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John Moore Dec 07 2012 Ann Morrison (Events and Changes) - CF
Edited by Shortwave and Uploaded @ Concen.Org
On today's show John welcomes guest Ann Morrison from
Description by Shortwave
Scientist and Engineer Ann Morrison visits every Friday
December 7th is the anniversary of Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. John mentions that President Roosevelt's Grand Daughter acknowledged that The President knew about the Japanese attack in advance. Typhoon in Philippines, Tornado hits New Zealand. 7.3 earthquake hits Japan near where the other one hit in the Ocean and along the same fault line.
Ann describes the effects of the radiation from Fukushima are afflicting the people from the area. Caller John from Tennessee and gives some behind the scenes information about what really happened in Pearl Harbor.
CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) was to start Friday Night (Dec 7). Ann goes explains about UV and sunspots. Caller asks about the spent fuel pool in reactor 4 at Fukushima and the recent earthquake.
Ann gives updated information about what is happening with the Mississippi River.
Ann mentions about stagnant water and spore and amoeba's and how to protect yourself against it.
Caller mentions that after an earthquake, don't drink the water. Caller said that after the 'Northridge' quake in California happened, the people got "Valley Fever".