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John Moore 2012.12.17 Foreign Troops & Anti-Gun Laws -CF

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John Moore Dec 17 2012 Foreign Troops and Anti-Gun Laws -CF

Edited By Shortwave from Streaming Audio and Uploaded to Concen.Org The 'embedded' commercials and announcements were edited out as well.

Description by Shortwave:

Boulder Colorado Shopping Mall had a lot of Russians, Mongols and Chinese. Russian Males looked like Football Players. Mongols and Chinese were young men of military age. Uwharrie National Forest...Montgomery North Carolina, West of I-73 and I-74 West of Fort Bragg and East of Charlotte, Russian Males in Uniform and carrying weapons.

A group of people were hiking around that area including a Military Veteran came across some Caucasian males carrying weapons speaking Russian. When the Russians saw the hikers they started to speak American and ordered the hikers to leave the area. The Russians then pointed the weapons at the hikers and told them they need to leave 'now'.

The hikers left and circled around to a higher spot and saw two United Nations military style helicopters. John contends that this could be a staging area, one of many in the United States.

John mentions that 'pre-packaged' gun control will be introduced later this week. John mentions about how the Sandy Hook Shooting is connected to the Libor banking scandal, just as the Aurora Colorado theater shooting was also connected.

(There has been some behind the scenes breaking news that goes in depth about the Libor scandal and the shootings that is now just starting to make the alternative media circles but blacked out on the mainstream media outlets.)

Caller from Colorado mentions and confirms an account that a new (railroad) spur line being put in behind the county jail. Caller goes into detailed explanation of what it looks like and what kind of fencing surrounds it. John thinks this information is important to know about and it is significant. Then caller added that he heard that hunters back in August claimed to have seen Russian Spetsnaz troops.

The caller goes on to mention that insurance companies in Missouri are starting to remove earthquake coverage from their policies. John suggests joining the Gun Owners of America and he believes that draconian gun legislation is coming.

Another caller, this time Mike from North Carolina talks about the shootings in Connecticut. Caller said he predicted that these types of shootings would happen after the elections. John mentions his FEMA source from the East Coast and a comment about getting the guns from the American People.

John compares the shooting in Connecticut to what happened in Scotland that lead to the disarming of people in U.K and eventually Australia.

John makes some dire predictions at 22:19 (which you need to hear yourself). Chris in California talks about the second amendment and anti-gun legislation and asks John what to do. John says do not register your guns, registration leads to confiscation. Stock up on ammunition.

Tom from Brooklyn finishes out the broadcast with some excellent observations and comments and that alone is worth the download of this broadcast and to be put it into the 'must listen category'.

Disclaimers;... As always, you need to do your own research and check out this and any other information yourself.

Libor scandal connection? This information is now hitting the alternative media, but blacked out on the mainstream media. Check out this very interesting post in the Cybersage Shoutbox:

Aurora and Newtown Killer's Fathers Involved in LIBOR Scandal? The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial.

The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal.

The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars.
