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John Moore Mar 15 2013 Comets, Comets, Comets - CF
Edited by Shortwave from Streaming radio and uploaded to Concen.Org
Description by Shortwave
4.6 Earthquakes Northern California, Sun spits out two Coronal Mass Ejections, Serious Anti-Gun legislation proposed in Colorado, recall of politicians mentioned.
Scientist and Engineer Ann Morrison is here for her regular Friday visit. Ann mentions the Comet which now can be viewed is between the moon and the sun. Ann mentions a solar flare, it lasted four hours which Ann says is tremendous.
Ann mentions the Folklore surrounding the Ides of March. There are three comets that will pass by this year. The Pan-Starrs comet is explained. April 18 the F6 Comet will come into view, it passes the orbit every 11,000 years. The big one will be November 28 but it will be visible for three months, it will pass 800,000 miles of the sun.
Caller mentions an 4.9 earthquake on that 'triple-junction' in the Southern Indian Ocean.
Earthquake activity under Mt Hood in Oregon and could indicate Volcano activity, other places are mentioned that also have activity.
Because someone says something on the radio does NOT make it true. This information maybe real, partially true or it may be dis-info, you need to check out the information yourself.