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Jews 2 History They Dont Teach You In School-Jewish Bolshevism & Books

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This mini-doc. provides the names of the jews who were behind the Bolshevik/Jewish revolution, which took control of Russia prior to the World Wars. This is a good example (just one of many) of how the Jewish controlled politics and media, can easily influence a person in believing in something totally fictitious, as if it was real – that is ‘that the Bolsheviks were not jews’. BY lying and omitting/concealing the fact that the Bolsheviks were Jews, the media has effectively ‘mind controlled’ the majority of the people in not associating these handful of Jews with any of the ruthless / evil / murderous acts that they have carried out. This is normal/standard tactic used by the Jews in partially controlling one’s thoughts.

btw, don't get fooled or misleading by the Jewish lying media, in believing that the Russian Revolution was associated with 'the peasants getting angry with the Tsar', which is just another one of the many Jewish lies.

The attached books / articles are PRICELESS in confirming not only that Bolshevism is Jewish, but provide many other facts. I have attached the OCR converted to doc & txt the original pdfs, and deleted some of the footnotes and photos or tables, for those who wish to listen to the books as opposed to reading them. They are not 100%, but very close. Not only do these book reveal the names of the Jews, but they contain a lot of other information regarding what the Jews have done to non-Jews throughout history.

Following are some interesting quotes:
'Bolshevism is a Jewish conception based on the teachings of Karl Marx and other revolutionary Socialists.' – the previous documentary i u/l tried to lay blame on other sources. This is just one good example of how the jews attempt to maintain their impression of innocence – i.e. blame a gentel.

'It (Bolshevism) is characterised by destruction and chaos, and imposes its will and maintains its power by terrorism and murder.'

'Bolshevism and Zionism are but means to an end—weapons in the fight by a Jewish World Power for suprem¬acy in politics, economics and religion—that is, the fight for Jewish Nationalism, posing as Internationalism, against Gentile Nationalism.'

The British Government published a White Paper (Russia No. 1, April, 1919) in which was contained a report from M. Oudendyk, the Netherlands Minister at St. Petersburg, who was watching British interests during the Bolshevik Revolution. M. Oudendyk states :

"I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the War which is still raging, and unless as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread, in one form or another, over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."

'Bolshevism was enforced in Russia by means of confiscation, terrorism and murder on a scale of unprecedented magnitude.'

‘The " Terror " has become a permanent institution by which the Bolshevik (Jewish) Government maintains its tyrannical power over the enslaved millions of Russia and pursues its war on religion.’

I wonder how many of you knew about this law.
as I have often stated, these jews are ruthless terrorists, who should be locked up and the key thrown away, or sent off this planet.

'Among the best-known Jews of the Soviet Government were Sverdlov, Trotsky, Kamenev, Sokolnikoff, Uritsky, LitvinofF, Zinoviev, Radek and Kaganovitch. Stalin’s wife is a Jewess.'

‘In the German Marxist Revolutions of 1918, the Jews were the directors and strategists ; the Soviet Republic of Munich was led by the Jews Liebknecht, Luxembourg and Eisner; the German Cabinet was dominated by the Jews Haase and Landaberg, assisted by the Jews Kautski, Alzech, Kohn and Heitzfeld, with the Jews Sehiffer and Bernstein in charge of Finance, and the Jews Preuss and Freund occupying the Secretariat of the Interior. In Prussia, the Ministry of Justice was all Jewish, headed by Rosenfeld; the Interior and Finance Ministries were held respectively by the Jews Hirsch and Simm. In Saxonv, the leading lights of the Government were the Jews Lipinski and Schwartz; in Wurttemberg, the Jews Talheitner and Heimann; in Hesse, the Jew Fulda, The Jew Kurt Eisner boasted that he and ten other Jews had made the revolution; Lowenberg, Rosenfeld, Wollheim, Rothschild, Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birenbauim, Reis and Kaiser. The chiefs of Police of Berlin, Frankfort, Munich and Essen, and the heads of most of the Soldiers’ and Workmen’s Councils were jews.
That is why Hitler cleanses Germany of Jews; but you cannot learn that from our Jew-controlled Press.’

‘The Hungarian Bolshevik Revolution, too, was Jewish.’



‘he and other Jews sent from Russia instigated the outrages that made the great patriot General Franco take up arms to save his country’s civilisation.’

‘Hitler, in his speech on 14th September, 1937, said:—“ The great Russian Empire fell a victim to a handful of Jews who in Spain are directing the civil war through the Valencia Government usurpers.” Red Spain has been armed by international Jewry, and even the International Brigade Command has been Jewish, General Kleber’s real name being Lazar Fekete-Schwartz. A very large proportion of the Brigade itself is Jewish, and the American’

” Finally, the reason why the British reader is hardly ever able to hear a good word about Franco, and why he hears nothing of the Bolshevik bestiality of the Jewish Reds, is itself Jewish ; the Jews govern the Press, the ships that Franco bombs are chiefly Jewish, not British, and even our Consuls in Franco’s Spain are Jewish as the names connected with the Consular Bag affair indicate.’

‘It never occurs to him that there might have been a hidden force which caused a certain turn of events. But it was there, nevertheless; it has been there since the beginning of history. You know what that force is: the Jew."
"Yes, certainly," I replied, "but to prove it, to prove it! For the last fifty or hundred years, so far as I'm concerned, it's been obvious; indeed, a good deal further back, perhaps even in pre-Christian times. . . ."
"My dear fellow," he replied to me, "we can read in Strabo1 that already in his time, shortly after the birth of Christ, there was hardly a place to be found on the whole earth which was not then dominated by the Jews; dominated, he writes, not merely inhabited.’

‘In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude.’
‘But the Jew fundamentally and completely lacks these. He hasn't the remotest idea of classifying himself with the rest of humanity. His aim is to dominate others in order to extort from them at his leisure.’

‘Giordano Bruno called the Jews 'such a pestilential, leprous, and publicly dangerous race that they deserved to be rooted out and destroyed even before their birth.' This genial philosopher was burned at the stake.’

‘Bolshevism is Jewish. Its object is to gain world control for Jews, through the combined and allied forces of Jewish Finance and Jewish Marxism. In Russia, revenge has been the moving factor.’
This is just a small sample of some of the information contained in these excellent books. Much more priceless information can be found in these books/articles. These Jews are certainly going down the path of attempting to control the world (as per the Protocols of Zion).

If one wishes to begin to learn (just touching the tip of the iceberg), on how mind control works and how effective it is, view everything that I have uploaded and will upload. As I stated previously, the most powerful forms of mind control that I can think of are:
Omit/conceal the truth
Promoting jewish lies

Over these recent years I have become observant of another mind control tactic that the jews use, which falls under the category of ‘Jewish lies’, and that is that the jews often blame others of bad/criminal acts/behaviours/thoughts whilst in actual fact, they are the ones that are guilty of their accusations. For example, accusing Iraq of having WMDs under a building, whilst the reality is that Israel has WMDs under one of their
buildings. Another example, accusing people of being haters (as some jews on this forum have accused me of), whilst in reality the biggest hatters of them all are the jews who follow the Talmud (as I have explained below).

If you find this information important, please email/send to everyone you know.

2 more quotes for today:
‘ "A few hours spent browsing in the Talmud," I proceeded, "is quite sufficient to remove any doubt about the Jews. It's understandable that they have only the most inordinate praise for the book. When they peep into it their own peculiar nature peers back out at them. And that, of course, is the greatest source of joy for them. Thus, every Jew is in essence a Talmudist, even if he has never looked at the Talmud. It makes no difference when it was written; in fact, it needn't have been written at all.’

"The most abominable perversity and the most tedious syllable-thrashing in the same breath. What goes on inside Jewish heads must really be frightful."
"They," I returned, "are of a contrary opinion on that. Otherwise their mirror image, the Talmud, wouldn't inform us that 'the Israelites are more pleasing before God than the angels,' or that 'the world was created on behalf of the Israelites alone,' or that 'whoever slaps a Jew in the face has struck God himself,' or that 'the sun illuminates the earth and the rain makes it fertile only because Israelites live on it,' and more of the same sort of modesty."
"I really doubt that there is any medical encyclopedia which contains terms suitable for describing the Jewish megalomania," he said. "But what an incredible talent they have for disguising it!"
"Their book Sirach," I completed, "howls: 'Terrify all peoples; lift your hand up against strangers, that they may see your power. The fire of wrath must burn them. Crush the heads of the princes, who are our enemies!' And the Schulchan Aruch rages: 'Pour out, oh Lord, your fury over the goyim, who do not know you, and over the kingdoms which do not invoke your name. Pursue them in wrath and extinguish them beneath God's heaven!'78 They make the same threat in both places, with the distinction that the Schulchan Aruch emphasizes that all must be exterminated who do not swear on Jehova."

Israel - a location on earth where some of the most ruthless & hard core criminals call home.

A word worth learning:'Megaphone' - 2 Greek words 'mega' = big, 'phone' = voice/sound.
The name given to the Israeli/jewish program that provides money to mega-malakes (ie Israelis/jews) to search the net for information/posts/comments that are critical and not acceptable to Israel/jews. When such information is found, an 'instant message' is sent out to all other mega-malakes on the program, and the Israelis/jews then attack that site. It is in essence 'INTERNET TERRORISM'.

WORD OF THE YEAR: 'Sayanim' - Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.

WORD OF THE DECADE: GOYIM. 'Jews think any 'non-Jew' is less than human'. Their word for a 'non-human' is Goyim (similar to cattle)

This is why we have so much trouble and wars on earth. Because these handful of mentally fucked criminals, believe that they are better than other humans, which then encourages them to LIE & CHEAT & STEAL & KILL other non-jews, without any feelings of guilt or remorse. Ironically, in having that fucked up belief and associated behaviour/actions, the Jews show themselves to be barbaric/ non-human (ie the jew is the real Goyim). QED. You have to love the irony. This is a common trait of the jew.

Judaism = a religion of self worship.

and remember: ALL RAW DATA collected by the NSA, is given to Israel.

a must watch - Talmud and its darkside of secrets -