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Uploader's Note: I rediscovered these gems while going through my 2008 archive. Very deep and insightful lectures from a brilliant man who has, regrettably, disappeared from the movement. Please preserve and redistribute these files - this material deserves to live on.
* Interpreting Media (NLP):
Jonathan analyzes the neurolinguistic programming techniques used by Hannity and Colmes of Fox news while interviewing controversial University of Wisconsin professor Kevin Barrett about his Islamic Studies course that includes 9/11 conspiracy theories.
* Phase 2 - Submiminal Messages and Bono:
Jonathan explores the use of subliminal messages in the media and how they affect the public's perception of current events and people. Also included is an interview with U2 and an analysis of a photograph of Bono on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.
* Sexual Subliminal Programming:
How minds are being programmed and controlled by the insertion of subliminal messages and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) into movies and television shows, including those made for children, like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
* Subliminal Porn Embedded in a Bus Shelter:
Jonathan responds to a video analysis of sublimital porn embedded in a bus shelter advertisement.
* The Next Phase
Footage of a young girl in France who has gone through Illuminati torture.
* Like Treats Like
Homeothapy, vaccines, their relation to scalar jumping, and the possibility that some lessons from the Spirit are intentionally given in order to build immunity to further obstacles on our path.
* Metaphorical Message:
A scene from one of the Rocky movies
* The Spirit and Judgement
The only thing you are guilty of is guilt.
* Walking Stick
"Don't try so hard, just let it happen"
* Answer #1:
An audio clip of a medical doctor in an interview where ideas of mind-body connections and spiritual science are discussed.
* Reconnecting to Spirit:
Jonathan shares his lessons from the creative spirit, and very clearly explains much about our reality, and how it works. Through the love of creative spirit, we will be reconnected to ourselves as life, even through all this manipulation.
1 - The Healing Begins Now
The 'Healing Begins Now' is a 27-part series about Jonathan's thoughts on how we as human beings are connected to the Creative Spirit, or what some people call God.
Topics: seeking truth, individuality, swearing, infusion, basics of reality, consciousness of cells, organic chemistry, phase, punching analogy, sound, quantum physics, dark energy, UFO atom comparison, electron consciousness, covalent bonding, scales of existance, we and I, infinity, scalar jumping, cancer, the liver, time, connecting, finger analogy, point of view, wavelength and amplitude, frequency, religion, particles, the Sun, sensory perception, light, color, heat, television, understanding, entrainment, emotional manipulation, insanity, plagiarism, discernment, paranoia, Fritz Springmier, love, animals, hope, aliens, mind control, implanted thoughts, interference patterns, holograms, disconnection, structure, skin cell analogy, DNA, consciousness of cells, exam story, what is love, male female energy, rubber soles, trees, the woods, love over belief, Ceaser Milan, before the connection, larger consciousness, levels of self, healing, cancer attitude, hijacking, tumors, the capstone, money, synchonicity, dreams, math, binary mind, sperm, sex, orgasm, sex addiction, sex + violence, psychics, sorcerers, craft, cancer consciosness manipulation, viruses, addiction, emitting love, memories, forgiveness, self attack, laws, perception of bad, childhood crushes, self esteem, detached sex, innocence, soul fragments, torrent analogy, soul retrieval, religion, the cross, cancer story.
2 - Phase Three
Topics: trying creates resistance, Walmart girl story, scalar reality, synchonicity, mental callous, psychic communication, NLP, Richard Banler NLP exposed, sexual deviance, dual meaning, love over ego, IM analogy, psychic mind control, guitar analogy, synchronicity, spirit through nature, cancerous consciousness, nanotechnology, microbiology, bacteria, viruses, dimensional communication, immune system, Earth's immune system, intellect, predator resonance, cat and mouse story, food chain, creative spirit, free will, Satan plays both sides, love is calm, universal language, importance of nature, life's responses, microchip, mind like clay, psychic connection, etheric subliminals, psychic manipulation, dual meaning through interaction, message from spirit, Internet disinfo, delusions, confirmation messages, animal communication, spider story, the zone, communication of the larger mind, internet corruption, nature over demons, nature's response, learning life's language, lifting the veil, apples orange pears analogy, discredit, reincarnation trick, ego is clay, pornography, teachings of Christ corrupted, learn together, Internet is poisonous, let go of what others think, orgonite, the lessons not the name, releasing guilt and shame, tests, God will spot you, misleading people, all children inside, can't argue with demons, forgiveness, spirit activation, guilt manipulation, blackmail, Ceaser Milan, I is we, babies are psychic, self forgiveness, love energy flowing, letting go of the past, confirmation through people, health food store story, collective reality, visual confirmation, love sustains, appreciation, duck story, amazement, joy of loving, spirit guidance.
3 - Another Lesson From Spirit
Topics: ego, spirit, stripper story, possesion, alters, conglameration of self, darkness, deer story, humility, equality, ego seperation.
4 - Important Teaching for Spiritual Healers
Topics: Satan's synchonicity, spontaneity, hijacking, love in secret, ritual, a mirror of love, don't plan love, love over mind, prayer.
5 - Propaganda, Parables, and Perception
More thoughts by Jonathan on religious institutions, the teachings of Christ, and learning from the Creative Spirit.
Topics: Christ, Satan, bike analogy, Christianity corruption, parables explained, metaphor, priests unqualified, indoctrination, antichrist, demons, self blame, reincarnation, hive mind, Satan is cancer, cup story, disconnected see world as math, insane reality, subliminals, porno, anarcy, chaos for order, truth movement propaganda, radio clip, discredit Christ, belief systems, revealing subliminals to people, do it in person
6 - Church Defined
Topics: organization, expression, Cchrist, anti-spirit, evangelical preachers, ego vs love, knowing God, lessons through symbolic reality, andy griffith show, enlightenment, utilized by spirit, wheelchair story, the love of God.
7 - Knowledge
What does it mean to know something? "Knowledge" is a 13-part series about what it means to learn/know/understand information
Topics: sheep, symbols, gum metaphor, inner meaning, info vs knowledge, muffin top analogy, modem analogy, extracting meaning, your own path, the know, levels of knowing, giving, adding vs repeating, programming, pattern recognition, objectification of spirit, intuition, personal conclusions, new world order, portrait of humanity, exam story, lunch ticket story, information overload, Adampants explained, early youtube videos, anarchy, experiencer vs experience, the web, worship, patience, usb analogy, private communication, adherence to truth, agents, agent uses microphone in head, psychic attack, intimidation, polarity, true gift, giving and receiving, love can't be taken, death worship, path distractions, observance, sex vs love, giving has no strings, know yourself, giver vs taker, introvert vs extrovert, reward, credibility, motivation, overcoming, self sacrifice, value of life.