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John Moore 2013.02.27 James McCanney - CF

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John Moore Feb 27 2013 James McCanney - CF

Edited by Shortwave from Streaming radio and uploaded to Concen.Org

Description by Shortwave

A caller discovers attempts to discredit James McCanney

James McCanney talks about his new book which doesn't have a title yet. Quite a few minutes go on talking about books and book publishing. 10:58 John asks about the meteor that hit in Russia recently. At 21:15 John asks about McCanney's statement about a mini solar system coming through our solar system from our South.

Phil from Texas asks about preparedness and "Wormwood" in Australia. Another caller mentions about a podcast/broadcast (made into a video) originally made June 17 2004 that is on Godlike Productions that someone is trying to pass as a new video from Feb 17 2013.

James believes the agents are doing this to discredit him. McCanney alleges that Godlike Productions is a govt sponsored site.


Because someone says something on the radio does NOT make it true. This information maybe real, partially true or it may be dis-info, you need to check out the information yourself.
