Hey All,
It’s been a while since I’ve been on consistently.
Back in like 2005 or so (I can’t remember exactly) I put together a The Joe Blow Show full series that I seeded for a long time.
I have since lost those episodes due to computer malfunction and would like to request for someone to upload them back up if possible. I will seed as long as people download after I do so myself.
Obviously, it’s a shot in the dark but maybe “Joe Blow” himself might have them? I met and talked to him through ConCen so please let me know either way.
I appreciate it and have a good weekend.
Hello. I searched a few places and couldn't find the whole archive. Sometimes there are people who show up on Soulseek with Joe Blow Shows, however. I found at least one person who had some of the stuff. Soulseek is a peer to peer: https://www.slsknet.org/news/
It looked like one of the .torrent files shared there mentioned that it had previously been uploaded to Demonoid as well...
I appreciate the help!
I tried reaching out to Joe himself but didn’t have any luck.
I hope he is doing well and if you see this Joe, please reach out.
Again, thank you TheCorsair00