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John Moore Feb 06 2013 Fifty Nine Traitors - Commercial Free
Edited by Shortwave from Streaming radio and uploaded to Concen.Org
Description by Shortwave
8.0 earthquake strikes Santa Cruz Islands, Harsh winter in the UK and Russia.
John talks about the 59 traitors (as John calls them) for co-sponsors for an assault weapons ban.
There are two bills, one in the House and the other one in the Senate. The upcoming gun bans which John says even include .22 caliber rifles.
John talks about the militia,its structure and laws. John maintains that the 1968 Gun Control Act is the same as the Nazi gun laws.
John gives some ideas on how to keep our gun rights including political strategies and joining pro-gun rights groups such as 'Gun Owners of America', 'NRA' and even 'Jews For The Preservation of Firearms'.
At 25:46 into this broadcast, John mentions that he was talking to one of his confidential sources and mentioned trains 20 and 30 cars long of these PRISONER TRAIN CARS WITH SHACKLES and fiberglass seats. John is seeking photographs and videos of these PRISONER CARS.
Caller mentions a bill in Missouri that could nullify Federal anti-gun legislation.
Because someone says something on the radio does NOT make it true. This information maybe real, partially true or it may be dis-info, you need to check out the information yourself.