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Course title: Palestine, Zionism, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Professor James Gelvin
The Teaching Company
This course is no longer offered from the Teaching Company and when I
spoke to a customer service rep, she said that it was because the topic
was a bit more controversial than the company was willing to associate
their name with.
There are 24 30-minute lectures."
I have listened to some of the lectures already, and I can confirm that
it is indeed TTC. I have converted mine to MP3 files, thus some of you
may be unable to help seeding here though...! Given that English is not
my mothertongue I have some problems getting the title of lecture #13
(the rest of them should be fine). Thus, here is my attempt to rename
the files in case you want it more organized:
01 - The Land and Its Lure
02 - Ottoman Background
03 - Palestine in the 19th Century
04 - European Jewry in the 19th Century
05 - Theodore Herzel and the Zionist Movement
06 - First Attempts at Jewish Colonization
07 - The Changing Face of Zionist Colonization
08 - World War I and the Middle East
09 - Palestine Under the Mandate
10 - Origins of Palestinian Nationalism
11 - Evolution of Palestinian Nationalism
12 - The Iconography of Zionism
13 - From the Great Revolt to VE Day and Beyond
14 - The 1948 War
15 - Results of the 1948 War
16 - The Experience of Exile
17 - Decades of Entrenchment
18 - The 1967 War and Its Diplomatic Effects
19 - Problem of the Conquered Territories
20 - Palestine Liberation Organization
21 - America and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
22 - The Intifada
23 - Rise and Fall of the Oslo Accord
24 - The Hundred Years War in Retrospect
Palestine comprises the territory that lies between the Mediterranean Sea (on the west),
Lebanon (in the north), the Gulf of Aqaba and the Sinai Peninsula (on the south) and the Jordan
River (on the east)--un1ess you are a Revisionist Zionist or a member of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, in which case Palestine includes present-day Jordan. Although it
covers a small geographic area and includes a relatively small population (compare present-day
Israel's 6 million citizens with Egypt's 65 million), the dispute between the two rival sets of
nationalisms which claim the sole right to control this territory has remained at the forefront of
international attention for more than half a century. This course will examine the origins of the
Arab-Israeli dispute from the mid-nineteenth century through the founding of the state of Israel
and expulsion/flight of three quarters of a million Palestinians from their homes. Among the
topics to be examined: the social history of Palestine up to Zionist colonization, the origins of
Zionism and Palestinian nationalism, varieties of Zionism, Zionism and colonialism, seminal
events and their consequent symbolic connotations (the 1936 "Great Revolt," the 1948 nakba
[disaster]) and creation of the state of Israel, the construction of a national consensus in Israel,
1967 and its aftermath, the intifada, and the redefinition of the conflict as a result of Oslo, the
second intifada, the security fence, HAMAS, Hizbollah and the Lebanon War.