXMbHI.webm | 478.69 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 14 - Existentialism - Solzhenitsyn _ Intro to Biology & Psychometrics-wZnqLvLbLV0.webm | 508.41 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 15 - Biology & Traits - Limbic System & Lower Order Goals-RdNJTP6tYMs.webm | 420.18 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 16 - Conscientiousness I - Industriousness & Disgust-vt90JwDHh-Y.webm | 437.94 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 17 - Agreeableness - Aggression & Empathy-UgRaLmCOwYU.webm | 476.48 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 18 - Openness - Creativity & Intelligence-P6rm0LrO9vU.webm | 508.73 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 20 - Conscientiousness - Industriousness, Orderliness & Disgust-35e5i6FQuMw.webm | 435.03 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 21 - Performance Prediction-5p5YEvi8CHQ.webm | 402.67 MiB |
2015 Personality Lecture 22 - Conclusion - Psychology and Belief-0v3x0ev1URY.webm | 434.23 MiB |
2016 Lecture 01 Maps of Meaning - Introduction and Overview-bjnvtRgpg6g.webm | 603.36 MiB |
2016 Lecture 01 Part II - Maps of Meaning - An example of primordial narrative-cz2KRFzLQ1M.webm | 221.9 MiB |
2016 Lecture 02 Maps of Meaning - Playable and non-playable games-RcmWssTLFv0.webm | 430.88 MiB |
2016 Lecture 03 Maps of Meaning - Part I - The basic story and its transformations-ux6TVYqdN-E.webm | 554.73 MiB |
2016 Lecture 03 Maps of Meaning - Part II - The basic story -- and its transformations-DmpUQEDRIKA.webm | 127.63 MiB |
2016 Lecture 04 Maps of Meaning - Anomaly-DjYqkPrCvXQ.webm | 564.17 MiB |
2016 Lecture 05 - Maps of Meaning - Part I - Anomaly and the brain-ZHmklvx9oJ4.webm | 578.86 MiB |
2016 Lecture 05 Maps of Meaning - Part II - The brain, continued-cFS6fPLQ024.webm | 253.26 MiB |
2016 Lecture 06 Maps of Meaning - Part I - The primordial narrative-mJI0hVV-5Vs.webm | 548.93 MiB |
2016 Lecture 06 Maps of Meaning - Part II - The Primordial Narrative continued-5Q_GIHDpuZw.webm | 222.07 MiB |
2016 Lecture 07 Maps of Meaning - Part I - Osiris, Set, Isis and Horus-HueFqvz1oDU.webm | 448.45 MiB |
2016 Lecture 07 Maps of Meaning - Part II - Osiris, Set, Isis and Horus-sta4zLcTAII.webm | 128.89 MiB |
2016 Lecture 08 Maps of Meaning - Part I - Hierarchies and chaos-PcYLzW1B6cY.webm | 299.06 MiB |
2016 Lecture 09 Maps of Meaning - Genesis-Gacjj2aCo7Q.webm | 241.26 MiB |
2016 Lecture 10 Maps of Meaning - Gautama Buddha, Adam and Eve-F7T5cg1a77A.webm | 972.45 MiB |
2016 Maps of Meaning Final-AdAdf4watJQ.webm | 962.84 MiB |
2016 Personality Final-0BpUHDO4a_o.webm | 461.84 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 01 - Introduction and Overview (Part 1)-UGLsnu5RLe8.webm | 402.36 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 02 - Introduction and Overview (Part 2)-ajtnhtEg76k.webm | 322.73 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 03 - Mythological Elements of the Life Story -- and Initiation-PH67HpFD2Ew.webm | 407.83 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 04 - Piaget Constructivism-G3fWuMQ5K8I.webm | 351.11 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 05 - Piaget, Segueing into Jung-IO6NvcGKZ20.webm | 455.34 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 06 - Freud - An Overview-BSh37_x5RNY.webm | 484 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 07 - Phenomenology and Carl Rogers-3uJkd54p9dY.webm | 454.17 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 08 - Existentialism - Nietzsche, Dostoevsky and Social Hierarchy-WjpV9mja3Wc.webm | 455.85 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 09 - Phenomenology - Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss-539UQF6eT6I.webm | 379.19 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 10 - The Psychobiology of Traits-f511uRzsHhQ.webm | 490.24 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 11 - The Psychobiology of Traits, Continued-RNxlEQSvh_w.webm | 343.24 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 12 - Conscientiousness - Industriousness and Orderliness-q15eTySnWxc.webm | 473.01 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 12 - Gender Differences - Agreeableness and other traits - the Science-nbzAynn80SU.webm | 464.52 MiB |
2016 Personality Lecture 13 - Openness and Intelligence-qRFxulvRC7I.webm | 469.86 MiB |
2016_09_27 - Part 1 - Fear and the Law-fvPgjg201w0.mp4 | 86.72 MiB |
2016_10_03 - Part 2 - Compulsory Political Education - A Real World Case Study at the U of Toronto-f-7YGGCE9es.mp4 | 122.7 MiB |
2016_10_05 - Part 3 - The PC Game (and some counter-tactics)-W2u62u4entc.mp4 | 43.05 MiB |
2016_10_12 - Letter from Queer Caucus Canadian Union of Public Employees objecting to my videos-BcN3fJKtsuo.mp4 | 30.9 MiB |
2016_10_12 - Letter from UT student groups objecting to my videos-MeztM8k0YGI.mp4 | 53.83 MiB |
2016_10_16 - A brief note to tomorrow's student demonstrators-CGG-pfs6AV4.mp4 | 8.49 MiB |
2016_10_18 - U Toronto Requests my Silence-S31Jf2WFTNU.mp4 | 34.78 MiB |
2016_10_24 - My response-WmNKPL1Y4g0.mp4 | 103.27 MiB |
2016_11_08 - My Message to Millenials - How to Change the World -- Properly-XbOeO_frzvg.mp4 | 67.88 MiB |
2016_11_11 - I discuss chaos and order with Theryn Meyer, reasonable transperson-e_V9_j4dVuY.mp4 | 248.02 MiB |
2016_11_16 - An update-BR8tVB7sNxc.mp4 | 139.68 MiB |
2016_11_17 - The Debate, and a Letter from a Viewer-uHv5K1YLGqE.mp4 | 107.18 MiB |
2016_11_19 - University of Toronto Free Speech Debate-68NHUV5me7Q.mp4 | 726.66 MiB |
2016_11_29 - Tradition and Things That Don't Fit with Jonathan Pageau-e0b5mnuKQvs.mp4 | 309.91 MiB |
2016_12_02 - Thank you, Lord Black - really - but you're wrong-mbAKQrClN8A.mp4 | 152.69 MiB |
2016_12_31 - A New Years Letter to the World-YnEFt20qe0o.mp4 | 181.08 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 1 - Context and Background-I8Xc2_FtpHI.mp4 | 647.44 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 2 - Marionettes & Individuals (Part 1).-EN2lyN7rM4E.mp4 | 642.81 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 3 - Marionettes and Individuals (Part 2)-Us979jCjHu8.mp4 | 719.7 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 4 - Marionettes and Individuals (Part 3)-bV16NEWld8Q.mp4 | 545.01 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 5 - Story and Metastory (Part 1)-RudKmwzDpNY.mp4 | 660.24 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 6 - Story and Metastory (Part 2)-nsZ8XqHPjI4.mp4 | 583.11 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 7 - Images of Story & MetaStory-F3n5qtj89QE.mp4 | 1.05 GiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 8 - Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation-Nb5cBkbQpGY.mp4 | 594.93 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 9 - Patterns of Symbolic Representation-yXZSeiAl4PI.mp4 | 671.48 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 10 - Genesis and the Buddha-7XtEZvLo-Sc.mp4 | 567.07 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 11 - The Flood and the Tower-T4fjSrVCDvA.mp4 | 711.5 MiB |
2017 Maps of Meaning 12 - Final - The Divinity of the Individual-6V1eMvGGcXQ.mp4 | 554.68 MiB |
2017 Personality 01 - Introduction-kYYJlNbV1OM.mp4 | 231.88 MiB |
2017 Personality 02_03 - Historical & Mythological Context-HbAZ6cFxCeY.mp4 | 640.56 MiB |
2017 Personality 04_05 - Heroic and Shamanic Initiations-wLc_MC7NQek.mp4 | 831.67 MiB |
2017 Personality 06 - Jean Piaget & Constructivism-BQ4VSRg4e8w.mp4 | 642.24 MiB |
2017 Personality 07 - Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1)-3iLiKMUiyTI.mp4 | 254.74 MiB |
2017 Personality 08 - Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 2)-X6pbJTqv2hw.mp4 | 730.58 MiB |
2017 Personality 09 - Freud and the Dynamic Unconscious-YFWLwYyrMRE.mp4 | 282.25 MiB |
2017 Personality 10 - Humanism & Phenomenology - Carl Rogers-68tFnjkIZ1Q.mp4 | 337.58 MiB |
2017 Personality 11 - Existentialism - Nietzsche Dostoevsky & Kierkegaard-4qZ3EsrKPsc.mp4 | 650.42 MiB |
2017 Personality 12 - Phenomenology - Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss-11oBFCNeTAs.mp4 | 303.45 MiB |
2017 Personality 13 - Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag-w84uRYq0Uc8.mp4 | 450.5 MiB |
2017 Personality 14 - Introduction to Traits_Psychometrics_The Big 5-pCceO_D4AlY.mp4 | 273.58 MiB |
2017 Personality 15 - Biology_Traits - The Limbic System-AqkFg1pvNDw.mp4 | 489.62 MiB |
2017 Personality 16 - Biology_Traits - Incentive Reward_Neuroticism-ewU7Vb9ToXg.mp4 | 463.63 MiB |
2017 Personality 17 - Biology and Traits - Agreeableness-G1eHJ9DdoEA.mp4 | 406.65 MiB |
2017 Personality 18 - Biology & Traits - Openness_Intelligence_Creativity I-D7Kn5p7TP_Y.mp4 | 646.61 MiB |
2017 Personality 19 - Biology & Traits - Openness_Intelligence_Creativity II-fjtBDa4aSGM.mp4 | 259.67 MiB |
2017 Personality 20 - Biology & Traits - Orderliness_Disgust_Conscientiousness-MBWyBdUYPgk.mp4 | 466.91 MiB |
2017 Personality 21 - Biology & Traits - Performance Prediction-Q7GKmznaqsQ.mp4 | 463.32 MiB |
2017 Personality 22 - Conclusion - Psychology and Belief-J9j-bVDrGdI.mp4 | 388.24 MiB |
2017_01_22 - Part 3_3 - Freedom Of Speech_Political Correctness - Q & A-GJEb8HqfiFk.mp4 | 237.82 MiB |
2017_01_22 - Pt 1 - Freedom Of Speech_Political Correctness - Dr. Norman Doidge-OxslBI3hNFQ.mp4 | 503.42 MiB |
2017_01_22 - Pt 2 - Freedom Of Speech_Political Correctness - Dr. Jordan B Peterson-aDRgMUoEvcg.mp4 | 215.13 MiB |
2017_01_23 - Social Justice_Freedom of Speech - Bill C16 Debate Queen's Law School-TAQlleqDgbI.mp4 | 605.08 MiB |
2017_02_11 - An incendiary discussion at Ryerson U-8ABa4RdNPxU.mp4 | 629.62 MiB |
2017_02_14 - A Picture of Mohamed-1VwpwP_fIqY.mp4 | 29.28 MiB |
2017_02_25 - Jordan Peterson - Postmodernism - How and why it must be fought-Cf2nqmQIfxc.mp4 | 52.69 MiB |
2017_02_25 - Postmodernism - practice and pathology-HzZ9h7bM6QE.mp4 | 411.32 MiB |
2017_03_07 - The Resurrection of Logos-KVo5hq64B2M.mp4 | 1.11 GiB |
2017_03_09 - National Gallery Talk - Creativity -- and Protest-k-dYktgmNUg.mp4 | 56.38 MiB |
2017_03_11 - Strengthen the Individual - A counterpoint to Post Modern Political Correctness-CwcVLETRBjg.webm | 255.52 MiB |
2017_03_11 - Strengthen the Individual - Q & A Parts I & II-_UL-SdOhwek.mp4 | 313.27 MiB |
2017_03_17 - Chaos (and Order) at McMaster University--1P_1mLlJik.mp4 | 433.54 MiB |
2017_03_18 - Go ahead, make my day....-0p1UFiNiOek.mp4 | 45.49 MiB |
2017_03_18 - Mayhem while we're freezing and starving - my talk at Western-fBsR7-SiLPY.mp4 | 496.83 MiB |
2017_03_25 - The equity authoritarians MUST BE STOPPED. NOW!-V7HPbjsYYGg.mp4 | 92.02 MiB |
2017_03_27 - Dr. Oren Amitay and the Ontario Psychological Association-7K6sWYLpaVA.mp4 | 88.38 MiB |
2017_04_06 - Dr Jordan B Peterson Chats with Some Black Guy-VMMYFx47MPw.mp4 | 193.32 MiB |
2017_04_06 - Research crowdfunding endeavor...-Ixkzx0RSMxQ.mp4 | 53.88 MiB |
2017_04_10 - Harvard Talk - Postmodernism & the Mask of Compassion-Urd0IK0WEWU.mp4 | 426.48 MiB |
2017_04_10 - Six Minutes on the True Purpose of University Education-cGkQil14LPQ.mp4 | 46 MiB |
2017_04_11 - UPDATE - Research crowdfunding - Thank you.-op4lhm6_28Y.mp4 | 36.47 MiB |
2017_04_21 - A Left-Wing Case for Free Speech-Ne5VbOMsQJc.mp4 | 412.73 MiB |
2017_04_21 - Disinvited to Linfield College - My response-qR-479eUCkI.mp4 | 61.05 MiB |
2017_04_24 - Banned lecture at Linfield College - Ethics and Free Speech-AKHuxVvA7T8.mp4 | 564.51 MiB |
2017_05_06 - The Indiegogo campaign - last day-D9bS7BCKRk8.mp4 | 73.63 MiB |
2017_05_13 - Freedom of Speech - Not Just Another Value-eVvS3L_aBV4.mp4 | 616.62 MiB |
2017_05_17 - Senate hearing on Bill C16-KnIAAkSNtqo.webm | 329.41 MiB |
2017_06_15 - 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism-Nyw4rTywyY0.mp4 | 685.03 MiB |
2017_06_28 - Postmodern NeoMarxism - Diagnosis and Cure-s4c-jOdPTN8.webm | 102.31 MiB |
2017_07_31 - Announcements and Upcoming Plans-ojYmFNbUhek.mp4 | 31.54 MiB |
2017_08_08 - James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)-SEDuVF7kiPU.mp4 | 106.5 MiB |
2017_08_08 - James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity-agU-mHFcXdw.mp4 | 48.77 MiB |
2017_08_13 - What happened today (not Charlottesville)...-HxfFxhERMYY.mp4 | 40.9 MiB |
A Call to Rebellion for Ontario Legal Professionals-YGC3y1BPzwA.mp4 | 140.92 MiB |
A History of Violence - CBC Ideas-jIDqaCjpjD8.mp4 | 94.76 MiB |
An Animated Intro to Truth, Order and Chaos-VIuX1pO70UA.mp4 | 6.36 MiB |
An invitation to Dutch citizens and their leaders alike-qtEdyuYfFU4.mp4 | 30.89 MiB |
An Invitation to the Intellectual Dark Web-nj9NEKisvB4.mp4 | 242.5 MiB |
Announcement - Los Angeles 12 Rules for Life-sDlS4WNQqVc.mp4 | 10.32 MiB |
Announcement - Upcoming US 12 City Tour-oJsDiJHdRAU.mp4 | 6.93 MiB |
An open letter to Sam Harris-ZmZK9W4V1Rc.mp4 | 66.66 MiB |
April 2017 Patreon Q & A (#1 in a monthly series)-gqVopVh8hWQ.mp4 | 706.7 MiB |
April 2018 Q & A-4GcU9LjuVOo.mp4 | 288.48 MiB |
August 2017 Patreon Q & A-MeNxc6MqXuM.mp4 | 551.79 MiB |
August 2018 Patreon Q & A-3VpxJg6jeMo.mp4 | 197.87 MiB |
Australia's John Anderson & Dr. Jordan B Peterson - In Conversation-U4NijLf3M-A.mp4 | 382.49 MiB |
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Islam--Mecca vs Medina-RBl5PfA5HfU.mp4 | 118.16 MiB |
Background to Lecture VIII - Abrahamic Stories, with Matthieu & Jonathan Pageau-f3vqXCLhJLE.mp4 | 257.16 MiB |
Ben Shapiro & Jordan Peterson (and a 12 Rules US_Canada Tour Update)-vvSetcM-f3k.mp4 | 468.34 MiB |
Ben Shapiro - Telos, Responsibility and Cultivation-kteHW6t4G0g.mp4 | 104.34 MiB |
Biblical Series I - Introduction to the Idea of God-f-wWBGo6a2w.mp4 | 706.57 MiB |
Biblical Series II - Genesis 1 - Chaos & Order-hdrLQ7DpiWs.mp4 | 668.55 MiB |
Biblical Series III - God and the Hierarchy of Authority-R_GPAl_q2QQ.mp4 | 898.38 MiB |
Biblical Series IV - Adam and Eve - Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death-Ifi5KkXig3s.mp4 | 607.24 MiB |
Biblical Series IX - The Call to Abraham-GmuzUZTJ0GA.mp4 | 489.31 MiB |
Biblical Series V - Cain and Abel - The Hostile Brothers-44f3mxcsI50.mp4 | 684.91 MiB |
Biblical Series VI - The Psychology of the Flood-wNjbasba-Qw.mp4 | 701.91 MiB |
Biblical Series VII - (go to corrected version see description)-vRVaVseN99I.mp4 | 549.95 MiB |
Biblical Series VII - Walking with God - Noah and the Flood (corrected)-6gFjB9FTN58.mp4 | 561.93 MiB |
Biblical Series VIII - The Phenomenology of the Divine-UoQdp2prfmM.mp4 | 624.43 MiB |
Biblical Series X - Abraham - Father of Nations-3Y6bCqT85Pc.mp4 | 452.24 MiB |
Biblical Series XI - Sodom and Gomorrah-SKzpj0Ev8Xs.mp4 | 470.11 MiB |
Biblical Series XII - The Great Sacrifice - Abraham and Isaac--yUP40gwht0.mp4 | 494.41 MiB |
Biblical Series XIII - Jacob's Ladder-A9JtQN_GoVI.mp4 | 665.42 MiB |
Biblical Series XIV - Jacob - Wrestling with God-DRJKwDfDbco.mp4 | 735.7 MiB |
Biblical Series XV - Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors-B7V8eZ1BLiI.mp4 | 638.39 MiB |
Bill C-16 - One Year Later - July 18 Event Announcement-0VZ5_h3togc.mp4 | 11.71 MiB |
Campus Indoctrination - The Parasitization of Myth-VJMy_BWD3CI.mp4 | 446.76 MiB |
Canada US Europe Tour - August-Dec 2018-RfQYUqXQOuY.mp4 | 4.99 MiB |
cmd.code.txt | 4 KiB |
College Conservatism 2018 - Charlie Kirk & Turning Point USA-CqU7D_ONJQs.mp4 | 368.04 MiB |
Conversation between Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Waking Up Podcast #67-31Ud7-EkZEI.mp4 | 193.6 MiB |
Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson live in Phoenix (12 Rules tour)-Sn9pc3jJPAk.mp4 | 68.97 MiB |
Deconstruction - The Lindsay Shepherd Affair-YWVmDSMl30s.mp4 | 519.34 MiB |
Dialogue with Author Gregg Hurwitz-wKOnJsxwTbI.mp4 | 328.03 MiB |
Dialogue with Composer Samuel Andreyev-i5qeouQwb1w.mp4 | 411.81 MiB |
Dialogue with great U Texas Austin Psych Prof JW Pennebaker-hJ4JEypNH2s.mp4 | 193.98 MiB |
Discussion - Sam Harris, the IDW and the left-fBS537dKE9Q.mp4 | 183.39 MiB |
Documentary - A Glitch in the Matrix (David Fuller production)-zQCTeGKHsVc.mp4 | 241.6 MiB |
Drinking from the Firehose with Howard Bloom-vhlL7IjaZNI.mp4 | 242.72 MiB |
Dublin_London Harris_Murray & NEW USA 12 RULES TOUR-K5jgi7nlpo4.mp4 | 16.23 MiB |
Emergency Christmas Gift -)-KfxWi1MutJ0.mp4 | 5.87 MiB |
Enlightenment now - Steven Pinker_JB Peterson-7kUuURByaXc.mp4 | 113.57 MiB |
Existentialism Talk-2fUY046brGM.mp4 | 513.79 MiB |
Former Australian Deputy PM John Anderson and I speak again-t-lWMEZC_Uw.mp4 | 137.04 MiB |
Guidance for Graduates - JB Peterson - From 12 Rules for Life--JfIbRdUfSU.mp4 | 7.68 MiB |
Guidance for Parents - JB Peterson - From 12 Rules for Life-GW0Z6m8ztLo.mp4 | 6.12 MiB |
Heavens on Earth with skeptical Dr. Michael Shermer-Mff2I8Jzjl0.mp4 | 180.8 MiB |
Hello to my Chinese Viewers and Happy New Year --wVbh1E2ICak.mp4 | 5.31 MiB |
Iceland - 12 Rules for Life Tour - Lecture 1-EM_QPCxCkws.mp4 | 364.46 MiB |
Iceland - 12 Rules for Life Tour - Lecture 2-Bf9Wen-j5Zw.mp4 | 304.09 MiB |
Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege-PfH8IG7Awk0.mp4 | 514.98 MiB |
If you've found this video, go here - https -_www.youtube.com_watchtime_continue=804&v=HbAZ6cFxCeY-w_X88-hoHmg.mp4 | 1.12 GiB |
If you've found this video, go here - https -_youtu.be_kYYJlNbV1OM-5pH-QZG9OpQ.mp4 | 440.37 MiB |
In Conversation with our Dreamers, Renegades, Visionaries - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson [Extended]-_SFnC78K6QE.webm | 19.15 MiB |
Intersectionality, individuality and the hero - a discussion with Jonathan Pageau-E5F4oOlAK8w.mp4 | 150.47 MiB |
Intro to SelfAuthoring-qa9u5t3C0AI.webm | 26.98 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Dragons, Divine Parents, Heroes and Adversaries - A complete cosmology of being-nqONu6wDYaE.mp4 | 316.44 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Extended Interview on Maps of Meaning-dqDP62mYc3I.mp4 | 204.68 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 1 (Harvard Lectures)-v3Bu7oCB8_k.webm | 559.68 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 2 (Harvard Lectures)-UdJBqCI4dpU.webm | 559.8 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 3 (Harvard Lectures)-E8snndiBY80.webm | 616.07 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 4 (Harvard Lectures)-k2uEllI48-c.webm | 630.49 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 5 (Harvard Lectures) [Edited]-WFMy8uGJLQA.webm | 378.76 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 6 (Harvard Lectures)-MFmgMHswH-M.webm | 552.18 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 7 (Harvard Lectures)-DKJb8PUfcr8.webm | 640.87 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 8 (Harvard Lectures)-dUR0Rvf8F6U.webm | 339.7 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 9 (Harvard Lectures)-59p7ASzfVVw.webm | 486.53 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 10 (Harvard Lectures)-G_5_wSDKMGg.webm | 501.27 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 11 (Harvard Lectures)-1wIUXfQ9Hoo.webm | 433.76 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 12 (Harvard Lectures)-6TVibdokSM8.webm | 544.69 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning 13 (Harvard Lectures)-idKO1h-AxwU.webm | 562.38 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Psychology as a Career-AYhAz9k008Q.mp4 | 165.83 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Reality and the Sacred-2c3m0tt5KcE.webm | 151.24 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - Tragedy vs Evil-MLp7vWB0TeY.webm | 106.7 MiB |
Jordan Peterson - What Matters-A5216ZJVbVs.mp4 | 31.48 MiB |
Jordan Peterson Q & A - Disney Propaganda and Why Bashing Religion Doesn't Make You Smart-u6CsGY8wpGw.webm | 180.56 MiB |
July 2017 Patreon Q & A-1EmrMTRj5jc.mp4 | 449.34 MiB |
June 2017 Patreon Q & A-1GSUG_B-new.mp4 | 478.56 MiB |
Lecture and Q&A with Jordan Peterson (The Mill Series at Lafayette College)-V32WHDuy-Do.mp4 | 602.12 MiB |
Live Q&A Practice Run-lXY5saogwhg.mp4 | 316.89 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 1 Monsters of Our Own Making (TVO)-knEZN9U-9xc.webm | 95.42 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 2 Contending with Chaos (TVO)-lT8TeVvBkgA.webm | 131.71 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 3 Becoming Like Gods (TVO)-xrbPaCIm4yw.webm | 74.76 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 4 Games People Must Play (TVO)-GOcNihk09YM.webm | 118.43 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 5 Grappling with Fear (TVO)-L9bxcm7hVLU.webm | 114.38 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 6 Submitting to Order (TVO)-dl0_mJrbPLQ.webm | 121.73 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 7 Contemplating Genesis (TVO)-0EWelXuo2JM.webm | 87.07 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 8 Dwelling on Paradise (TVO)-0qz1ZKR4hkE.webm | 91.42 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 9 Becoming a Self (TVO)-yOP4a7-EJPU.webm | 90.66 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 10 Figuring Evil (TVO)-w2pNqIdY_T0.webm | 95.75 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 11 Losing Religion (TVO)-KtgThjIl1Ao.webm | 92.53 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 12 Truths that Matter (TVO)-zFu9nNPMiUk.webm | 102.59 MiB |
Maps of Meaning - 13 The Force Within (TVO)-pzhsiOwZabM.webm | 95.25 MiB |
March 2018 - Patreon Q & A-c-kWEDr6VS0.mp4 | 238.26 MiB |
Martin Daly - Evolutionary Psychology Pioneer--asltUUvcGU.mp4 | 320.51 MiB |
Message to the school shooters - past, present and future-GYua-3JmnT4.mp4 | 95.24 MiB |
Modern Times - Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson-v-hIVnmUdXM.mp4 | 667.26 MiB |
Music and the Patterns of Mind and World-HeUjYzyh5v8.webm | 193.76 MiB |
New Year's 2017 Q & A-1pNn91Ewzbc.mp4 | 322.07 MiB |
Nina Paley - Animator Extraordinaire-JyONgwyKEGA.mp4 | 304.61 MiB |
Nina Paley - Death of the Firstborn Egyptians-6LLqWGn7e_k.mp4 | 61.6 MiB |
November 2017 Patreon Q & A-Ka1mO2CTCLU.mp4 | 370.64 MiB |
October 2017 Patreon Q & A-JwkzFKDJzwo.mp4 | 332.99 MiB |
On the Vital Necessity of Free Speech (are you listening, Saudis)-EuNeqawPuuY.mp4 | 111.15 MiB |
Pathological Belief Systems-vjDdFXwITXo.mp4 | 24.83 MiB |
Pay Attention-OunyV_HgGBc.mp4 | 9.14 MiB |
Penguin UK - 12 Rules for Life-rw24m1jnRgw.mp4 | 2.1 MiB |
Political correctness - a force for good A Munk Debate-ST6kj9OEYf0.webm | 496.55 MiB |
Postmodernism - History and Diagnosis....-oyzSrtr6oJE.mp4 | 230.47 MiB |
Potential - Jordan Peterson TEDxUofT-0j1XQoAwG2I.mp4 | 89.77 MiB |
Preview - 12 RULES FOR LIFE - An Antidote to Chaos-_vAat1HQU0M.mp4 | 91.92 MiB |
Psychology of Redemption in Christianity-DtiRzQMgBDM.webm | 149.07 MiB |
Quillette - Discussion with Founder_Editor Claire Lehmann-OUs72-WqmwI.mp4 | 162.87 MiB |
Russell Brand & Jordan B Peterson - Under the Skin #52-r2S58rH0PAw.mp4 | 441.34 MiB |
Say No to Happiness - CBC Ideas-N6KQpw945GY.mp4 | 68.95 MiB |
September 2018 Patreon Q & A-EFWrLx8b2mQ.mp4 | 193.78 MiB |
September Patreon Q & A-sNaQUumEhv4.mp4 | 365.6 MiB |
Slaying the Dragon Within us-REjUkEj1O_0.webm | 213.11 MiB |
Swedes want to know - take 2 - Ivar Arpi interviews me again-B74WowudoFg.mp4 | 201.66 MiB |
Swedes want to know....-q14VhGQIUxg.mp4 | 229.14 MiB |
Tackling the 'Meaning Crisis' - Mental Chaos in University Students-dvmUTeZvl6I.webm | 339.31 MiB |
The absolute necessity of fathers - Warren Farrell_JB Peterson-v5O_FLUWYmg.mp4 | 418.24 MiB |
The Coddling of the American Mind - Haidt_Lukianoff-eqCNTopdBBs.mp4 | 323.86 MiB |
The Death and Resurrection of Christ - A Commentary in Five Parts-xPIanlF6IwM.mp4 | 246.55 MiB |
The Death of the Oceans (1)-wE29TM_YtR0.webm | 182.18 MiB |
The Death of the Oceans (2)-IrtEH5BYpmE.mp4 | 293.34 MiB |
The Lindsay Shepherd Affair - Update-PkNv4LFpGf4.mp4 | 87.38 MiB |
The Master and His Emissary - Conversation with Dr. Iain McGilchrist-xtf4FDlpPZ8.mp4 | 130.08 MiB |
The Metaphysics of Pepe with Jonathan Pageau-Ixc9i1G7eew.mp4 | 112.88 MiB |
The Neuroscience of Intelligence - Dr. Richard Haier-PY4sShDt9to.mp4 | 238.82 MiB |
The New Media - My Experience and More-FS5sR1WytNQ.mp4 | 425.64 MiB |
The Perilous State of the University - Jonathan Haidt & Jordan B Peterson-4IBegL_V6AA.mp4 | 494.49 MiB |
The Queen's University Talk - The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech-MwdYpMS8s28.mp4 | 479.29 MiB |
Thorbjorn Thordarson _ Dr. Jordan B Peterson - Iceland's Channel 2-PLrV1G1ENlA.mp4 | 75.13 MiB |
Tickets Nov 11 - The Stifling of Free Speech on College Campuses-hW51iM0hW78.mp4 | 50.05 MiB |
To Junior High, High School Students & Their Parents-s0EuQe6BOWo.mp4 | 236.36 MiB |
U of Toronto responds to my overture - THE DEBATE IS ON!!!!!-19nihGC2NVc.mp4 | 39.43 MiB |
Update - Law Society of Ontario Compelled Speech-FPpPnGA8rkQ.mp4 | 140.07 MiB |
With Australia's top radio host Neil Mitchell in studio...-64MlP8mbJPo.mp4 | 66.9 MiB |
With Russell Brand...-oRh9bqvmjS0.mp4 | 3.89 MiB |
youtube-dl.exe | 7.58 MiB |