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John Moore 2012.12.20 The Connecticut Cover Up Continues - CF

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John Moore Dec 20 2012 The Connecticut Shooting Cover up Continues-CF

Edited from Streaming Audio by Shortwave and Uploaded to

Description by Shortwave:

John talks with Tim Spencer of Rural Survival. The main topic is about firearms and the 'anti gun hysteria' going on with the media and the Connecticut shooting.

Foreign Troops in the United States. Tim suggests that the powers that be want to start some kind of revolt or revolution. John agrees and has been talking about this for some time. John contends that another shooting could likely take place.

John also gives examples on how registration leads to confiscation, like it did on other countries (like the U.K. and Australia) . John explains the penalties for not registering a firearm, and how your neighbors will turn into snitches for a cash reward.

John tells a story going around that the shooter's AR 15 was found locked in the trunk. Tim mentions that the police official warned that independent bloggers can be prosecuted for talking about the shooting. John says the police official's threats are groundless and carries no weight.

Caller Jerry from Chicago mentions he heard on RBN that .223 bullets were taken from the wall of the school and yet the rifle was found in the trunk. Jerry says 2 huge black Chinook helicopters by Lake Shore Drive but yet didn't make a sound.

Allen in New Hampshire mentions he heard that the parents were not allowed to identify the bodies of their children but could only identify them through pictures. (Can anyone verify or debunk this?)

Steve in Alaska mentions he listened to the 911 audio of the shooting and they said that there are two shadows running by the gym. Steve said there is a video of the shooter being tackled by the police. Steve says that the shooter looked like the shooter that was the shooter in Norway.

John said if anyone captured this video, or any other video of the CT Shooting that was "wiped from the net". John wants a copy of it.

Unfortunately, the rest of the broadcast turned into a long infomercial for the "Energy Cleaner" so today's broadcast is only 17:26 minutes, but it is packed with great information and commentary for the 17 minutes that they did talk about the CT shooting and firearms.

Disclaimers: You need to do your own research and check out this and any other information yourself.
